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Ancient Rome (from 753 BC to 476 AD) and Ancient Greece (from roughly 1700 to 146 BC)

Ancient Greece and Rome (Classical Antiquity) were the source of many modern principles, such as democracy, drama, Mathematics and civil engineering. They have also contributed greatly to the development of government, law, war, art, literature, architecture, technology, religion, and language in the Western World, and its history continues to have a major influence on the world today.

Ancient Egypt (roughly 3100 BC to 395 AD)

The Ancient Egyptians had an advanced understanding of science, medicine, astronomy and architecture, as well as excellent craftsmanship. The many achievements of the ancient Egyptians include surveying and construction techniques that facilitated the building of monumental pyramids, temples, and obelisks; a system of mathematics, irrigation systems and agricultural production techniques, the first known ships, new forms of literature, and the earliest known peace treaty.

The Renaissance (15th to 16th century)

As a cultural movement, it encompassed a resurgence of learning based on classical sources, the development of linear perspective in painting, and gradual but widespread educational reform. It is perhaps best known for its artistic developments and the contributions of such polymaths as Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo, who inspired the term Renaissance Men.

The 1960s
The 1960s were directly responsible for social unrest and peace movements in the United States. The 1960s also saw important developments in music, art and literature and the role of young people in society. Events during this period included the building of the Berlin Wall, the Space Race, the African American Civil Rights Movement and the Vietnam War.

Middle Ages or Medieval Times (between the end of the Roman Empire and the Renaissance)

In the Middle Ages much of the knowledge and expertise from previous periods was lost during years of war, religious crusades and civil unrest. Later in the period, the establishment of the feudal system allowed a return to systemic agriculture. Outstanding achievement in this period includes the philosophy of Thomas Aquinas, the poetry of Dante and Chaucer, and the architecture of many great cathedrals such as Notre Dame de Paris.


The term "prehistory" is used to refer to the period of time since human-like beings appeared on Earth. The three-age system is the periodisation of human prehistory into three consecutive time periods, named for their respective predominant tool-making technologies; the Stone Age, Bronze Age, and Iron Age. Prehistory laid the foundations of civilisation in terms of social organisation, farming and developments in craftsmanship.

What do you know about the Roman Society?

Upper Classes

Senatorial Class Equestrian Class

Commons (Plebs) Latins Foreigners Freed People Slaves

Lower Classes:

What do you know about the Roman Army?

The legionary was a professional soldier. They had to be under the age of 45 and enlisted in a for twenty-five years of service. Discipline was important and infractions were heavily punished. A centurion was a professional officer who commanded 83 men despite the commonly assumed 100, but senior centurions took senior staff.

What do you know about Mark Antony?

Mark Antony was a Roman politician and general. He was an important supporter of Julius Caesar as a military commander and administrator. He and his lover Cleopatra committed suicide. His career and defeat are significant in Rome's transformation from Republic to Empire.

What do you know about Julius Caesar?

Gaius Julius Caesar was a Roman general and statesman. He played a critical role in the gradual transformation of the Roman Republic into the Roman Empire. Caesar's conquest of Gaul extended Rome's territory to the North Sea, and in 55 BC he conducted the first Roman invasion of Britain.

What do you know about the Gauls?

The Gauls were a Celtic people living in Gaul, the region roughly corresponding to what is now France, Belgium, Switzerland and North Italy. Gaulish society was dominated by the druid priestly class.

What do you know about the Tribune of Plebs?

Tribune was a title shared by elected officials in the Roman Republic. They had the power to veto actions taken by magistrates, and specifically to intervene legally on behalf of plebeians. The tribune could also summon the Senate and lay proposals before it.

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