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Basic Human Aspirations

HVPE 101

Basic Human Aspirations

We desire for many things in this world, say materialistic needs, respect, recognition, love, trust etc, but in the form of all these we aspire for true and continuous happiness and prosperity. Happiness: To be in a state of liking is happiness. To be in a state of harmony is happiness. Prosperity: Feeling of having more than required physical facility. For prosperity two things are required 1. Identification of the quantity required for physical needs & 2. Ensuring availability / production

HVPE 101


HVPE 101

Flow and Happiness

Flow is a mental state of operation in which the person is fully immersed in what he or she is doing, characterized by a feeling of energized focus, full involvement and success in the process of activity. Feeling of flow directly contributes to ones happiness in daily living. Various elements involved in achieving flow are: Clear goals Concentrating and focused Loss of feeling of self consciousness Time restrictions Direct and immediate feedback Activity is essentially rewarding A sense of personal control over the situation

HVPE 101

Prosperity is the state of flourishing, thriving success, or good fortune. Prosperity often includes not only wealth but also other factors such as happiness and health. Prosperity is related to material things/physical facilities. When we are able to cater to the needs of the body adequately, we feel prosperous. Thus prosperity is the feeling of adequacy or abundance of physical facilities.

HVPE 101

Difference in Wealth & Prosperity

Wealth is a physical thing. It is measured in terms of materialistic possessions one is having. & Prosperity is the feeling of having more than required. Feeling of adequacy or abundance with that wealth. We mostly fail to make the difference today. We keep working for wealth without realizing that the basic desire is for the feeling of prosperity. Think and answer????? Accumulating more and more wealth while feeling deprived Or Having requisite wealth and feeling prosperous.

HVPE 101

Understanding our needs.

Wealth is just a means to reach there our ultimate basic desire is to feel prosperous. Else it is like trying to fill water in a glass which has no bottom. So important for us is to understand our needs else no matter how much we have, it is always less and we feel deprived.

HVPE 101

Basic requirement for fulfillment of human aspiration

1. Right


Is needed in myself. I need to study myself, the human being, & the entire existence of which I am a part

2. Relationship

3. Physical Facility

Mutual Happiness
We are in relation ship with people, other human being

Mutual Prosperity
The things we use, come from what we call as nature

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Basis of Interpersonal Relations

Understanding Transparency Respect Reciprocity Responsibility and ethics

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1. Those people who dont have physical facilities/wealth and feel unhappy and deprived Such person can said to be materially deficient, unhappy and deprived Or Sadhan Viheen Dukhi Daridra (SVDD) 2. Those that have physical facilities/wealth and feel unhappy and deprived! Or Sadhan Sampan Dukhi Daridra(SSDD) 3. Those having physical facilities and feeling happy and prosperous Or Sadhan Sampan Sukhi Samridh (SSSS)

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Happiness Current Scenarios

Human conflict with oneself (What we want to be and what we are) Depression (WHO predicts that depression will be the second leading cause of our disability by 2020) Increasing Stress and health problems Anxiety and Insecurity Breakdown of family life and relations Growing corruption, adulteration and Sex crimes (73 lakh crores which is 27% more than Indias GDP(Gross domestic product)

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Build 2.4 crore primary health centres or 24.1 lakh KVs Construct roads to the length of 17 times of India/s perimeter Clean up 50 maojr rivers for next 121 years Construct 14.6 crore low cost houses Set up 2000 coal power plants Supply 12 lakh cfl bulbs to light each village Hand out 60 crore nanos and give out a lakh each to 40 crore indians below poverty line. Global warming and weather imbalance due to depletion of resources

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Environmental risks of future

Environmental Degradation Depletion of resources Deforestation Declining petroleum Declining coal Declining minerals Soil erosion due to over use of fertilizers Poverty at global level Conflict in societies and Nations Crime and drug addictions

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Energy Crisis
Industrialization and urbanization Growing population and energy intensive living styles Waves of liberalization and globalization Decline in petroleum production

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List Of Wants: Underline physical things

A big car Happiness A great House Lot of Money Respect Good friends A nice music system Peace of mind Do social work Satisfaction Be loved Take care of my parent A good laptop Not get angry Knowledge Become a politician Have a great food Get good marks A good bike Understanding the purpose of life Be healthy Protect nature

HVPE 101


For animals Physical facilities are necessary and complete

For humans Physical facilities are necessary but not complete

HVPE 101


Methods of full filling Basic human aspirations

Understanding different levels of living Living with oneself Living with family Living with society Living in nature or existence Living with oneself Whatever we receive from others, it passes through our internal mental filters and affects our way of living, thinking and perceiving the world. This inner world coexists with our body and sometimes we call them as a BODY MIND MECHANISM (conscious and unconscious learning affects our behavior and actions) Planning, thinking, reading , experiences, fulfilling needs, need for social security, and social status. Then we have intellect, emotions that guides our behavior which is all linked with our inner world and our self with which we are living.

HVPE 101


Living with family: All of us live in family consisting of Parents. Grandparents, brothers, sisters, spouse, siblings. Other category: Classmates, friends, teachers Living in society: This society is extension of larger group of people and for food, shelter, clothing, health, education, love, justice etc. As we understand our relation with ourselves, we can understand our relations with family and society at large. Living in Nature: It is consisted of our planet earth which is surrounded by a larger system of planetary bodies like sun and others. On earth we find forests, plants, animals etc and this eco-system also called nature.

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Self Knowledge is Authentic Source of HAPPINESS


HVPE 101

Positive Attitude
positive attitude creates the difference and : Provides more energy that is usually depleted with negative thoughts Leads towards more happiness and harmony in daily living. Gives self confidence and builds inner strength along with higher level of energy. Positive attitude helps to retain reaction free consciousness. Constructive and creative thinking and looking at the solution to problems.

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How to develop positive attitude

Choose to be happy Take responsibility for developing positive attitude Read inspiring stories and quotes Master your thoughts. Visualize what you want to become Be yourself(focus on your strengths)

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