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Process to create understanding in the mind of

another Bridge of meaning Systematic and continuous process of telling, listening and understanding. Process of passing information, idea and understanding from one person to another.

Why Study Communication?

The Only Completely Portable Skill You will use it in every relationship You will need it regardless of your career path The Information Age The history of civilization is the history of information Language and written documents facilitate the transfer of information and knowledge through time and space

Why Study Communication?

Your Quality of Life Depends Primarily on Your

Communication Skills You Cannot Be Too Good at Communication People Overestimate Their Own Communication Skills

Business Communication
Studies have found that people spend 70 to 85 percent

of their work time deliberately communicating through writing, reading, speaking, and listening. Communication is the lifeblood of any organization. In an organization, people communicate in many ways.

The Communication Process

The communication process includes: sender or

encoder, receiver or decoder, message, channel or medium, feedback, and environment.

The Communication Process

Communication requires a
Sender produces the thought or idea to

be transmitted
Receiver receives the transmitted

thought or idea

The Communication Process



One Way Communication


Message sent no response

Examples of One-Way Communication

Dropping a message to your boss to say you wont be at

work, youre sick Sending your Grandma letter Leaving a note on the teachers desk

The Communication Process



Two Way Communication



Message sent response happens

Examples of Two-Way Communication

Your boss calls back to tell you that you have no more

sick leave this lifetime Calling Grandma instead Stopping by the teachers desk to talk

The Communication Process

Sender or Encoder
The sender initiates a communication-and determines the

intent of the message, how to send it, and what if any response is required. The sender bears the burden in this process, communicating not only the content of the message, but information about history and attitude toward the receivers as well.


The Communication Process

Receiver or Decoder
Receivers comprise the target audience of a message

transmitted by the sender. The message the sender encodes may not be the message received. Receivers interpret messages based upon their frame of reference: includes their life experiences, their cultural background, and the values and beliefs they hold. Feedback may help to prevent misunderstandings.

The Communication Process

Contains ideas expressed to other individuals Messages generally take one or more of the following

forms: informative, persuasive, etc.


The Communication Process

Channel or Medium The channel conveys the message to the receiver, either verbally and face-to-face, or in another mediated fashion. The medium can impact the message positively or negatively, so the sender must choose the best medium for assuring effective communication.


The Communication Process

Reports back to the sender that the receiver, the decoder,

received and understood the message. Feedback makes communication a two-way process, allowing the sender to become a receiver and vice versa.


The Communication Process

Environment The environment in which the communication process occurs may influence the probability of success or failure This environment includes room color, temperature, lighting, furniture, and timing, as well as organizational climate and superior-subordinate and peer relationships.


Noise can be interfere with every aspect of the communication process. Noise may be external or internal External Noise: comes from you surroundings
Phone line crackling with static A telephone ringing or a co-worker laughing in a

cubical next to you

Internal noise: comes from within

Such factors as dislike of your receiver Distraction by another problem Prejudice against a person

Causes of Miscommunication
Inferences Word-meaning confusion

Differing perceptions
Information overload and timing Nonverbal messages

Listening Intercultural differences

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