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By Christopher J.


When building the foundations for a company, ethics

play a huge role in BOTH

Where the company will go. How it plans to get there.

When building the business, one must use an effective blend of strategy and ethics. Both are equally important.
Strategy -Focus purely on economics, profits. -Easy to ignore moral aspects of decisions. Ethics -Focus purely on doing right thing. -See everything as right or wrong (black or white).
(Elms et. al., 2010)

Frame of Decisions
When dealing with decisions, the frame it is brought

to them in could determine choice made.

If presented in moral frame, makes it easier to do the

right thing.
If presented in managerial frame, right choice

tougher to recognize.
(Awasthi, 2008)

Taking Business Ethics Classes

The more educated individuals are, the better they will

be able to recognize ethical issues that they come in contact with.

Classes teach following ideals: Teach ethical theories and stress remembering your stakeholders. Teaches that good ethics is good business. Teaches making ethical choices, even if it isnt the most profitable choice.
(Aswasthi, 2008)

Providing Ethical Training

Creates appreciation knowing management stresses

Employees will carry taught ethics into the

performances of their job.

This will provide for a proficient and pleasant working

(Valentine, 2009)

Monitoring Management
Triple Bottom Line Measures effectiveness of businesses by 3 criteria:

Satisfying stockholders profit. Satisfying employees and community. Responsibility to the planet. (Briginshaw, 2009)

Conduct Employee Surveys


(Vo, 2008)

Companys ethics have a huge impact on where

company goes.
Companies doing things the right way are rewarded in

the long run.

Companies trying to cut corners and perform

unethically will be recognized for what they are. Inevitably, they will usually fail.

Awasthi, V. N., (2008, March). Managerial decision-making on moral issues and the effect of teaching ethics. Journal of Business Ethics, 78(1-2), 207-223, (doi:10.1007/s10551-006- 9328-6). Retrieved from ABI Inform database. Briginshaw, J. (2009, Fall). Addressing possible conflicts of ethical management. Interbeing, 3(2), 1-4. Retrieved from ABI Inform database. Elms, H., Brammer, S., Harris, J. D., & Phillips, R. A. (2010, July). New directions in strategic management and business ethics. Business Ethics Quarterly, 20(3), 401-425. Retrieved from Business Source Premier database. Valentine, S. (2009, Summer). Ethics training, ethical context, and sales and marketing professionals satisfaction with supervisors and coworkers. Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management, 29(3), 227-242. Retrieved from Business Source Premier database. Vo, T. T. (2008, Fall). Rating management behavior and ethics: a proposal to upgrade the corporate governance rating criteria. Journal of Corporation Law, 34,(1), 1-41. Retrieved from Business Source Premier database.

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