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Project: Dynamical Application of Laplace Transform In Automatic Control Mechanisms

Introduction: In this project we concentrate only on second order equations because they have very important applications in mechanics like free oscillation (Mass- Spring system) also in electric circuit theory like RLC LC etc. Even Euler Cauchy equation also reduces to the second order differential equation with constant co efficient by using some standard techniques. In usual method we solve differential equation in general solution. Then by using initial value we find arbitrary constant. But using Laplace transform we can find solution of initial value problem directly without finding arbitrary constant.
Dr. A.B.Patel, Deparment of Mathematics, LDCE Ahmedabad

Historical Note: Great mathematicians like Euler, Bernoulli, Cauchy and Joseph Louis Lagrange played an important role in the solutions of several differential equations. But French mathematician Pierre Simon Marquis De Laplace (1749-1827) a professor in Paris developed the theory of potential. He made important contributions to celestial mechanic. After a century later Oliven Heaviside (1850-1925) developed the powerful practical Laplace transform techniques. Some time this is called Heaviside calculus.

Dr. A.B.Patel, Deparment of Mathematics, LDCE Ahmedabad

Review of related literature:

For this project we referred several book like Advance Engineering Mathematics by Erwin Kreyszig, Higher Engineering Mathematics by N.P. Bali and Laplace Transformation by Thomson.

Dr. A.B.Patel, Deparment of Mathematics, LDCE Ahmedabad

Laplace Transforms : Definition : Let f(t) be a function of t for all positive values of t. Then the Laplace transform of f(t), denoted by L{f(t)}, is defined by L { f(t) } = e s t f(t) dt = f (s) 0 provided that the integral exists. s is a parameter which may be a real or complex number.

Dr. A.B.Patel, Deparment of Mathematics, LDCE Ahmedabad

L{f(t)} being clearly a function of s & is briefly written as f (s) i.e. L { f(t) } = f (s) = F(s) Which can be also written as f (t) = L-1 {f (s)}

Then f(t) is called the inverse Laplace transform of f (s)

and L is Laplace transform operator.

Dr. A.B.Patel, Deparment of Mathematics, LDCE Ahmedabad

Existence of Laplace transform:

If f is piecewise continuous on the interval 0 t P for any positive P and I f(t) I keat when t M, in this inequality k, a and M are real positive constants, k and M necessarily Positive. Then the Laplace transform L(f(t)) = F(s) exists for s > a.

Dr. A.B.Patel, Deparment of Mathematics, LDCE Ahmedabad

Linearity of Laplace Transform: L{af(t) + b(g(t)} = aL{f(t)} + bL{g(t)} First shifting property :- If L { f(t) } = f (s) then L { eat f(t) } = f (s a) Laplace transform of derivative of any order n: Let y(t) and its derivative y(t),y(t),,yn(t) be continuous function for all t 0 satisfy the existence conditions on every finite interval in the (0,P) Where P is any positive real number then the Laplace transform of yn(t) exists when s > a and is given by L (yn(t)) = sn L(y(t)) sn-1 y(0) sn-2 y(0) yn-1(0)
Dr. A.B.Patel, Deparment of Mathematics, LDCE Ahmedabad

Some Standard Formula

L e at t n

| n 1 s a n1

L e at cos bt

s a 2 b 2


L e at sinbt

s a 2 b 2
sa s a 2 b 2

L e at cosh bt

L e sinh bt

s a 2 b 2

Dr. A.B.Patel, Deparment of Mathematics, LDCE Ahmedabad

Some mechanical systems can be idealized in terms of linear spring, dashpots and masses.
By studying various dynamical conditions one can get more information about this. Such problems involve only ordinary differential equations with constant coefficients for which subsidiary equations are rational algebraic function

Dr. A.B.Patel, Deparment of Mathematics, LDCE Ahmedabad

Automatic control Mechanism: In this section we shall describe two automatic regulatory devices and investigate their dynamical behavior due to sudden change in load.

Dr. A.B.Patel, Deparment of Mathematics, LDCE Ahmedabad

Y Pressure operated control valve (a)

Dr. A.B.Patel, Deparment of Mathematics, LDCE Ahmedabad

Fig (a) shows the essential parts of a pressure operated control valve.

There is a sudden change in pressure.

The pressure is increase in the form of a unit step function. Hence the differential equation of motion of the valve becomes my + c y + ky = Pu(t) ______(1)

Where, m: the effective mass of the valve c : The damping constant ( assume to be viscous) k: the sprig stiffness
Dr. A.B.Patel, Deparment of Mathematics, LDCE Ahmedabad

for initial condition y(0) = y(0) = 0 Apply Laplace transform on (1)

Dr. A.B.Patel, Deparment of Mathematics, LDCE Ahmedabad

Apply inverse Laplace on (2) Y(t) =

Dr. A.B.Patel, Deparment of Mathematics, LDCE Ahmedabad

Y(t) =

Since and are conjugate complex quantities above step can be written as Y(t) =

Y(t) =

Dr. A.B.Patel, Deparment of Mathematics, LDCE Ahmedabad

y(t) =

You can change value of constants to see effect of them in graph in Excel file Hyperlinked here.
9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 x(t) p/k

0 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23

Graph indicate that the motion is a damped oscillation about its final Dr. A.B.Patel, Deparment of Mathematics, LDCE Ahmedabad position

Hydraulic device used in automatic control mechanism


Fig(b) Shows a hydraulic device sometime used in automatic control mechanisms.

The cylinder is movable in the horizontal direction and completely filled with oil.

The valve v restricts the passage of fluid.

If the piston is given a sudden displacement, the cylinder must follow, since the valve cannot allow any appreciable flow in an infinitesimal time. However, since the oil flows through this valve, the spring under compression will gradually allow the cylinder to return to its original position, the rate of this motion being determined by the valve opening.

Dr. A.B.Patel, Deparment of Mathematics, LDCE Ahmedabad

Assuming that the piston is suddenly displaced an amount yo

Assuming that the piston is suddenly displaced an amount yo and held in this position, the differential equation of motion of the cylinder becomes
With the initial conditions y(0)= y0 , In this equation p is the fluid pressure to the right of the piston (pressure in the left chamber is taken to be zero), and A the piston area. The motion of the cylinder from its initial position y0 is due to flow through the valve V, and we have the equations Volume flowing through V = A(y0 y) Rate of flow through V = - A

Since this rate of flow is proportional to the pressure, we can write cp = - A , where c is a constant of proportionality. Substituting value of p in the differential equation give

If we take

equation (2) becomes

Apply Laplace transform on (3) we get

Dr. A.B.Patel, Deparment of Mathematics, LDCE Ahmedabad

The roots of the denominator

Where is greater than 1. Apply inverse Laplace we get

Dr. A.B.Patel, Deparment of Mathematics, LDCE Ahmedabad

Dr. A.B.Patel, Deparment of Mathematics, LDCE Ahmedabad

You can change value of constants to see effect of them in graph in Excel file Hyperlinked here.

16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 y(t)

The graph of final equation indicates that the motion of the cylinder if that of exponential decay with determining its rate. Dr. A.B.Patel, Deparment of Mathematics, LDCE

Conclusion: By working on above two project it is found that the Laplace method is easy; and fast than usual methods.

Without finding arbitrary constant we can find solution of B.V.P.

Therefore it is an important application of this transform. Moreover whenever function like unit step and Dirac delta appears in differential equation Laplace method is best to solve that equations.
Dr. A.B.Patel, Deparment of Mathematics, LDCE Ahmedabad

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