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Brain lateralization - vision & sensory/motor systems - that why we learn pathways

- language - well learn here

- Split Brains

Cerebral lateralization Left -serial -language Right - parallel - faces/ patterns - emotional stuff - music - spatial ability

Language in the Brain Learn about language? Lesion studies Tan - famous patient Brocas Aphasia - slow labored speech - not fluent - little/no language production - some sing/hum familiar tunes - use nouns & verbs (essential meaning) - no conjuctions, prepositions, pronouns ( grammar) The general commands the army. No ifs ands or buts.

Language in the Brain

Brocas Aphasia

Agrammatism Anomia Articulation

Language in the Brain Wernickes Aphasia - receptive deficit

Pure word deafness - fail to recognize word (?) recognize emotion, source Transcortical Sensory Aphasia - language loses meaning - can still repeat - damage - posterior language area
Conduction Aphasia - good comprehension, production - poor repetition - damage - arcuate fasciculus

Language in the Brain Wernickes Aphasia - receptive deficit

Pure word deafness - fail to recognize word (?) recognize emotion, source Transcortical Sensory Aphasia - language loses meaning - can still repeat - damage - posterior language area
Conduction Aphasia - good comprehension, production - poor repetition - damage - arcuate fasciculus



fluent nonfluent fluent

Comp Repet Naming

poor poor poor good poor? good good poor good poor good poor

Wernickes STG Brocas frontal

Conduction Arc. Fas.

Transcortical Posterior fluent Sensory Language

This is really old!!!

Language in the Brain Anomia revisitied - temporal lobe damage

- pole
- proper nouns (people places things) - inferior temporal - common nouns (categories) Verbs - frontal - cerebellar

Pure Alexia

Language Development - receptive - productive - speech - written

Language in the Brain

Reading 2 types - phonological (phonetic) - sound it out - learning phase - slow - graphemic ( whole word, lexical) - recognize word, irregular word

- Chi Chi Rodriguez - epinephrine

- fast, error prone if proofreading

Language in the Brain

Dyslexia - lots of different types Developmental - wont cover Aquired dyslexias

Surface dyslexia - no whole-word reading

Phonological dyslexia - can not sound out

Word-form dyslexia (letter-by-letter)

Direct dyslexia (deep dyslexia)

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