Are You Still Playing Your Flute

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What do you think of the village life?

What do you think of the city life?


Which life do you prefer?

Set Induction
1. What do you think about the village life? 2. What do you think of the city life? 3. Which do you prefer?

Are You Still Playing Your Flute? By Zurinah Hassan

Are you still playing your flute? When there is hardly time for our love I am feeling guilty To be longing for your song The melody concealed in the slim hollow of the bamboo Uncovered by the breath of an artist Composed by his fingers Blown by the wind To the depth of my heart.

Are you still playing the flute? In the village so quiet and deserted Amidst the sick rice field While here it has become a luxury To spend time watching the rain Gazing at the evening rays Collecting dew drops Or enjoying the fragrance of flowers. Are you still playing your flute? The more it disturbs my conscience to be thinking of you in the hazard of you my younger brothers unemployed and desperate my people disunited by politics my friend slaughtered mercilessly this world is too old and bleeding

Meaning 1
Stanza 1
In this poem the persona, recalls her feeling of guilt, missing the beautiful melody of the bamboo flute played by her beloved long ago.

Meaning 1
Stanza 2:

She later questions and doubts if the flute is still being played now, as the village is now under populated and the paddy field is in a lamentable state. She mentions that, nowadays, relaxing and enjoying the beauty of nature is a rare luxury.

Meaning 1
Stanza 3
In the final stanza, she questions for the third time, whether her beloved is still playing the flute. This time around, she admits that she couldnt help but feels guilty to be thinking of their love at their difficult times. The hardships portrayed here are unemployed young men, people alienated by politics and a dying world.

Meaning 2
Stanza 1:
In life, we sometimes have to change our way of life due to work or family circumstances. From a lifestyle filled with values and traditions like in the village, we may find ourselves embracing a totally different lifestyle in towns. However, we may sometimes long for our previous life with its unforgettable moments.

Meaning 2
Stanza 2: We may wonder if the values and traditions we believed in and practiced are still observed in our former villagers. Many people have migrated to towns or adopted an urban way of life where such traditions may not be so well-ingrained. In these places, life is fast paced and they do not have the time to enjoy the simple pleasures of life they used to.

Meaning 2
Stanza 3
These people may think back to their days in the rural areas with guilt. Traditions and the old values may seem trivial compared to their present circumstances. There are economic, political and social problems to be faced. Some of these problems have become personal as they affect people who are close to them.

The poem is set in a rural Malay village, which is undergoing a change. It is quiet and uninhabited village. The paddy fields looked forsaken. Nevertheless, the 'luxuries', such as watching the rain, gazing at the evening rays, collecting dew drops and enjoying the fragrance of the flower, still exist in the rural.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Values and traditions Theme Changes in life Adapting to changes. Things are greener on the other side Enjoying the simple pleasure of life Passionate about one's interest Appreciating Arts Priorities in life Enjoy the simple pleasure in life

1. Values and traditions

Values and traditions have an important role in our life. They teach us to live correctly and to hold on to our principles in life. We learn to value life, family and friends. A society without values and traditions is colourless and loses its direction.

2. Changes in life
Nothing stays the same forever and that includes life. Life changes over time. These changes affect every aspect of our lives and may have positive and negative consequences.

3. Conform To Changes
We cannot run away from changes or be ignorant about them. We need to adapt ourselves to all kinds of economic, social and political changes.In this poem, the flutist is only concerned about playing his flute,uninterested to the changes happening around him.

4. Things are greener on the other side

Young people have the tendency to think that the pasture is always greener in other places or countries than their hometown or village. They migrate to towns or cities in search for a better life but in reality it can be the total opposite. The poem shows how youths in the village are willing to forget their roots. Materialism drives them to migrate to cities in hope of getting a well paying job but left unemployed. Friendship becomes foreign when life becomes desperate. People are disunited due to political differences.

5. Enjoying the simple pleasure of life

Nature surrounds us and the beauty of nature offers us the simple pleasures of life. The rising sun, the moon and stars, the rainfall and dew are some of the pleasures that nature offers. Enjoy them and enjoy life.

6. Passionate about one's interest

When we are really interested in a hobby, we will become passionate about it. It helps us to mature as this passion helps us to stay focused. We learn to be creative too. But, we should not let this passion become an obsession.

7. Appreciating Arts
We must appreciate and love our culture and way of life, especially things pertaining to arts. In this poem it is potrayed through the persona and the flutists. The flutists loves to play his flute, which is made from the local bamboo tree. He produces beautiful melody through this simple instrument. His melodious tune still captivates the persona even though she now resides in the city. One part of her deeply yearns to hear his music again but on the other hand she feels guilty having such desire.

8. Priorities in life
There are important and unimportant things in life. Learn to differentiate them and make plans accordingly.

9. Enjoying the simple pleasure of life

Nature surrounds us and the beauty of nature offers us the simple pleasures of life. The rising sun, the moon and stars, the rainfall and dew are some of the pleasures that nature offers. Enjoy them and enjoy life.

Moral Values
1. We should appreciate our values and tradition 2. We should learn to adapt to the changes in life 3. We should priorities our life 4. We should appreciate our family.

1. We should appreciate our values and tradition We should learn to appreciate the values and traditions of society and family. They give us balance in life and help us to differentiate between the good and the bad.

2. We should learn to adapt to the changes in life

We face changes in life every day. Learn to accept changes but only if they are for the good of society. If they are beneficial, work around them for the general good.

3. We should priorities our life

We should know our priorities in life and be aware of them at all times. Don't get so taken in by our interests that we forget our priorities. Passion for interests should not be at expense of family happiness. There is a time for work and a time for play.

4. We should appreciate our family.

Our family is the most important thing in our life. We should put their interest and safety first before anything else. Show consideration for one's duties within the home and carry out family commitments responsibly.

The End

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