Time Management: Gaurav Goel Gurkaran Singh Jeffer Jit Singh

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Time Management


Time is finite. It can not be saved, but it can be used efficiently.

Time is of the essence. Time is all we have. Time is running out. Time. Time. Time. For any leader, time is a limited and precious resource. There is no way to recover time that we have wasted. We cant speed it up, slow it down, or stop it. In that case, as leaders, we can only find a way to make the most of it.

What is TIME
Time is one of those things that almost everyone says that they never have enough. With only 24 hours in a day, effective time management is a skill that help us to make effective use of the time that we have.

Time Savers
Dont we all want to save time? But how, when we have so many things on our plates? Here are some ideas from jeff

Time Savers Include

Manage the decision making process not
the decisions Do one task at a time Establish daily, short term, mid-term, and long-term priorities Make memos, letters, and emails short and do them quickly Get rid of unneeded things

Time Savers Include

Make yourself personal deadlines and
deadlines for your groups Do not waste other peoples time Make sure all meetings have a purpose, a time limit, and include only the necessary people Keep accurate calendars; and stick to them

Time Savers Include

Know when to stop a task, policy or
procedure Delegate everything possible and encourage teammates to take on responsibilities Keep things simple

Priority Exercise
Evaluate priorities (exercise) Discrepancies between actions, objectives,
goals, and principles illuminate problems Rewrite priority list, giving each goal a weight Post goals somewhere you will see them daily

Evaluate & Decide on Change

Figure out how much

time each week you spend on each task . Are you spending it where you need to? What do you need to spend more time on? What do you need to spend less time on?

Time you cant change

56 hours for sleep,
8 hours are usually adequate.

21 hours to eat,
Dont try to rush your eating or skip meals.

20 hours for classes

and labs,
Dont try to skip one class to get work done in another.

When to study.
Plan to study two hours for

every hour you spend in class. Study your difficult subjects first. Avoid marathon study sessions. Study during the time you are most alert each day.

Where to study.
Find a regular study place:
It should be somewhere that you dont eat or sleep. Train your body that you study there.

Dont get too comfortable.

Dont study on the bed. Easy chairs & sofas are unsafe too.

Use a library.

Dont Create Impossible Situations

Dont try to do too much:
work full time, school full time, too many lab classes, or too many extracurriculars.

Time Tips
Count all your time as time to be used and
make every attempt to get satisfaction out of every moment. Find something to enjoy in whatever you do. Try to be an optimist and seek out the good in your life. Find ways to build on your successes.

Time Tips (Cont.)

Stop regretting your failures and start learning

from your mistakes. Remind yourself, "There is always enough time for the important things." If it is important, you should be able to make time to do it. Continually look at ways of freeing up your time. Examine your old habits and search for ways to change or eliminate them.

Time Tips (Cont.)

Try to use waiting time-review notes or do

practice problems. Keep paper or a calendar with you to jot down the things you have to do or notes to yourself. Examine and revise your lifetime goals on a monthly basis and be sure to include progress towards those goals on a daily basis. Put up reminders in your home or office about your goals.

Time Tips (Cont.)

Always keep those long term goals in
mind. Plan your day each morning or the night before and set priorities for yourself. Look ahead in your month and try and anticipate what is going to happen so you can better schedule your time.

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