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A Case Study on the Different Types of Flexible Pavement Distress in NH-52A

Under the guidance of N. G. Sorum, Assistant Professor

Presented byAmarjit Abujam Laishram Herojit Singh Thangmuansang Guite

DIP/09/CE/12 DIP/09/CE/15 DIP/09/CE/16

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Introduction Objectives Scope Data Collection Methodology Detail analysis Conclusion

1. Introduction
Pavement distress- failure in any of the layer of flexible pavement leading to total failure or physical deterioration Flexible pavement Surface Layer Base Course Sub-Base Course, and Soil Sub-Grade

Each one of the layers to be carefully designed and laid to avoid any pavement distress within its design life

2. Objectives
To study the pavement distresses found in NH-52A and their causes

Attempts to suggest relevant remedy for the distresses found

3. Scope
Gives us most accurate reason for pavement distress/failure making the repairing work easy Knowledge about pavement distress enables us to make more efficient and high performance pavement High performance pavement ensures efficient traffic flow and safety to the passengers Study of pavement distress in an area helps in the improvement in pavement design, which may be so more effective in the area.

4. Data collection
Data collection consists of two general parts: Imaging or pictorial investigation of pavement through photographing and videotaping o The data are collected through taking photos from Nirjuli to Itanagar

Measurement of the pavement distresses found

Measuring pot hole near Police Station, Nirjuli Depth= 190mm

Total pavement failure near Bage Tinali, 15m long

Stripping failure causing deep hole

Large pot hole near Lekhi Village

Ravelling of aggregates near NERIST auditorium, should be avoided as it reduces skid resistance

Road side sewage dumping should be avoided or some distance provided as it may even cause distraction to drivers

5. Methodology
Documented process for management of projects containing procedures, definitions and explanations of techniques used to collect, store, analyze and

present information as part of a research process in a

given discipline

Literature search provides general background of the

synthesis and understanding of technology involved

6. Detail analysis
All the distresses found exceed all their standard permissible limits Most commonly found distress is pot holes followed by alligator cracks All these distresses need immediate repair and


Condition of the NH-52A near Lekhi village

Potholes filled up with water, the water in the pot hole increases the speed of pavement deterioration

Studying the ravelled aggregates, its is found that failure is due to poor mix design and improper heating of the mix up to required temperature

7. Conclusion
NH-52A is not up to the standard of National Highway Lack of timely maintenance and repair This is due to poor implementation of mix design and poor workmanship. The most commonly found distress is pot holes Need to take up the immediate measure before it become a blood pond

Thank You

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