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Antonio Rizzo University of Siena rizzo@unisi.


Elisa Rubegni Universit della Svizzera italiana

Maurizio Caporali University of Siena


IDC 2013 Workshop on Interactive technologies that enhance childrens creativity

Look in the same direction in which all are watching and be the first to see what the other will recognize too

The cycle of creative imagination is described through the relation between reality and imagination
Imagination is not psychologically opposed to reality but its closely interrelated with it.


IDC 2013

Workshop on Interactive technologies that enhance childrens creativity

In the first form of relation between fantasy and reality, the creative activity of imagination directly depends on the richness and variety of the experience made by an individual. Fantasys constructions are composed by the material supplied by experience.


IDC 2013

Workshop on Interactive technologies that enhance childrens creativity

The second form of relation between fantasy and reality doesnt occur between the elements of fantastic construction and reality, but it occurs between the ready product of fantasy and any complex phenomenon of reality. This form of relation is made possible only thanks to others experience, to the social experience.
For instance, the construction of French Revolution or Sahara desert through others memories, stories, studies.


IDC 2013

Workshop on Interactive technologies that enhance childrens creativity

The third form of relation between imagination and reality is the emotional one. In this relation we can distinguish two different aspects:
Law of the common emotional sign (a) Selected elements are isolated by our feelings and combined together in a relationship which is internally conditioned by our state of mood. Law of reality of the imagination (b) Every form of creative imagination includes affective elements. This means that each construction of fantasy influences our feelings.


IDC 2013

Workshop on Interactive technologies that enhance childrens creativity

A construction of fantasy may constitute something effectively new, something which has never existed before in the experience of a man, and which doesnt correspond to any object/concept really existing.
Once this crystallised image of imagination is externally embodied and concretised, it really starts to exist in the world, and to act on other things.
This is true for physical objects (devices, machines, etc...) as well as for ideas and emotions (concepts, ideas, feelings... )


IDC 2013

Workshop on Interactive technologies that enhance childrens creativity

Design Brief

Project objective
To design a mobile application that could support the production of meaning by illustrating graphemes to children aged 2-5

IDC 2013

Workshop on Interactive technologies that enhance childrens creativity

Creativity has an individual and a social dimension that constitute the two sides of the same coin.
Follow up: creativity is for sharing

Allowing resources of adult environment to become (in any form!) also a resource for children in their process of recruiting reality for nursing imagination is fundamental for sharing attention and experience.
Follow up: artifacts can be designed to support the sharing process.


IDC 2013

Workshop on Interactive technologies that enhance childrens creativity

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