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Advance Building Materials

Submitted by Ar.G.Rajaa.,1st year M.Arch.,PMU.


1.Dry Wall Construction

2.Self Compacting Concrete

3.Aerated Blocks 4. Reinforced polymers 5. Special Use of waste products (broken glass, fly ash, micro silica)

1.Dry Wall Construction

Drywall (also known as plasterboard, wallboard, gypsum board, or gyprock) is a panel made of gypsum plaster pressed between two thick sheets of paper. It is used to make interior walls and ceilings. Drywall construction became prevalent as a speedier alternative to traditional lath and plaste Gypsum Board evolved between 1910 and 1930 beginning with wrapped board edges, and elimination of the two inner layers of felt paper in favor of paperbased facings. Providing efficiency of installation, it was developed additionally as a measure of fire resistance.

1.Dry Wall Construction- Manufacture of Boards A wallboard panel is made of a paper liner wrapped around an inner core made primarily from gypsum plaster. The raw gypsum, CaSO42 H2O, (mined or obtained from flue-gas desulfurization (FGD)) must be calcined before use to produce the hemihydrates of calcium sulfate(CaSO4 H2O). This is done in kettle or flash calciners, typically using natural gas today. The plaster is mixed with fiber (typically paper and/or fiberglass), plasticizer, foaming agent, finely ground gypsum crystal as an accelerator, EDTA, starch or other chelate as a retarder, various additives that may decrease mildew and increase fire resistance (fiberglass or vermiculite), waxemulsion or silanes for lower water absorption and water. This is then formed by sandwiching a core of wet gypsum between two sheets of heavy paper or fiberglass mats. When the core sets and is dried in a large drying chamber, the sandwich becomes rigid and strong enough for use as a building material.

Leading Manufacturer of Dry wall Plaster board in india

Types of Plaster Boards 1.Gyproc Plain Boards Gyproc gypsum plasterboards are the ultimate wall and ceiling solution for today's buildings, providing high levels of performance in terms of fire rating, acoustic insulation, thermal insulation and moisture resistance to create modern internal environments that offer comfort and safety for occupants. They offer superior solutions for walls, ceilings,wall linings, lift shafts, stairwells and corridors in buildings as diverse as residential, schools, hospitals, offices, cinemas and hotels. Gyproc is the brand of specialist high performance boards with special boards for applications like fire, acoustics, moisture, impact and thermal resistance.

2. Gyproc Duraline
Characteristics This gypsum plaster board is enriched with high density core with glass fibre and other additives, hence offering high durability Application It is suitable for applications where high level of acoustics and impact resistance levels are specified

3. Gyproc Fireline
Characteristics This is a fire resistant gypsum plasterboard with glass fibre and other additives The board capable of withstanding fire for longer duration without physical degradation Application It is suitable for application where a higher level of fire protection is required

3. Gyproc Moisture resistant

Characteristics This is the moisture resistant gypsum plasterboard with water repellent additives in the core and paper liners Application It is most suitable as a base for tiling in moisture-prone areas. It is also used for external soffits in sheltered positions

4. Gyproc SoundBloc
Characteristics Gyproc SoundBloc consists of an aerated gypsum core encased in, and firmly bonded to, strong paper liners. Gyproc SoundBloc is a plaster board that is suitable for dry lining internal surfaces and offering high sound insulation Application Gyproc SoundBloc is designed for use in walls and partition systems where greater levels of sound insulation are required

4. Gyproc FR MR
Characteristics Gyproc Fireline with water repellent additives in the core. Gyproc Fireline MR consists of an aerated gypsum core with glass fibre, water repellent and other additives encased in, and firmly bonded to, strong paper liners. Gyproc Fireline MR is a plasterboard that is suitable for drylining internal surfaces. Application Used in Gyproc partitions & wall lining and ceiling systems to give increased fire protection and moisture resistance are required. Also used for protection to structural steel

2.Self Compacting Concrete- Introduction Self-compacting concrete (SCC) is a flowing concrete mixture that is able to consolidate under its own weight. The highly fluid nature of SCC makes it suitable for placing in difficult conditions and in sections with congested reinforcement. Use of SCC can also help minimize hearing-related damages on the worksite that are induced by vibration of concrete. Another advantage of SCC is that the time required to place large sections is considerably reduced The Requirement of skilled labours reduced SCC delivery in Torontos International airport for bottom-up pumping of 101-foothigh steel-form, steelreinforced columns that were only 28 inches in diameter.

Well proportioned SCC can flow under its own weight through and around congested reinforcement, filling forms completely and producing a void-free mass with little or no mechanical vibration.

2.Self Compacting Concrete

Left: Slump flow test. A technician lifts the slump cone and measures the diameter of SCC spread. Below: The L-box test measures flow and blocking resistance of the SCC mix.

SCC development began in Japan in the early 1980s because of concerns about concrete durability, with researchers realizing that poor compaction of concrete was a major factor in the declining quality of construction work

2.Self Compacting Concrete Materials:

The new generation of superplasticizersbased on polycarboxylated ethers

has been an important factor in making SCC a practical reality. Normal concrete aggregates are generally suitable for SCC, but the grading probably will be different. Portland cement and other fines, including ground limestone fines, fly ash, and ground granulated blast-furnace slag, may be needed in larger proportions than in conventional concrete to obtain the desired cohesion. Specialized admixtures that control flow characteristics, workability retention, and viscosity or cohesion of the mix are crucial to

SCC performance. Air-entraining admixtures are also used where necessary.

2.Self Compacting Concrete Mix design objectives: A specific mix design must be based on the intended application, suited to anticipated congestion of reinforcement or complexity of the form. Typically there will be less coarse aggregate and a proportionally larger amount of fines, including portland cement, fly ash, ground slag, and stone powder. Broadly speaking, the fresh SCC must be able to flow into all the spaces within the formwork under its own weight. It also must flow through narrow openings such as the spaces between reinforcing barsa constraint that may limit the maximum aggregate size. While maintaining this flow, it also must resist segregation. Meeting all of these demands results in mix proportions that differ from conventional concrete, as the table shows. Material Admixtures Water Coarse aggregate Traditional Concrete, by volume trace 18 % 46 % SCC, by volume 0.01 % 20 % 28 %

Sand Fines, including portland cement

24 % 12 %

34 % 18 %

2.Self Compacting Concrete Advantages & Disadvantages

Reduced construction time Reduced manpower for placing and compacting Lower equipment costs and less noise since vibrators are not required Ability to fill complex forms and members with congested reinforcement

Elimination of rubbing and patching ordinarily required prepared for specific jobs.

2.Self Compacting Concrete- Examples

An aluminum form panel pulled back from the wall shows the textured urethane liner. Off-the form condition of the SCC concrete was excellent, showing no surface void areas.

Top view of forms with insulation in place at center of wall. Photo above shows the finished wall after staining. Blockout for a window reveals the sandwich construction of the insulated wall.

Hardened SCC, as compared with traditional vibrated concrete of similar watercement ratio, is expected to have: The same structural behavior Equal or higher tensile and compressive strength Equal or lower drying shrinkage Equal or better bond to reinforcement Lower surface absorption and therefore better durability Freeze/thaw resistance similar to conventional concrete when non-air entrained;equal or better when air-entrained mixes are compared

3.Aerated Blocks Autoclaved aerated concrete is a versatile lightweight construction material and usually used as blocks. Compared with normal (ie: dense concrete) aircrete has a low density and excellent insulation properties. The low density is achieved by the formation of air voids to produce a cellular structure. These voids are typically 1mm - 5mm across and give the material its characteristic appearance. Blocks typically have strengths ranging from 3-9 Nmm-2 (when tested in accordance with BS EN 771-1:2000). Densities range from about 460 to 750 kg m-3; for comparison, medium density concrete blocks have a typical density range of 1350-1500 kg m-3 and dense concrete blocks a range of 2300-2500 kg m-3

3.Aerated Blocks Autoclaved aerated concrete blocks are excellent thermal insulators and are typically used to form the inner leaf of a cavity wall. They are also used in the outer leaf, when they are usually rendered, and in foundations. It is possible to construct virtually an entire house from autoclaved aerated concrete, including walls, floors - using reinforced aircrete beams, ceilings and the roof. Autoclaved aerated concrete is easily cut to any required shape. Aircrete also has good acoustic properties and it is durable, with good resistance to sulfate attack and to damage by fire and frost.

Production Autoclaved aerated concrete is cured in an autoclave - a large pressure vessel. In aircrete production the autoclave is normally a steel tube some 3 metres in diameter and 45 metres long. Steam is fed into the autoclave at high pressure, typically reaching a pressure of 800 kPa and a temperature of 180 C.
Autoclaved aerated concrete can be produced using a wide range of cementitous materials, commonly: Portland cement, lime and pulverised fuel ash (PFA) or Portland cement, lime and fine silica sand. The sand is usually milled to achieve adequate fineness. A small amount of anhydrite or gypsum is also often added.

3.Aerated Blocks

Autoclaved aerated concrete is quite different from dense concrete (ie: normal concrete) in both the way it is produced and in the composition of the final product. Dense concrete is typically a mixture of cement and water, often with slag or PFA, and fine and coarse aggregate. It gains strength as the cement hydrates, reaching 50% of its final strength after perhaps about 2 days and most of its final strength after a month. In contrast, autoclaved aerated concrete is of much lower density than dense concrete. The chemical reactions forming the hydration products go virtually to completion during autoclaving and so when removed from the autoclave and cooled, the blocks are ready for use.

Autoclaved aerated concrete does not contain any aggregate; all the main mix components are reactive, even milled sand where it is used. The sand, inert when used in dense concrete, behaves as a pozzolan in the autoclave due to the high temperature and pressure.

4.Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Carbon-fiber-reinforced polymer (CFRP) has become a notable material in structural engineering applications. Studied in an academic context as to its potential benefits in construction, it has also proved itself cost-effective in a number of field applications strengthening concrete, masonry, steel, cast iron, and timber structures. Its use in industry can be either for retrofitting to strengthen an existing structure or as an alternative reinforcing (or prestressing) material instead

of steel from the outset of a project.

1. Flexural strengthening 2.Shear strengthening

Carbon, aramid and glass fibres are strong GFRP Lleida Pedestrian Bridge in Spain

FRP - Applications

FRP can be applied to strengthen the beams, columns, and slabs of buildings and bridges. It is possible to increase the strength of structural members even after

they have been severely damaged due to loading conditions.

In the case of damaged reinforced concrete members, this would first require the repair of the member by removing loose debris and filling in cavities and cracks with mortar or epoxy resin. Once the member is repaired, strengthening can be achieved through the wet hand lay-up process of impregnating the fibre sheets with epoxy resin then applying them to the cleaned and prepared surfaces of the member.

1. Flexural strengthening For the flexural strengthening of a beam, FRP sheets or plates are applied to the tension face of the member (the bottom face for a simply supported member with applied top loading or gravity loading). Principal tensile fibres are oriented in the beam longitudinal axis, similar to its internal flexural steel reinforcement. This increases the beam strength and its stiffness (load required to cause unit deflection), however decreases the deflection capacity and ductility 2.Shear strengthening Shear strengthening of a beam, the FRP is applied on the web or side faces of the member with fibres oriented transverse to the beam longitudinal axis. This is necessary for resisting shear forces, in a similar manner as internal steel stirrups, by bridging shear cracks that form under loading and restricting their growth Side bonding, U-wraps or U-jackets, and closed wraps or complete wraps Slabs may be strengthened by applying FRP strips at their bottom (tension) face. This will result in better flexural performance

Special Use of waste products (broken glass, fly ash, micro silica) and industrial Fly ash, also known as flue-ash, is one of the residues generated in combustion, and comprises the fine particles that rise with the flue gases. Ash which does not rise is termed bottom ash. In an industrial context, fly ash usually refers to ash produced during combustion of coal. Fly ash is generally captured by electrostatic precipitators or other particle filtration equipment before the flue gases reach the chimneys of coal-fired power plants, and together with bottom ash removed from the bottom of the furnace is in this case jointly known as coal ash. Depending upon the source and makeup of the coal being burned, the components of fly ash vary considerably, but all fly ash includes substantial amounts of silicon dioxide(SiO2) (both amorphous and crystalline) and calcium oxide (CaO), both being endemic ingredients in many coal-bearing rock strata.

Toxic constituents depend upon the specific coal bed makeup, but may include one or more of the following elements or substances in quantities from trace amounts to several percent: arsenic, beryllium, boron, cadmium, chromium, hexavalent chromium, cobalt, lead, manganese, mercury,molybdenum, selenium, strontium, thal lium, and vanadium, along with dioxins and PAH compounds

5.Special Use of waste products (broken glass, fly ash, micro silica) Owing to its pozzolanic properties, fly ash is used as a replacement for some of the Portland cement content of concrete. Asphalt concrete is a composite material consisting of an asphalt binder and mineral aggregate. Both Class F and Class C fly ash can typically be used as a mineral filler to fill the voids and provide contact points between larger aggregate particles in asphalt concrete mixes. fly ash has been used as a component in geopolymers, where the reactivity of the fly ash glasses is used to generate a binder comparable to a hydrated Portland cement in appearance and properties There are several techniques for manufacturing construction bricks from fly ash, producing a wide variety of products. One type of fly ash brick is manufactured by mixing fly ash with an equal amount of clay, then firing in a kiln at about 1000 degrees C.

Finer particles of Fly ash

Special Use of waste products (broken glass, fly ash, micro silica) and industrial Another application of using fly ash is in roller compacted concrete dams. Many dams in the US have been constructed with high fly ash contents. Fly ash lowers the heat of hydration allowing thicker placements to occur. Data for these can be found at the US Bureau of Reclamation. This has also been demonstrated in the Ghatghar Dam Project in India. Waste treatment and stabilization Fly ash, in view of its alkalinity and water absorption capacity, may be used in combination with other alkaline materials to transform sewage sludge into organic fertilizer or biofuel. Special Use of waste products -broken glass Fight Artificial glass valued as a raw material for the binder because it contained silica and alkali oxides, and Al2O3 and CaO. Of particular interest is the battle bariysilikatnyh glasses. Materials based on it are used in X-ray rooms decoration and other areas that require special coatings. Fight lead glasses are in the construction materials used in the construction and decoration of the nuclear industry.

Special Use of waste products (broken glass, fly ash, micro silica) and industrial Microsilica Concrete Microsilica is used in concrete. When it is used in concrete, it acts as a filler and as a cementitious material. The small microsilica particles fill spaces between cement particles and between the cement past matrix and aggregate particles. Microsilica also combines with calcium hydroxide to form additional calcium hydrate through the pozzolanic reaction. Both of these actions result in a denser, stronger and less permeable material.

Function of adding Silica Fume(microsilica) : Increase durability

Reduces concrete permeability

Improves resistance to corrosion

Shotcrete - lower rebound

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