Communication Security

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Definition of COMSEC Components of COMSEC Transmission security Vulnarability to interception Protection against interception Cryptographic security Components of cryptosystem Types of cryptomatter Responsibility of User

Physical security Physical security criteria prior to issue of crypto-material Accountability for classified cryptomatter Access to crypto facility Dispo of crypto material Command inspections Physical security measures Attainment of Communications Security Summary

Communication Security - is the protection resulting from all measures designed to deny unauthorized persons from info of value which might be derived from the possession and study of telecommunication or to mislead unauthorized persons in their interpretation of the results of such a study.

Transmission security Physical security Cryptographic (crypto) security

Transmission security results from all measures designed to protect transmission from interception, traffic analysis, and imitative deception.

VULNARABILITY TO INTERCEPTION: Every commander, commo officer, and commo user must clearly understand the susceptibility of his transmissions to interception whether radio, wire, or messenger sends them.

PROTECTION AGAINST INTERCEPTION: radio silence or listening silence resume operations by: prearranged time notification by some other means of commo well-coordinated deception plan

PROTECTION AGAINST TRAFFIC ANALYSIS: adherence to prescribed unit transmission procedures. use of dummy traffic when transmission drop below normal.

PROTECTION AGAINST IMITATIVE DECEPTION: use of authentication Challenge Reply

Cryptographic security results from the development of technically sound cryptosystem, their proper use, and application of proper crypto techniques.

Components of Cryptosystem
the device or machine the keying elements (key list) the operating instruction

Types of Cryptomatter
Registered - is issued, accounted for and transferred by register number and are extremely sensitive. Non-registered - is issued by quantity with no further accounting required.
Non-registered accountable - issued by quantity, accounted for, reported on, and turned in under close accountability.

Crypto Security Officer - principal adviser to the commander on all matters pertaining to cryptosecurity and the safeguarding of cryptomatter. Crypto Custodian - responsible for the physical security of and the proper accounting of all crypto material. Alternate Crypto Custodian - provide continuity of responsibility for the physical security of, and the proper accounting of all crypto material held by an orgn or activity.

Physical security, as it pertains to commo security, results from all measures designed to protect classified communications equipment and material from access to by unauthorized persons.

Physical Security Criteria Prior to Issue of Crypto-Material

The crypto facility is safe from forceful entry or is provided with armed guards as a substitute. The area for crypto-operations is screened from comprehensive viewing of material & operations.

The crypto facility must be reasonably soundproof.

Individuals selected for crypto duties have the required clearances. Classified crypto matter is secured by appropriate safe vault or other authorized secured containers.

Accountability for Classified Cryptomatter

The crypto custodian is required to acknowledge receipt of all crypto material. Accounting criteria should provide for the following: change of custodian temporary absence of custodian a quarterly inventory of crytomaterial a daily security check of the crypto material and crypto facilities.

Access to Crypto Facility

maintain a current list of personnel assigned or authorized access to the facility. other than those names listed will not be permitted to enter cryptofacilities except with the approval of the commander. all classified crypto material should be protected from viewing by uncleared personnel. visitor will be denied any other source of classified crypto information. only cover pages of documents will be viewed by uncleared person to inventory or witness the destruction of crypto material.

Dispo of Crypto Material

Each crypto facility should have a current plan for the swift and systematic destruction of all classified crypto material in the event of its possible, or probable capture or abandonment.
Each crypto facility must have a current plan for evacuation of crypto material in the event of an emergency.

Conducted at least semi-annually and will determine the state of compliance to all security measures and directives pertaining to cryptooperations.

Physical Security Measures

Security Areas
Classification of Materials Cryptographic Security Clearance Evacuations and Destruction Routine Evacuation and Destruction Emergency Evacuation and Destruction

Attainment of Commo Security

The commander should fully utilize the services of his signal or communications officer. The signal/commo officer should be responsible for the planning, coordination, and supervision of all COMSEC matters within the command.

Attainment of Commo Security

Indoctrination of all users on signal commo and crypto matter . Train A-1 users of signal commo & crypto matter. Proper supervision. Net control of radio nets. Authentication. Monitoring on proper use of commo equipment. Analyze communications.

Definition of COMSEC Components of COMSEC Transmission security Vulnarability to interception Protection against interception Cryptographic security Components of cryptosystem Types of cryptomatter Responsibility of User

Physical security Physical security criteria prior to issue of crypto-material Accountability for classified cryptomatter Access to crypto facility Dispo of crypto material Command inspections Physical security measures Attainment of Communications Security

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