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Bio99 Term Paper

The topics for discussion in the term paper must be relevant to the topics that we have discussed or are about to discuss in class. As such, the topics must be under the biosciences and biotechnology and their relevance and importance to society.

Sample topics may be under:
Social and ethical situations in the biosciences or biotechnology Legal and policy issues Bioterrorism and biowarfare Biopharmaceuticals Molecular biology and genetic engineering Tissue engineering, organ transplantation, stem cells

Deadline for the submission of topics for approval: November 20

The term paper should ideally follow these guidelines:
Short bond paper Minimum of 3 pages of text Verdana, Tahoma, or Arial, font size 11, 1.15 space between lines This is an individual requirement

Topic: Content and Discussion: Readability and organization: Grammar and spelling: 20 pts 50 pts 20 pts 10 pts

*Remember that the term paper is 30 % of your total grade

Term paper must be submitted on December 13, 2012.

Bio99 Group Oral Presentation

The following are the topics of the oral presentation
The Eradication of Smallpox (Gloriani) The Development and Importance of the Polio Vaccine (Cruz) Genetic discrimination (Villegas) The science behind superheroes (Alterado) Future Fears: Possible future issues regarding biotechnology (Radam)

The report should be about the topic I approved. Videos and animations are allowed.

Mini-skits are allowed, as long as they are not too lengthy.

Presentations should not be text heavy. The bulk of the content must be discussed by the reporters

The group oral presentation will compose 15 % of your total grade.

The oral report will be graded as follows.

40 pts - Content 30 pts - Delivery 10 pts - Visual Aesthetics 10 pts - Timeliness 10 pts - Ability to answer questions

20 mins maximum for the report 5 mins for Q and A

The group or reporter will earn a penalty should the report go past 20 mins.
If the report is too short and insufficient, the grade in the content part will suffer

All group members should participate in the oral presentation. The group or reporter should wear semi-formal attire for the report. The oral report should be in English. Use of Filipino or Taglish should be minimized or limited. The order of the presentations will be raffled on the meeting before the reporting. ALL reporters should be in the classroom on time. A penalty will be awarded to tardy reporters.

The audience should be quiet and attentive during the presentation Asking questions is encouraged, as long as the questions are relevant and related to the report. Rowdy and disruptive audience members will be awarded with a penalty in their reporting grade.

Audience members asking noteworthy questions will be rewarded with appropriate bonus points in their reporting grade

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