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Dionisio Romero Seminario

Peruvian economist and businessman.

The Peruvian economist Dionisio Romero entrepreneur was born on April 1, 1936 . Hi is from Catacaos Piura . He is the youngest of his four brothers. He studied primary school in Santa Rosa from Sullana in Piura and always occupied the first places on academic performance. He studied at the school Roosevelt, after concluding his secondary went to the United States, where he studied economics at Brown University and graduated at age 21, and then got a Master of Business Administration from Stanford University. In 1959 he married Pauletti Yola and subsequently he had two daughters and one son. Hi likes play tennis. He is 77 years old.

Calixto Santos Romero Hernandez + Rufina Iturrospe + Manuel Seminario Navarrete + Luz Aljovin Snchez +

Dionisio Romero Iturrospe +

Micaela Seminario Aljovin

Manuel Romero Seminario

Calixto Romero Seminario (1931)

Mara Rufina Romero Seminario


Iole Paoletti

Paolo Mario Sacchi Giurato

Ana Maria Romero Paoletti

Giuliana Romero Paoletti

Dionisio Romero Paoletti (1965)

Joelyn Pestana

Don Calixto Romero Hernandez who with his simple character, enterprising and adventurous spirit allowed him to identify the opportunities presented to him on the road and began their major projects. The legacy of Don Calixto was to start the ROMERO GROUP, one of the leading business groups in Peru that later gave it to his son Dionisio Romero Seminario.

Company dedicated to the commercialization and production of consumer food and cleaning items Has participation in: Colombia Argentina Ecuador Also exports its products to 15 countries. Romero Group recently bought the Argentinian company of personal care products and cleaning, The Value Brand Company.

Publicly born from the merger of the Division of Trading and Romero Fuels National Petroleum Company of Chile (ENAP). . The company has 390 PRIMAX stations. The only thing about this company is dedicated to the production of biofuels, and is marketed through PRIMAX. Ransa: A logistics operator has interests in Peru, Bolivia, Ecuador, Guatemala and El Salvador.

: A logistics operator has interests in Peru, Bolivia, Ecuador, Guatemala and El Salvador. : is the largest financial holding Peru: Banco de Credito del Peru Credit Bank of Bolivia Pacifico Peruano Suiza Cia Insurance: Pacific Life, Prima AFP the financial EDYFICAR.

After 30 years as president of the Bank of Credit, Dionisio Romero Seminario decided to leave the group, leaving his son (Dionisio Romero Paoletti) at the head of all financial institutions in the country. Dionisio will not completely withdraw from business life, it is dedicated to his small aviation company (Aerotransportes SA) and his farm located in Huando, north of Lima . In the Ranking of millionaires in Latin America: Dionisio Romero and family, is ranked 43, with U.S. $ 1.305 million.

We have chosen him because I think he is a man that despite having much money he is humble and knows how advise young. Also because he's one of the most influential people in the country. Additionally, he is director a big business group.

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