Spatial Analysis w2012

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Big circles and semitransparent

Border around project area

Everything else is hardly noticeable but its there

Color distinction is clear

Introduction to GIS Yoh Kawano

Spatial analysis refers to the formal techniques to conduct analysis using their topological, geometric, or geographic properties. In a narrower sense, spatial analysis is the process of analyzing geographic data. Types of spatial analysis you have already been doing:
Buffering Select by location

Layers can be overlaid - placed one over the other based on a shared geographic reference allows analysis of the relationships between layers

Raster analysis is one method of Spatial Analysis.

Why do we have to use raster data?

Vector data (points, lines and polygons) are limited to only certain spatial analyses + Point in polygon (which points are within + Line intersections Vector data only knows about the space it occupies

Raster data covers the entire region Provides a more powerful format for advanced spatial and statistical analysis

A matrix of cells Rows and columns (grid) Examples: aerial photographs, digital photos, scanned maps Examples in spatial analyst

As basemaps As surface maps As thematic maps

Grid size is defined by extent, spacing and no data value information

Number of rows, number of column Cell sizes (X and Y) Top, left , bottom and right coordinates

Grid values
Real (floating decimal point) Integer (may have associated attribute table)

Cell size Number of rows NODATA cell (X,Y) Number of Columns

derive new information from your existing data, analyze spatial relationships, build spatial models, and perform complex raster operations.

Find suitable locations Model and visualize crime patterns Analyze transportation corridors Perform land use analysis Conduct risk assessments Predict fire risk Determine erosion potential Determine pollution levels Perform crop yield analysis

Step 1: State the Problem

Find the most suitable location for a new long-term care facility in Long Beach

Step 2: Identify the Parameters and Weight

Supply: needs to be far from existing facilities (weighted by number of beds in the facilities) (25%) Demand: number of persons over 65 (50%) Access: close to major streets (25%)

Step 3: Prepare Your Input Datasets

Long Beach Facilities (point) Census Tracts Age>65 (polygon) Major Streets (line)

Step 4: Perform the Analysis

Make sure all your layers are in the same projection (eg: UTM Zone 11N)

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Load all your layers, double check that you are on the right projection and units (eg: miles) Turn on Spatial Analyst Toolbar Set the Environment (very important, ensures that raster layers have the same cell size!) Load your indicator layers Rasterize your layers (Ex: Kernel Density, Feature to Raster, Euclidean Distance) Reclassify Apply weights Generate final raster

Step 1
Ensure that each layer in your project has the SAME projection

Step 2
Check the map units *Even if you change the display units, spatial analysis will be conducted using the map units

Right click

Step 3
Access ArcToolbox Environments

Step 4
Set the environment 1. Processing Extent Usually set this to the extent of your project, or the largest layer 2. Raster Analysis Cell size and Mask

Best site for new facility

Far from existing facilities


Close to areas 50% with high numbers of senior citizens

25% Close to major streets

Kernel Density on Number of Beds

Feature to Raster on Age>65

Euclidean Distance

Long Beach Facilities

Long Beach Census Tracts

Long Beach Major Roads

Spatial Analysis Tools > Density > Kernel Density

Spatial Analysis Tools > Distance > Euclidean Distance

Conversion Tools > To Raster > Feature to Raster

Long Beach Facilities

Kernel Density on Number of Beds

Reclassify: 3 most desirable 1 = least desirable

3 1 1 1 3

3 2 2

Long Beach Census Tracts

Feature to Raster on Age>65

Reclassify: 3 most desirable 1 = least desirable

1 1 2 2 2

1 3 3

Long Beach Major Roads

Euclidean Distance

Reclassify: 3 most desirable 1 = least desirable

2 2


Spatial Analysis Tools > Reclass > Reclassify

Long Beach Facilities

3 3 2

.75 .25

.75 .75 .5





Long Beach Census Tracts

1 2 2 3 3

.5 1

.5 1 1


1.5 1.5

1 2


Long Beach Major Roads

1 2 1 1

.5 .5




2 2




1.5 2

3 2.25

Spatial Analysis Tools > Map Algebra > Raster Calculator

1.25 1.75 1.75


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