Mech Intro2 14.0 L04 Joints

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Lecture 4 Joints, Springs and Beams

14. 0 Release

Introduction to ANSYS Mechanical Part 2

1 2011 ANSYS, Inc. August 26, 2013 Release 14.0

Chapter Overview
In this chapter we introduce the use of joints, springs and beams in Mechanical: A. The Joint Feature B. Joint Definitions C. Joint Coordinate Systems D. Joint Configuration E. Modifying Joint Coordinate Systems F. Joint Stops and Locks G. Springs and Beams H. Workshop 4, Using Joints

2011 ANSYS, Inc.

August 26, 2013

Release 14.0

A. The Joint Feature

The joint feature in Mechanical can provide a fast and simple alternative to contact when simulating the interaction between bodies or constraints to ground:
While used extensively in rigid body analysis joints are not limited by body type and can be used in flexible and mixed rigid/flex models. Joints are defined in terms of their degrees of freedom with respect to a specific coordinate system (e.g. translation in the X direction or rotation about the Z axis). Joints are attached to bodies by scoping to a specific region of the part, a surface for example, just like contact. Contact pairs are defined as contact and target while joints use the terms reference and mobile to describe each side of a joint (for body to ground joints the ground is assumed to be the reference).

Note, because this material is meant to be an introduction to the joint feature, not all aspects of it will be covered in detail. Advanced courses in nonlinear, dynamic and rigid body analysis are available.

2011 ANSYS, Inc.

August 26, 2013

Release 14.0

. . . The Joint Feature

In the example shown here, a body to ground revolute joint is scoped to a cylinder:
The legend shows the RZ or rotation about Z is free. Degrees of freedom shown in grey are constrained. The Reference Coordinate System listed in the details is shown at the origin of the joint. This is the joints line of action.

2011 ANSYS, Inc.

August 26, 2013

Release 14.0

B. Joint Definitions
There are 9 joint types available in Mechanical which can be either body to body or body to ground. In the revolute joint example below notice the reference and mobile regions are color coded. The legend displays the joints behavior with respect to the reference coordinate system. Colored DOF are free, grey indicates a fixed DOF.

2011 ANSYS, Inc.

August 26, 2013

Release 14.0

C. Joint Coordinate Systems

All joints are defined in terms of 2 coordinate systems, the reference and mobile CS. The CS are associated with each part scoped to the joint. Its the relationship between the CS that controls the joints motions. By default the mobile coordinate system is assumed to be coincident with the reference and is not displayed. If the mobile coordinate system is set to Override it will be displayed both graphically and in the tree.

2011 ANSYS, Inc.

August 26, 2013

Release 14.0

D. Joint Configuration
Configuring a joint allows the initial relationship between the reference and mobile coordinate systems to be changed: Begin by highlighting the joint to be configured in the tree. Now click the Configure icon in the context menu. When a joint is in configure mode its position can be changed by dragging the DOF handle shown below.

2011 ANSYS, Inc.

August 26, 2013

Release 14.0

. . . Joint Configuration
Joint configuration may be used to merely test the effect of the joints motion. Toggle off the configure tool and the joint will return to its original configuration. A joint can be locked into a new position if desired:
After setting a new configuration for the joint, choose Set from the context menu. The new configuration becomes the starting position when solved.

The Revert icon can be used to cancel the operation.

In addition to manually configuring a joint, a value can be entered into the field next to the configure icon.
8 2011 ANSYS, Inc. August 26, 2013 Release 14.0

. . . Joint Configuration
Example: When configuring angular joints, holding the control key will cause the joint to move in increments set in WB > Tools > Options > Graphics interaction (e.g. 10 degrees).

2011 ANSYS, Inc.

August 26, 2013

Release 14.0

E. Modifying Joint Coordinate Systems

Recall that a joints motions are determined according the joints coordinate systems. In some instances it will be necessary to reorient these systems to obtain the correct joint behavior.

Click in the Coordinate System field in the details to bring up the apply/cancel buttons and place the coordinate system in edit mode. Notice the CS graphically expands while editing.


2011 ANSYS, Inc.

August 26, 2013

Release 14.0

. . . Modifying Joint Coordinate Systems

While in edit mode click on the CS axis to be modified: With that axis active you can click on another axis, edge, face, etc. to establish a new direction. Note the negative axes show as well while editing directions. Complete the change by pressing the Apply button in the joint details.


2011 ANSYS, Inc.

August 26, 2013

Release 14.0

. . . Modifying Joint Coordinate Systems

In the example below, the original orientation of the translational joints X axis is incorrect for the desired motion: With the CS in edit mode, the X axis is selected. The local negative Y axis is then selected as the new direction for the X axis.


2011 ANSYS, Inc.

August 26, 2013

Release 14.0

. . . Modifying Joint Coordinate Systems

In addition to manually reorienting a joint coordinate system the same transforms used in creating and modifying local coordinate systems are available.


2011 ANSYS, Inc.

August 26, 2013

Release 14.0

F. Joint Stops and Locks

For the Revolute and Cylindrical joint types a torsional stiffness and/or damping can be defined in the joints details.

Most joints can also employ stops and/or locks to limit the range of joint motion (see table below).


2011 ANSYS, Inc.

August 26, 2013

Release 14.0

G. Springs and Beams

A longitudinal spring can be defined as another form of connection. Springs can be of the body to body or body to ground type:
Springs are assumed to be in their free state (unloaded) by default.
A preload may be added using either a free length or load value.

Damping may be added to the springs definition.

For grounded springs it is often useful to create local coordinate systems to control the ground location.

Note, for flexible bodies, a springs behavior is always tensile and compressive (both). Rigid body analyses allow a spring to be tensile, compressive or both.
15 2011 ANSYS, Inc. August 26, 2013 Release 14.0

. . . Springs and Beams

As mentioned before a spring represents a remote boundary condition. Many of the same features discussed earlier are available when defining springs: Springs are defined in terms of reference and mobile sides. The behavior can be rigid or deformable.

A pinball region can be defined to limit the creation of constraint equations.


2011 ANSYS, Inc.

August 26, 2013

Release 14.0

. . . Springs and Beams

The Beam feature allows connections from body to body or body to ground. Although not limited to this purpose, beams are often useful in simulating various fasteners (e.g. bolts).

As with springs, beams share many of the same features as the other remote boundary conditions already discussed:
Beams are defined in terms of reference and mobile sides. The behavior can be rigid or deformable. A pinball region can be defined to limit the creation of constraint equations.


2011 ANSYS, Inc.

August 26, 2013

Release 14.0

. . . Springs and Beams

In the beam details choose both a material and radius for the section (note current beams are only defined using a circular cross section).

As with springs, beams share many of the same features as the other remote boundary conditions already discussed. Again for body to ground beams local coordinate systems allow the ground location to be specified.


2011 ANSYS, Inc.

August 26, 2013

Release 14.0

Workshop 4
Workshop 4, Using Joints


2011 ANSYS, Inc.

August 26, 2013

Release 14.0

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