View Manager: Lesson # 9 HP UCMDB 8.0 Essentials

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View Manager

Lesson # 9 HP UCMDB 8.0 Essentials

2008 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice

About this Lesson

Lesson Objectives
In this lesson, you will learn how to:
Navigate the areas of View Manager including the Definition

and Preview area Use View Manager to create a view Describe the purpose and use of grouping by CI type, TQL node and attribute Use grouping strategies to organize a view Describe the purpose and use of folding and relationship folding rules Use folding and relationship folding to organize a view Describe and use the visible property on a node

View Manager Introduction

View Manager Overview

View Manager is used to
Create a new or edit an existing View Create and edit the view definition Create and edit a View TQL Define grouping and folding rules for view organization Preview a View Manage Views through the View Explorer Organize views Activate and Deactivate a view Export a view to XML Delete, Save As

View Manager Walkthrough

View Manager

View Manager Walkthrough

View Manager Definition Page

Editing Pane

Views Explore r

Information Pane

CI Type Selector

View Manager Walkthrough

View Manager Preview Page

Generating a View Preview
View Explorer -> Select the Generate

Preview Button or right-click and select the Preview menu. The Result contains a list view and a topology view of all CIs retrieved by the View TQL.

View Creation Overview

Understanding View Components

View Definition
Basic View properties View Name, View Type, how often it will be refreshed, TQL name

TQL request to the UCMDB to retrieve


Organization Rules
Grouping like kinds of data Layering data Labeling data

View Creation Overview

View Definition Overview

Creates the View structure

Associates the TQL with the view

Associates other properties with the view
View Type View persistence Change tracking TQL priority

View Creation Overview

Creating A New View Definition

Create a New

Pattern View (based on TQL)


Covered in the Modeling Studio Chapter

View Creation Overview

View Types
Pattern View
Built from a TQL query (new or existing). When the view is displayed or refreshed, View Manager queries the

CMDB for all elements that fit the query, and automatically updates the view with those elements.

Template-Based View
Based on a TQL query, to which a template is then applied. The template is a reusable view that includes parameters, folding rules,

and other settings, which are saved as part of the template. This enables you to build multiple views with the same settings without having to re-enter the setting information.

Perspective-Based View
Built by selecting a collection of individual CIs and applying a special

type of template, known as a perspective Instance views, which no longer exist, are replaced by perspective based views. Perspective based views cannot be viewed or edited in View Manager, but Modeling Studio instead.


View Creation Overview

New View Wizard Welcome and General


View Creation Overview

New View Wizard Base SQL Definition


View Creation Overview

New View Wizard Viewing Options


View Creation Overview

New View Wizard Wizard Completion


View Creation Overview

TQL Query Review

Created with TQL Define the CITs and relationships to be used to request data from the CMDB May be filtered by conditions to restrict the objects in the result set
Node properties
Relationship properties

May be new or pre-existing


View Creation Overview

Creating a View TQL

Created in View Manager or Query Manager Nodes Relationships Conditions
Attributes Select Identities


Include Subtypes

View Creation Overview

Organization Rules Overview

Determines how nodes and links will be displayed in the view Defines the map layers to be displayed

Accomplished with grouping and folding techniques

May be applied to nodes and relationships


View Creation Overview

Managing View Organization

Provides a clear presentation for understanding managed data Ability to design self explanatory views for impact analysis and problem isolation Respond to multiple business objectives while reusing the same TQL Required to manage limitations of number of CIs in a view (900 by default) Various options to modify appearance, number of layers in a view, and drill-down path
Grouping, Folding Rules, Relationship Rules

View Creation Overview

Grouping Overview
Group like CIs together for organizational purposes Three different types of grouping are available
Group by Configuration Item Type Group by TQL Node Group by Attribute

Grouping can be combined or used standalone Grouping can be used on nodes or relationships or both


View Creation Overview

Adding Grouping to a Node

Right-Click -> Select Node Grouping


View Creation Overview

Grouping by Configuration Item Type

All CIs of the same type placed into a group Minimum in group Group Label


View Creation Overview

Grouping Hosts by CI Type


View Creation Overview

Grouping Web Servers by CI Type


View Creation Overview

Grouping by Node
All CIs of the same type grouped by the node definition criteria Minimum in group Group Label


View Creation Overview

Expanding Grouped Web Servers Nodes


View Creation Overview

Grouping by Attribute
CIs grouped by value of selected attribute CIs may be of different types Minimum in group Group Label


View Creation Overview

Grouping by Application Listening Port Attribute


View Creation Overview

Grouping by Host OS Attribute


View Creation Overview

Adding Grouping to a Relationship


View Creation Overview

Grouping Relationship by TQL Node


View Creation Overview

View Rules Overview

Rules implemented to simplify views Provides layering of TQL results A solution to Too many CIs to display error
A graph cannot present more than 900 objects.

Two types of rules

Folding (applied to a link between two nodes) Relationship (applied to a link class across the entire view)

Folding rules override relationship rules when both are defined for a view

View Creation Overview

Folding Rules Overview

Defines layering for two nodes connected by a specific relationship Arranges the CIs in multiple layers Defines the position of CIs in each layer Rules
Parent, Child, Left Sibling,

Right Sibling, None


View Creation Overview

Using the Parent Rule


View Creation Overview

Using the Child Rule


View Creation Overview

Parent and Child Examples


View Creation Overview

Left Sibling Rule Example


View Creation Overview

Relationship Rules Overview

Relationship rules are an alternative to folding rules Relationship folding rules are applied to CI relationships across the view Sibling and child rules are allowed together Parent and child rules are not allowed together Right and left sibling rules are not allowed together


View Creation Overview

Relationship Rule Defined

Information Pane
Folding Rule Tab

describes the folding rule in place

Relationship Rule
Relationship always

begins at node 1 and ends at node 2 Can be edited

Rule Options
Click on Edit button in

Folding Rule Tab Parent, Right Sibling, Left 38 Sibling, Child, None

View Creation Overview

Using the Relationship Parent Rule


View Creation Overview

Using the Relationship Child Rule



Identifying Organization Strategies

What grouping and folding rules are in use?



Identifying Organization Strategies

What grouping and folding rules are in use?


View Creation Overview

Visible Property Overview

Node or relationship property selected by default When deselected, the node or relationship will not appear in the view

Used to manage nodes or relationships necessary in the TQL but which may not enhance the view if visible


View Creation Overview

Editing Visible Property


View Creation Overview

Using Visible Property


View Creation Overview

Managing Views in View Explorer

View Explorer is used to
Organize views for easy navigation in IT Universe

Manager and Topology View application

Activate and Deactivate a view to make it available

or unavailable to the system

Export and import Views in XML format


View Creation Overview

Organizing Views in View Manager

New, Rename,


New View

Save As Import/ Export

to/from XML

Chapter Review

Review Questions

What view property ensures a view is always loaded in memory? What view organization rules would you choose to reduce the amount of nodes displayed in a view? What view organization rules would you choose to reduce the number of links between nodes in a view? What is the difference between folding rules and relationship folding rules? Which view organization rules would you use to ensure that the TQL result is shown in layers?






Chapter Summary

Key points in this lesson
View Manager enables you to define a managed view

A view TQL is associated with each view

Organization rules are used to define the display structure

of CIs in a view
Grouping and folding are two ways to organize CI

information in a view
Grouping may be defined by CI type, TQL node, or attribute Relationship folding rules are applied to the view and

folding rules are applied to a specific relationship in the view


Chapter Exercises


Please complete the lesson exercises in your book. After everyone is finished, the instructor will review the answers.



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