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Christian History

A Survey

Two Great Questions

Has it ever been this bad before? Where did we come from and why do we do what we do?

Two Great Sources

The Word of God

The History of the Church

Our Approach
A surveyhighlights not details
For information To gain encouragement (Romans 15:4)

Christianity is Rooted in History

The factual history of Israel
The factual history of the Person and Work of Jesus Christ

The factual history of the New Testament Church

The Big Picture

30 AD


A Fun Quiz

Score Your Quiz

From Pentecost to Patmos

The Apostolic Age (30-95 AD)

The Big Picture

Pentecost to Persecution 30-313 Apostles Church Fathers Persecutions Ignatius Polycarp Constantine Roman Dominance 313-1517 Roman Ascendancy Dark Ages & Monasticism Medieval Period & Roman Corruption Gregory the Great Jerome Augustine John Wycliffe John Hus Canon and Creeds Split with the Eastern Church Crusades Reformation 1517-1910 German European English Erasmus Martin Luther John Calvin John Knox John Bunyan 95 Theses 5 Solas Missions Revivals Revolutions Liberals Fundamentalism Modernism Evangelicalism Gresham Machen C.S. Lewis Billy Graham Modern Times 1910-?

Martyrs Heresies Legal Status

Secularism Abortion Shift of Evangelical Activity

Paths of the Apostles

Paul Peter

John James

Paths of the Apostles

James the Just Andrew



External Dangers: Persecution

Stephen James

Nero (60s AD)
Peter Paul

Domitian (90s AD)

Sporadic & Disorganized

Internal Dangers: Heresies


Judaistic Legalism

The Fathers
After the Apostles

The Big Picture

Pentecost to Persecution 30-313 Apostles Church Fathers Persecutions Ignatius Polycarp Constantine Roman Dominance 313-1517 Roman Ascendancy Dark Ages & Monasticism Medieval Period & Roman Corruption Gregory the Great Jerome Augustine John Wycliffe John Hus Canon and Creeds Split with the Eastern Church Crusades Reformation 1517-1910 German European English Erasmus Martin Luther John Calvin John Knox John Bunyan 95 Theses 5 Solas Missions Revivals Revolutions Liberals Fundamentalism Modernism Evangelicalism Gresham Machen C.S. Lewis Billy Graham Modern Times 1910-?

Martyrs Heresies Legal Status

Secularism Abortion Shift of Evangelical Activity

The Apostolic to Post-Apostolic Period

Apostolic Teaching
30-100 AD

Apostolic Fathers
100-200 AD Persecuted Minority

Church Fathers
200-330 AD


Continued Expansion

Meet the Parents (Fathers)

Clement of Rome
Ignatius of Antioch Polycarp of Smyrna Hermas (the Shepherd)

Clement of Rome
Elder of the church in Rome
Proponent of organization (Letter to Corinth)

Became the bishop of Rome

Ignatius of Antioch
Martyred in 110 AD
En route to Rome, wrote famous letter

Promoted hierarchy of church leadership

Bishop Elders Deacon

Especially focused on a central bishop

Polycarp of Smyrna (Izmir, Turkey)

Martyred 155 AD
Example of Godliness How shall I deny Him who has done me nothing but good these 85 years?

Hermas (The Shepherd)

Roman Christian
Claimed visions from God Writings considered almost scriptural A call to repentance

The Fruit of the Fathers

Split with Judaismmove toward Gentile dominance Rise of the clergythe seeds of the papacy Intrusion of works salvation Early distinctions between eastern and western Christianity (Greek vs. Roman)

Move from Congregational to Clerical Leadership

Wherever the bishop shall appear, there let the people be; even as where Jesus may be there is the universal church. It is not lawful apart from the bishop to baptize or hold a love feast (communion).

Early Emphasis on Works Salvation

Happy are we, dear friends, if we keep Gods commandments in the harmony of love, so that by love our sins may be forgiven us.

The Rise of Rome

The City of God

Key Questions
How did the Church of Rome come to the Catholic Church? Who were the key figures that lead to its rise? What difference has it made to us today?

The Big Picture

Pentecost to Persecution 30-313 Apostles Church Fathers Persecutions Ignatius Polycarp Constantine Roman Dominance 313-1517 Roman Ascendancy Dark Ages & Monasticism Medieval Period & Roman Corruption Gregory the Great Jerome Augustine John Wycliffe John Hus Canon and Creeds Split with the Eastern Church Crusades Reformation 1517-1910 German European English Erasmus Martin Luther John Calvin John Knox John Bunyan 95 Theses 5 Solas Missions Revivals Revolutions Liberals Fundamentalism Modernism Evangelicalism Gresham Machen C.S. Lewis Billy Graham Modern Times 1910-?

Martyrs Heresies Legal Status

Secularism Abortion Shift of Evangelical Activity

The Period of Roman Dominance

Rise of Roman Catholicism 313-600AD

The Dark Ages


Roman Corruption 1000-1500AD

Corrupt Mixture of Earthly and Spiritual Power Reformation!

Factors Leading to the Rise of Rome

Emergence of the monarchial bishop Legalization of Christianity Decline of other centers of power Creation of the Eastern Empire Defensive moves against heresies


Ephesus Antioch Jerusalem

Defenses Against Error

The Canon of Scripture (4th Century) Church Councils (e.g. Nicaea) Pronouncements of the Roman bishop

The Roman Lineup

Peter I (not really!)
Damasus I (366-384AD) Leo the Great (440-461AD) Gregory the Great (590-604AD)

Damasus I
Claimed apostolic succession from Peter Commissioned the Latin Vulgate translation of Scripture

366-384 AD

Leo I
Saved Rome from Attila the Hun

Gregory the Great (Pope #1 or #64)

Took title of Pope (Father) and Pontifex Maximus (Highest Priest) Consolidated Europe under Catholic Religion Sent Roman missionaries Wrote liturgy Introduced purgatory
590-604 AD

So What Did All This Mean? By 600 AD

The Church became a spiritual-political organization The Clergy became a career path to wealth and influence Grace was channeled via the Church, its priests, and its Sacraments Tradition was placed on par with Scripture Pagan practices were absorbed into church activity

And we enter

The High Middle Ages

All Roads Lead to Rome 800-1300 AD

The Big Picture

Pentecost to Persecution 30-313 Apostles Church Fathers Persecutions Ignatius Polycarp Constantine Roman Dominance 313-1517 Roman Ascendancy Dark Ages & Monasticism Medieval Period & Roman Corruption Gregory the Great Jerome Augustine John Wycliffe John Hus Canon and Creeds Split with the Eastern Church Crusades Reformation 1517-1910 German European English Erasmus Martin Luther John Calvin John Knox John Bunyan 95 Theses 5 Solas Missions Revivals Revolutions Liberals Fundamentalism Modernism Evangelicalism Gresham Machen C.S. Lewis Billy Graham Modern Times 1910-?

Martyrs Heresies Legal Status

Secularism Abortion Shift of Evangelical Activity

The Medieval Church

Holy Roman Empire (French)


Holy Roman Empire (German)

Scholasticism Crusades Roman Catholicism East-West Church Eastern Orthodoxy

A Lot of Moving Parts




Political: Holy Roman Empire

Charlemagne (800 AD) Otto I (962 AD) Early stages of nation states Set the stage for the German Reformation

Political: The Roman Church

Investiture Controversy Multiple Popes Pope on a Rope Use of ecclesiastical weapons

Henry IV Repents Before Pope Gregory VII

Political: The Great Schism

Eastern Church (Greek)
Greek Anti-Icon

Western Church (Roman)

Latin Images Filioque Question
Michael Celularius

Pope Leo IX

Political: The Crusades

First Crusade 1095 AD Second Crusade 1147 AD Third Crusade 1189 AD

Theology: New Doctrines & New Orders

Reason Over Scripture

Transubstantiation Sacramental Salvation Monastic Orders

Benedictines Franciscans Dominicans Cistercians

Growth: Church Expansion

By 1300
Church had devolved into an ecclesio-political machine Corruption was rampant Salvation was taught to be through the church & sacraments
The stage was set for the Reformation

Something is Rotten in Rome

The Decline of the Roman Church 1300-1500 AD

The Big Picture

Pentecost to Persecution 30-313 Apostles Church Fathers Persecutions Ignatius Polycarp Constantine Roman Dominance 313-1517 Roman Ascendancy Dark Ages & Monasticism Medieval Period & Roman Corruption Gregory the Great Jerome Augustine John Wycliffe John Hus Canon and Creeds Split with the Eastern Church Crusades Reformation 1517-1910 German European English Erasmus Martin Luther John Calvin John Knox John Bunyan 95 Theses 5 Solas Missions Revivals Revolutions Liberals Fundamentalism Modernism Evangelicalism Gresham Machen C.S. Lewis Billy Graham Modern Times 1910-?

Martyrs Heresies Legal Status

Secularism Abortion Shift of Evangelical Activity

The Declining Church

1300 1400
The Emergence of the Modern World


The Spiritual Decline of Romanism

John Wycliffe (England)

Jon Hus (Czech)

The World in AscendanceThe Church in Decline

Urbanization Rise of Middle Class

Nation States

Renaissance Christian Humanism

A True Renaissance Man

Da Vinci Erasmus

Michelangelo Raphael

The World in AscendanceThe Church in Decline

Urbanization Rise of Middle Class

Papal Humiliation
Capture of Boniface Clement in Avignon Multiple Popes Broken Succession Conciliar Movement

Nation States

Renaissance Christian Humanism

Moral & Spiritual Corruption

Murders & Immorality Relics Superstition over Scripture Position vs. Character Indulgences

Pope Clement VII

Pope Boniface

John Tetzel

Early Reformers (Pre-1517)

German Mystics
John Wycliffe (England) 1325-1284 John Hus (Bohemia) 1372-1415

John Wycliffe
Scripture into English Priesthood of Believers Authority in Character not Title AntiTransubstantiation

John Hus
Follower of Wycliffe Preached against Indulgences Preached the Gospel

The lines were being drawn The world would never be the same The wood was on the pile A match was needed

The Swiss Reformation

The Center of European Protestantism

Factors in the Reformation

Roman Corruption Rediscovery of Scripture REFORMATION


Printing Press


Two Major Players

Ulrich Zwingli 1484-1531

John Calvin 1509-1564

Ulrich Zwingli
Priest & Preacher (pre-dated Luther) Zurich Pastorate
Verse by Verse Sausage Controversy 67 Conclusions Official Protestant City

Military Leader

Succeeded by Heinrich Bullinger

Sent missionaries Jacob Kaiser martyred Led campaign against Catholic cantons Killed in battle

John (Jean) Calvin

French exile to Basel
Wrote Institutes of the Christian Religion (at 25)

Moved to Geneva
Partnered with William Farel Created systematic approach to the faith Exiled to Strasbourg Recalled to restore order in Geneva Wrote Commentaries on the Holy


Ministered for 27 years

What About the Rest of Europe?

Result of the Reformation

Calvinistic Presbyterianism Anglican Protestantism

The English Reformation

Sort of

The English Reformation

The Plethora of English Leaders


The Impact of the English Bible

The Impact of the English Throne

Uniqueness #1: No Specific Leader

Thomas Cranmer Hugh Latimer John Frith Thomas Bilney Anne Boleyn Farmers Merchants Unknown Preachers



Anne Boleyn

The Martyrdom of Ridley & Latimer

Be of good courage, Master Ridley, and play the man; we shall this day light such a candle, by Gods grace, in England, as I trust shall never be put out.

Uniqueness #2: The Word of God

Jon Wycliffe (13201384) William Tyndale (1494-1536)
Fled to Germany Lived in Holland Martyred in Belgium

Dozens of Preachers

Uniqueness #3: No Political Support

Persecution of Evangelical Christians

New Testament Banned Cardinal Wolsey Thomas More 50,000-100,000 Martyred

Gradual Reformation of the Church

Edward VI
Queen Mary (aka Bloody Mary) Elizabeth I

A Mixed Outcome
A Romish Anglican Church
A Protestant Anglican Church Puritanism A Church Ready for the Impact of Scottish Presbyterianism

Evangelical Decline & Revival

The Big Picture

Pentecost to Persecution 30-313 Apostles Church Fathers Persecutions Ignatius Polycarp Constantine Roman Dominance 313-1517 Roman Ascendancy Dark Ages & Monasticism Medieval Period & Roman Corruption Gregory the Great Jerome Augustine John Wycliffe John Hus Canon and Creeds Split with the Eastern Church Crusades Reformation 1517-1910 German European English Erasmus Martin Luther John Calvin John Knox John Bunyan 95 Theses 5 Solas Missions Revivals Revolutions Liberals Fundamentalism Modernism Evangelicalism Gresham Machen C.S. Lewis Billy Graham Modern Times 1910-?

Martyrs Heresies Legal Status

Secularism Abortion Shift of Evangelical Activity

Understanding Revival
Decline Symptoms & Causes Gods Answer
Israel Formalism Moving of the NT Church Coldness of Heart Holy Spirit Conviction Church in History Tolerance of Sin Repentance Global Forsaking National Assembly Prayer Local Legalism Power Ignoring Missions

The Period of Awakenings

The Moravian Revival


The First Great Awakening

England America The Evangelical Awakenings

The Moravian Revival

Lutheran Decline Prince Nicholas Von Zinzendorf (17001760) Christian Commune Revival Impacted Wesley

First Great Awakening (England)

John Wesley (17031791)
Anglican Preached in the open air Founded Methodism

First Great Awakening (America)

Jonathan Edwards (local) George Whitfield (1714-1770)
Massive appeal Strong Calvinist Influenced the Revolution

The Evangelical Awakenings

The First (18021812)
Ivy League Unitarianism

The Second (18571862)

North: New York City South: Confederate Army

The Rise of Modern Missions

The Golden Age

The Big Picture

Pentecost to Persecution 30-313 Apostles Church Fathers Persecutions Ignatius Polycarp Constantine Roman Dominance 313-1517 Roman Ascendancy Dark Ages & Monasticism Medieval Period & Roman Corruption Gregory the Great Jerome Augustine John Wycliffe John Hus Canon and Creeds Split with the Eastern Church Crusades Reformation 1517-1910 German European English Erasmus Martin Luther John Calvin John Knox John Bunyan 95 Theses 5 Solas Missions Revivals Revolutions Liberals Fundamentalism Modernism Evangelicalism Gresham Machen C.S. Lewis Billy Graham Modern Times 1910-?

Martyrs Heresies Legal Status

Secularism Abortion Shift of Evangelical Activity

The Great Commission

All authority is given to me in heaven and earth. Therefore, as you go, disciple the peoples baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit and teaching them to obey all that I have commanded. And, behold, I am with you even to the end of the world. --Matthew 28:18-20

The Golden Age

British Empire India & South Asia Missions China Missions Africa Missions Muslim Missions



Causes for the Rise of Missions

The Awakenings The Rediscovery of the Priesthood of Believers Rise in Global Trade Growth of the British Empire Wealth of the Middle Class

The Players
A List of Household Names

William Carey (1761-1834)

British Teacher/Pastor Proposed organized missions Went to Bengal (Bangladesh) Formed Baptist Missionary Society

Attempt great things for God; expect great things from God

Adoniram Judson (1788-1850)

American Congregationalist Became Baptist Burma

David Livingstone (1813-1873)

Scottish Planned for China but ended up in Africa Explored much of African continent
Dr. Livingstone, I presume? H.M. Stanley

Hudson Taylor (1832-1905)

Medical Student Called to China on Brighton Beach Opened the interior of China Founded China Inland Mission (OMF) Father of Faith Missions

A.T. Pierson (1837-1911)

American Presbyterian Pastoral Catalyst for Global Missions
US England

C.T. Studd (1860-1931)

English Cricket Star Member of the Cambridge Seven Missionary to China (CIM) Missionary to Africa (WEC)

Guess Who
Calvin College Florida Atlantic University Westminster Seminary Pastorates in NJ, FL, and NC Missionaries to Eritrea

Don and Jeannette Taws

Major Impact
Countless Para-Church Agencies
Gospel Spread to Every Country Missions Part of Fabric of Evangelical Churches

Missions Today
Sending has shifted to other countries More countries are closed to missionaries Alternative strategies are being created Missions minded people are bypassing the agencies in favor of direct engagement

The Church in the Early 21st Century

A Series of Contrasts

The Big Picture

Pentecost to Persecution 30-313 Apostles Church Fathers Persecutions Ignatius Polycarp Constantine Roman Dominance 313-1517 Roman Ascendancy Dark Ages & Monasticism Medieval Period & Roman Corruption Gregory the Great Jerome Augustine John Wycliffe John Hus Canon and Creeds Split with the Eastern Church Crusades Reformation 1517-1910 German European English Erasmus Martin Luther John Calvin John Knox John Bunyan 95 Theses 5 Solas Missions Revivals Revolutions Liberals Fundamentalism Modernism Evangelicalism Gresham Machen C.S. Lewis Billy Graham Modern Times 1910-?

Martyrs Heresies Legal Status

Secularism Abortion Shift of Evangelical Activity

Contrast #1: American vs. Global Christianity

Contrast #2: Traditional vs. Contemporary Churches

Music Dress Format

Underlying Reasons:
Appeal to the Past Appeal to the Public Appeal to Scripture

Contrast #3: Impact vs. Relevance

Impact: What difference are we making?
Relevance: Does anybody listen to what we say?

Result of These Tensions: Emergence of New Types of Churches

Media/Celebrity Churches Emerging Churches Organic/House Churches Mega-Churches/Relevant Environment Churches Renewed Traditional Churches

Media-Celebrity Churches
Mass Appeal Entertainment Focused:
Drama Music Glitz

Attractive Pastoral Teams

Emerging Churches & Organic Churches

Geared to the ADHD generation Gen Y Simultaneous MultiMedia

Without structure In homes

Focus on relevance Stripping all but the gospel Mass appeal & seeker emphasis Heavy use of marketing thought Multiple campuses Built on brands and names

Mega Churches: Pro & Con

Positive Side:
Focused on the gospel Appeal to the unchurched Evangelistic effort and impact Massive cash generation

Boundaries & slippery slopes Watering down the truth Minimal discipleship More strategy than spirituality Relocation of malcontented sheep

Renewed Traditional Churches

Focused on Scripture Connected to their history Emphasis on reverence in worship Structured Liturgical

A time of TRANSITION A time of EXPERIMENTATION Wheres it all headed?

Whats Next?
The Future of the Church in America

Decline & disenfranchisement of the American church Fragmentation of organized mission activity Ascendance of the Asian-Chinese church

3 Factors Well Face in the U.S.

Ultra-liberal, Established Church Government Interference Discipleship & Persecution

The Mainline, Established Church

Fulfill the human need for worship A god of humanistic design Focus on social fellowship and social issues Christ presented as a way to God

Government Interference
Elimination or limitation of tax-exempt status Control of Hiring Practices Application of Tolerance Doctrine to teaching
Acceptable messages Hate Speech

Persecution of Evangelicals
Starker difference between believers & unbelievers Decline of professors vs. possessors Restriction of Free Speech via the Tolerance Doctrine Ridicule and alienation via media

The Shape of the Church in America

The Good News:
Jesus Christ will continue to bring people to himself

The Unknown News:

Revival will change the outcome

The Bad News:

If things remain the same

A Possible Landscape
Public open & tolerant church Despised evangelicalism Informal & home oriented Christianity

Upon this rock I will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. --The Lord Jesus

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