Toba Supervolcano Sumatra, Indonesia: Toba Today Is A Beautiful Lake On The Island of Sumatra in Indonesia

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TOBA SUPERVOLCANO Sumatra, Indonesia

Toba today is a beautiful lake on the island of Sumatra in Indonesia.

It is popular tourist destination and attracts many tourist.

What Was Toba?

Toba was a supervolcano that approximately 73,500 years ago. The last eruption lasted two weeks.


DIAMETER 2,800 km IS A LAKE AND SUPERVOLCANO, 100 kilometers long and 30 kilometers and 505 meters. THE ERUPTION FORMED A CALDERA that with the past of the years it was filled with water and created Lake Toba. with an island in the middle of the lake.

What happen with TOBA.

All volcanoes are measured on what is called the Volcanic Explosivity Index (VEI). Eruptions are categorized on a range of 0 to 8, with a score of 8 for Toba. Toba could produce a big cataclysmic .


The Toba eruption can be

2,577 times as big as

any other volcano over the world

Toba has 100 Km long IMAGINE what type of eruption could be it


Lately scientists detected sismic activity suggest that the Toba volcano could awakening.

LOCATION OF TOBA Toba was also situated at the worst location possible for a super volcano.
It is located Proximity to equator line So that, TOBA erupted can affect all latitudes of globe, and affect the magnetic poles of the earth.

Here is Toba, at 2 degrees north of the equator.

Climatic Effects of Toba

Eruption can block the solar radiation and cover the most part of the surface of the planet with dust, ash and gases.

Resulting Scenario
Toba eruption could produce the coldest 1,000 years in last glacial

Temperature dropped 16* C in 160 years.

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