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Answering Techniques For SPM Chemistry Paper 3

By Pn Noraini Binti Nasikin

Essay Question
Planning should include the following aspects: 1. Aim of the experiment/ Statement of the problem 2. All the variables 3. Statement of the hypothesis 4. List of substances/ material and apparatus 5. Procedure of the experiment 6. Tabulation of data

1. Statement of problem
It always must be a question and ended with question mark. Read question well Start with How does manipulated variable affect responding variable? or Does Increasing/ decreasing manipulated variable increase/ decrease responding variable?

Aim of The Experiment

It must be a statement and ended with pull stop. Start with To compare../ To investigate/ To Study..

Manipulated Variable: (axis-x value) Responding variable: (axis-y value) Constant variable
Write as much as you know. Examiner will find the correct answer

Statement of Hypothesis
Must follow the sequence (always start with Manipulated variable and followed by responding variable) Example : When the MV increase/ decrease , the RV will increase/ decrease.

List of substances and apparatus

Separate the substances and apparatus Substances- everything that cannot be reused after the experiment) Apparatus- everything that can be reused after the experiment) Solution must state the molarity and with unit (mol dm-3) For dilute range 0.1-0.9 mol dm-3 For concentrated >1.0 mol dm-3

State all that you know For measuring cylinder, conical flask and volumetric flask, must state the volume. Compulsory steps:
The main steps example the switch is turn on The observation is measured and recorded. The experiment is repeated by using others MV.

Tabulation of Data
Draw at 2 column for MV and RV. The unit at each title (MV and RV)


The elements in Group 1 of the Periodic Table have almost the same chemical properties but their reactivity differ going down the group. Design a laboratory experiment to compare the reactivity of lithium, sodium and potassium to test the phenomenon. You can use the reaction of these metals with oxygen or chlorine to plan an experiment to investigate the reactivity of Group 1 elements. Your planning should include the following aspects.

a. b. c. d. e. f.

Problem statement All the variables Statement of the hypothesis List of substances and apparatus Procedure of the experiment Tabulation of data

Chemical substance Observation at the Anode Observation at the cathode Brown deposited is formed Copper (II) chloride Greenish yellow gas solution of 1.0 moldm- evolved and 3 decolourised blue litmus paper Copper (II) chloride solution of 0.0001 moldm-3 Colourless gas evolved and lighted up a glowing wooden splinter

Brown deposit is formed

Table above shows the results of the electrolysis of copper (II) chloride solutions of different concentration using carbon electrodes. Based on the results, design a laboratory experiment to show that the product of electrolysis depends on the concentration of solution. In your explanation, the following items should be included.

a. b. c. d. e.

Problem statement Hypothesis All the variables List of substances and apparatus Procedure of the experiment


The reaction between lead (II) nitrate and potassium chromate (VI) can form lead (II) chromate (VI) precipitate. The ionic equation for the formation of lead (II) chromate (VI) can be written as: Pb2+ + CrO42PbCrO4

Plan a laboratory experiment to construct the above ionic equation using continuous variation method. Your planning must include the following items:

a. b. c. d. e. f.

Problem statement All the variables involved Statement of the hypothesis List of substances and apparatus Experimental procedure Tabulation of data


Copper wire in an electrical cable can be bent with our bare hands. One cent coin made from the alloy of copper with tin and zinc cannot be bent easily. Referring to the above situation, plan an experiment in the laboratory to investigate the effect of alloying towards the hardness of pure metal. Your planning should include the following :

a. b. c. d. e. f.

Statement of the Problem Hypothesis Variables List of substances and apparatus Procedures Tabulation of data

A reaction between zinc and hydrochloric acid Question 5 will produce zinc chloride and hydrogen gas as shown in chemical equation below :

Zn + 2HCl

ZnCl2 + H2

Copper (II) sulphate can be used as catalyst in this reaction

Plan a laboratory experiment to study the effect of catalyst on the rate of reaction above. Your planning must include the following items :

a. b. c. d. e. f.

Problem statement All the variables involved Statement of the hypothesis List of substances and apparatus Experimental procedure Tabulation of data

Metal P is less electropositive than iron. Metal Q is more electropositive than iron

Based on the statement above, plan a laboratory experiment to investigate the effect of rusting of iron when in contact with metal P and metal Q. Your planning should include the following aspects:

a. b. c. d. e. f.

Problem statement All the variables involved Statement of the hypothesis List of substances and apparatus Experimental procedure Tabulation of data

Equal volume Question 7 of water is heated in

two different copper container. Container 1 is heated by using alcohol X while container 2 is heated by using alcohol Y.

It was discovered that the mass of alcohol X needed to boil the water is more compared to alcohol Y. Plan a laboratory experiment to compare the heat of combustion between alcohol X and Y based on the above situation.

a. b. c. d. e. f.

Problem statement All the variables Statement of hypothesis List of substances and apparatus Procedure of the Experiment Tabulation of data

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