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Gina H.


Sociological perspective is the lens or approach that someone chooses to view the society from. Characteristics of Sociological Perspective: 1. Seeing the general in the particular 2. Seeing the strange in the familiar 3. Human behavior is not as individualistic as we think, but rather social forces affect human behavior. 4. Sociological perspective has a global perspective, the study of the larger world and our societys place in it.

"Sociological imagination" is a way of thinking that is necessary if one is to be able to understand society from a sociological point of view.

In what ways: 1. see what is going on in the world and what may be happening within ourselves. 2. see that society not our own foibles or failings is responsible for many of our problems

3. see that many of our personal problems can be transformed into political issues. 4. see the power of society to shape our individual lives. 5. define the troubles we endure in terms of historical change. 6. see the intricate connection between the patterns of our own lives and the course of world history. 7. know what this connection means for the kind of men we are becoming and for the kinds of history-making in which we might take part.

Sociological inquiry refers to scientific investigation or intellectual and rigorous research on a particular issue, problem, concern, event or situation for a better understanding of the same. Fundamental Procedures in Sociological Inquiry 1. Defining the problem

2. Reviewing the literature

3. Forming a hypothesis

4. Choosing a research design

5. Collecting the data

6. Analyzing the data

7. Drawing conclusions

8. Communicating the results of the study.

Methods and tools in Sociological Inquiry: 1. Experiment establishes cause and effect relationship 2. Survey uses either questionnaires or interviews 3. Case study intensive study and examination of a person or a specific group, organization or institution 4. Field Observation researchers deliberately involve themselves in the activity, group, or community they are studying in order to get an insiders views. 5. Historical approach historical materials are analyzed

Techniques/Tools in Sociological Inquiry 1. Qualitative technique

2. Quantitative technique

Traits and Behavioral Characteristics Required for Sociological Inquiry 1. Ethical neutrality 2. Adherence to positivism 3. Ability to discern repetitive patterns of human behavior from a variety of social experiences 4. Sociological imagination and sociological perspectives 5. Skeptical receptivity

6. A persistent critical spirit 7. Skills in applying the methods, techniques and tools of scientific inquiry 8. Honesty, cooperation and industry 9. Liberalism and open-mindedness 10. Deep involvement and commitment in the resolution of social problems

Pick out 5 research studies from the theses compiled in the library. Describe the procedures, methods, techniques and tools used in its scientific inquiry. Submit output at the end of the class session. Use 1 whole sheet of yellow pad paper.

Undertake a library research on, a. The Effects of globalization, colonization and modernization in 3rd world countries like the Philippines.

1. Quiz next meeting (handout ) 2. Read: (graded recitation next meeting) a. sociological paradigms b. sociological theories

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