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A leader lives in each of us

What are the foundations for effective leadership?
What are current issues and directions in leadership development?

Discussion Topics...
Definition What is Leadership?? To be a Leader. Case Study. What Leaders do differently. Myths about Leadership Points to ponder Lasting thoughts...


Leadership is defined as: The art or process of influencing people so that they will strive willingly & enthusiastically towards the achievement of group goals. - Koontz & Weihrich

What is Leadership?

Leadership is
Driving people to attain objectives.

Focusing on setting strategies.

Participating in business teams and making decisions.

Infusing the decisions with consistency in a changing environment.

Leadership is
Beyond the Command & Control phenomena.

To be clear about Mission, Vision & Values of the organization.

Understanding the changing needs of the customers & employees. Having direction & focus.

Leadership is
Setting a right example. Having sense & inevitability of tomorrow.

To ensure to have the best or specialists around. Motivating people to perform to the best of their abilities. This list is endless..

To be a Leader.

Maintain a clear vision.

Know the situation.
Stay focused. Remain involved. Obtain Commitment.

Establish a positive culture.

Consider influencing factors.
Some types of factors are Environmental conditions, Employees' attitude, Past Experiences & Type of Industry.

Establish a positive attitude.

Who likes a grumpy boss with a negative attitude? A positive upbeat attitude instills, confidence and projects a sense of success.

Maintain the right Leadership style.

Various styles:
Autocratic. Bureaucratic. Consultative. Participative. Laissez Faire. Situational.

Managerial Grid.

Be decisive
Decision Making is a continuous requirement of leadership.

Understand the issue.

Take timely action.

Lead by example.
Demonstrate personal values and norms.

Maintain expectations.

Build Relationships
Foster mutual respect. Express appreciation.

Define expectations.

Empower Subordinates.
Ensure Communication & Co ordination.

Address Change
Recognise the impact of changing conditions. Assess & analyze alternative solutions.

When the rate of change outside exceeds the rate of change inside, the end is in the sight.

A Leadership Story:
A group of workers and their leaders are set a task of clearing a road through a dense jungle on a remote island to get to the coast where an estuary provides a perfect site for a port. The leaders organise the labour into efficient units and monitor the distribution and use of capital assets progress is excellent. The leaders continue to monitor and evaluate progress, making adjustments along the way to ensure the progress is maintained and efficiency increased wherever possible. Then, one day amidst all the hustle and bustle and activity, one person climbs up a nearby tree. The person surveys the scene from the top of the tree.

A Leadership Story:
And shouts down to the assembled group below Wrong Way!
(Story adapted from Stephen Covey (2004) The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People Simon & Schuster).

Management is doing things right, leadership is doing the right things

(Warren Bennis and Peter Drucker)


Types of Leadership Style

Types of Leadership Style

Leader makes decisions without reference to anyone else High degree of dependency on the leader Can create de-motivation and alienation of staff May be valuable in some types of business where decisions need to be made quickly and decisively

Types of Leadership Style

Democratic: Encourages decision making from different perspectives leadership may be emphasised throughout the organisation
Consultative: process of consultation before decisions are taken Persuasive: Leader takes decision and seeks to persuade others that the decision is correct

Types of Leadership Style

May help motivation and involvement Workers feel ownership of the firm and its ideas Improves the sharing of ideas and experiences within the business Can delay decision making

Types of Leadership Style

Let it be the leadership responsibilities are shared by all Can be very useful in businesses where creative ideas are important Can be highly motivational, as people have control over their working life Can make coordination and decision making time-consuming and lacking in overall direction Relies on good team work Relies on good interpersonal relations

Types of Leadership Style

Paternalistic: Leader acts as a father figure Paternalistic leader makes decision but may consult Believes in the need to support staff

Change Leadership

Change Leadership
The most challenging aspect of business is leading and managing change The business environment is subject to fastpaced economic and social change Modern business must adapt and be flexible to survive Problems in leading change stem mainly from human resource management

Change Leadership
Leaders need to be aware of how change impacts on workers: Series of self-esteem states identified by Adams et al and cited by Garrett
Adams, J. Hayes, J. and Hopson, B.(eds) (1976) Transition: understanding and managing change personal change London, Martin Robertson Garrett, V. (1997) Managing Change in School leadership for the 21st century Brett Davies and Linda Ellison, London, Routledge

Change Leadership
6. 3. 4. 2.Search Depression: Acceptance/letting Minimisation: 1. Immobilisation for meaning: as As reality the go: 5. Testing out: begins The Individuals change lowest as to becomes dawn rumours point begin staff in to clearer, of selfwork may the Individuals begin to feel esteem with people alienated the change try change to circulate, and fit sees and inangry, the people see the 7finally interact with the change, feelings starting how change they individual to of with might a accept lack their feels be of the own able control some to they start to ask questions of inevitable. make personal events sense the overtake position change Fear of shock ofwork and the people and may for to see how they might and future them try to they possible is believe self a feel feature esteem depressed disbelief thatof it begins this will as work with the change. they stage. to not rise. affect try so much to them. reconcile so thatwhat they is happening deem it worthy with their of own personal doing situation. nothing. 7. Internalisation: the change is 6 understood and adopted within the individuals own understanding they now know how to work with it and feel a renewed sense of confidence and self esteem.

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Theories of Leadership

Theories of Leadership
Trait theories: Is there a set of characteristics that determine a good leader?
Personality? Dominance and personal presence? Charisma? Self confidence? Achievement? Ability to formulate a clear vision?

Theories of Leadership
Trait theories:
Are such characteristics inherently gender biased? Do such characteristics produce good leaders? Is leadership more than just bringing about change? Does this imply that leaders are born not bred?

Theories of Leadership
Behavioural: Imply that leaders can be trained focus on the way of doing things
Structure based behavioural theories focus on the leader instituting structures task orientated Relationship based behavioural theories focus on the development and maintenance of relationships process orientated

Theories of Leadership
Contingency Theories: Leadership as being more flexible different leadership styles used at different times depending on the circumstance. Suggests leadership is not a fixed series of characteristics that can be transposed into different contexts

Theories of Leadership
May depend on:
Type of staff History of the business Culture of the business Quality of the relationships Nature of the changes needed Accepted norms within the institution

Theories of Leadership
Widespread changes to a business or organisation

Long term strategic planning Clear objectives Clear vision Leading by example walk the walk Efficiency of systems and processes

Theories of Leadership
Invitational Leadership:
Improving the atmosphere and message sent out by the organisation Focus on reducing negative messages sent out through the everyday actions of the business both externally and, crucially, internally Review internal processes to reduce these Build relationships and sense of belonging and identity with the organisation that gets communicated to customers, etc.

Theories of Leadership
Transactional Theories:
Focus on the management of the organisation Focus on procedures and efficiency Focus on working to rules and contracts Managing current issues and problems

Factors Affecting Style

Factors Affecting Style

Leadership style may be dependent on various factors:
Risk - decision making and change initiatives based on degree of risk involved Type of business creative business or supply driven? How important change is change for changes sake? Organisational culture may be long embedded and difficult to change Nature of the task needing cooperation? Direction? Structure?

The beginning...
Born in 1935.

Raised in Salem, Massachusetts

Acquired Masters and Doctorate in chemical Engineering from University of Illinois.

The beginning...
Joined GE in the plastic division in Pittsfield in the year 1960. Became the youngest GM in the history of GE at the age of 33 in 1968 Took over as CEO in 1981 from Reg Jones

Tough start..
Interest rates were sky rocketing Economy was sandwiched between two recessions Stock Market was in shambles GEs stock had almost lost half of its value over previous 10 years

What did Jack really do ??

Clear vision : Despite all odds, make GE a world class company

Increased the sales from $25 bn to $115 bn Increased Profit from $ 1.5 bn to $11 bn in two decades

Jacks Leadership Tenets


Welch as a Leader
SIMPLICITY Grocery store Model

EMBRACE CHANGE Change, Before its too late FACE THE REALITY Always look at the world way it is and not the way you wish it to be

Welch Initiatives
Mid 1980s :
Launched a global revolution 3 Circle strategy Number One Number Two theory 1989 : Bureaucracy eradication Work Out 1995 : Emphasize on quality/clients need Six Sigma Shift from Mfg. to Product services 1999 : e Volution

E E E & E - 4 Es of Leadership

Edge Energizer & Execution

With his Leadership Skills, Jack Welch merged a small-company soul and thirst to learn, with GE's big-company body and global reach!!!

What leaders do differently???

All Leaders are Managers.. all Managers are not Leaders!

Management is about coping with complexity.

Leadership by contrast is about coping with change.

All Leaders are Managers.. all Managers are not Leaders!

Leaders focus on:
Strategies and Development. Core objectives of Organisation.

Managers focus on:

Implementation of strategies. Daily routine chores of the organisation.

Managers are exercisers of Caution.. ..Leaders are harbingers of Hope!!!

Myths about Leadership.

Are Leaders born?????

An ancient Greek philosophy maintained that leaders are born but this has lost its acceptance in recent times.
Live contradictions to this theory are leaders like
Dhirubhai Ambani. Narayan Murthy.

Can Leadership be taught????

Prof. Novell Tichy
80% of leadership growth - job experience 20% of leadership growth - training & study.

Can there be only positive Leadership ?

Osama Bin Laden

Points to Ponder

Can any one man or woman change the course of events?

Would Reliance have been where it is today without Dhirubhai Ambani at the helm?

Would IBM have turned around in the mid 1990s without Louis Gerstner as CEO?

Would Australia have managed 16 consecutive test wins had the captain been anybody else but Steve Waugh?

Leadership is the art of accomplishing more than the Science of Management says is possible!!! - Colin Powell

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