Divya Singh 1st Thesis Presentation

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Interim election protocol for selecting cluster head in WSN to improve overall network uptime

M.Tech. Thesis 1st Presentation

Divya Pal Singh (2010-AN-11)
Under the guidance of Dr. K.K. Pattanaik

ABV-Indian Institute of Information Technology and Management Gwalior


Links to Other networks or Similar Super Nodes

A wireless sensor network (WSN) is a wireless network consist of spatially distributed autonomous devices Work cooperatively to monitor physical or environmental conditions Overall efficiency depends on the uptime of WSN System uptime depends on:

Super Node


Power consumption by each node for survival and for Tx and Rx Node failure or Connectivity failure among various WSN components

Various mechanisms are available in literature for improving the overall uptime of WSN

Factors Influencing WSN uptime

Fault tolerance Scalability Sensor network topology Environment Transmission media Power Consumption Sensing Communication Data processing

To develop a mechanism for selection of cluster head in the event of failure of the coordinator node to mitigate the network partitioning problem To enhance the network uptime.

Previous efforts
Key reference 1
Wendi B. Heinzelman, Member, IEEE, Anantha P. Chandrakasan, Senior Member, IEEE, and Hari Balakrishnan, Member, IEEE An Application-Specific Protocol Architecture for Wireless Micro sensor Networks IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS, VOL. 1, NO. 4, OCTOBER 2002 Focus is to enhance network lifetime Aproach:

Cluster heads are chosen based on remaining energy (above a chosen threshold) of the candidates nodes Uses data fusion technique to compress data for Tx to the coordinator to reduce energy consumption A node joins a cluster based on minimum communication energy between it and the available cluster heads.
Observed shortcomings: Once a node is selected as Coordinator, it is excluded in subsequent rounds

of coordinator selection If the cluster head dies natural death due to any reason there is no mechanism to select a new coordinator immediately No mechanism for dealing with such faults


In [5] An Efficient Routing Protocol Design for Distributed WirelessSensorNetworks ), objective is to enhancing network lifetime through: By proposing A new approach, Optimal Energy Efficient Clustering Algorithm (OEECA),which compare OEECA(proposed approach) with LEACH (Low Energy Adaptive Cluster Head) Routing Algorithm. Comparison is based on Energy consumption ,Selection of Cluster-Head node and Sending datas to the Base-station.


In [3]Dynamic Cluster Head for Lifetime efficiency in WSN Protocol, objective is to enhancing network lifetime through: By distribute the role of the fixed cluster head among some of the nodes in each cluster of the cluster-tree network based on the AODV and cluster-tree routing protocols. The AODV routing protocol chooses the new cluster head based on a weight value. This value has been generated to identify the next cluster head in the cluster when the consumption speed of the current cluster head is high.


In [6] A Tree-Based Power Saving Routing Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks objective is to enhancing network lifetime through: by avoiding excessive messages between nodes by constructing new addressing scheme between network nodes . This protocol is based on Tree Routing (TR). It routes the data over the shortest path using parent child links in accompany with neighbors' links. it solves the problem of nodes failure.


In [7] Energy Balanced Fixed Clustering protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks objective is to enhancing network lifetime through: By Creates a fixed number of clusters and maintained throughout the lifetime. By distribute energy load evenly among all the nodes by rotating the role of cluster heads. By selecting cluster heads and next heads based on the residual energy and location of the nodes in advance.


In [8] An Efficient Approach to Select Cluster Head in Wireless Sensor Networks ,objective is to enhancing network lifetime through: increases the network lifetime, reduces the energy dissipation for data communication. proposes a new approach to select cluster head based on higher energy-cost ratio where energy-cost ratio is determined by the ratio of total amount of energy for all cluster heads and total network costs. ECRBCP utilizes the high-energy base station to perform most energy related tasks. to minimize the communication cost among sensors to cluster heads to base station, those nodes are selected as cluster heads that creates a proper distribution of cluster heads among the network, thats why network coverage and load balancing issue are also addressed by this method.

I will try to create a solution which include advantages of both LEACH-C and Tree-Based Power Saving Routing Protocol . With respect to, LEACH-C centralized approach is more general. With respect to, A Tree-Based Power Saving Routing Protocol Tree formation of nodes in network is more general.

In all the case studies, packet forwarding is one of the most compelling challenge in clustering . The design of efficient routing strategies for opportunistic networks is generally a complicated task due to the absence of knowledge about the topological evolution of the network. Routing performance improves when more knowledge about the expected topology of the network can be exploited.

Wendi Rabiner Heinzelman, Anantha Chandrakasan, and Hari Balakrishnan Energy-Efficient Communication Protocol for Wireless Micro sensor Networks Proceedings of the 33rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences 2000 2. Wendi B. Heinzelman, Member, IEEE, Anantha P. Chandrakasan, Senior Member, IEEE, and Hari Balakrishnan, Member, IEEE An Application-Specific Protocol Architecture for Wireless Micro sensor Networks IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS, VOL. 1, NO. 4, OCTOBER 2002 3. Hesham Abusaimeh Shuang-Hua Yang Dynamic Cluster Head for Lifetime Efficiency in WSN International Journal of Automation and Computing 06(1), February 2009, 48-54 DOI: 10.1007/s11633-009-0048-0 4. Babar Nazir1, Halabi Hasbullah2 Energy Efficient Multi Hierarchy Clustering Protocol for Wireless Sensor Network(EMHC) 2010 International Conference on Intelligence and Information Technology (ICIIT 2010) 5. Prof.K. Manikandan Dr.T.Purusothaman An Efficient Routing Protocol Design for Distributed Wireless Sensor Networks International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 8887) Volume 10 N.4, November 2010 6. Iman ALMomani, MIEEE, Maha Saadeh, Mousa AL-Akhra s, MIEEE, and Hamzeh AL Jawawdeh A Tree-Based Power Saving Routing Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMPUTERS AND COMMUNICATIONS Issue 2, Volume 5, 2011 8. Bijan Kumar Debroy, Muhammad Sheikh Sadi, Md. Al Imran An Efficient Approach to Select Cluster Head in Wireless Sensor Networks JOURNAL OF COMMUNICATIONS, VOL. 6, NO. 7, OCTOBER 2011 1.

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