Server Administration in SAP XI 3.0

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Introduction to SAP XI 3.0 System Landscape Directory Integration Repository Integration Directory Monitoring Adapter Framework Business Process Management Server Administration Security B2B and Industry Standards

SAP AG 2004, Title of Presentation, Speaker Name 1

XI 3.0 components in SAP Web AS 6.40

ICM Central Monitoring



XI Tools Integration Builder (IR, ID) Runtime workbench Business Process Engine

Integration Engine

Mapping runtime
Adapter Engine SLD

OpenSQL for Java

SAP AG 2004, Title of Presentation, Speaker Name 2

OpenSQL for ABAP

Web AS 6.40 - key architecture points

J2EE stack
SQLJ layer for database connectivity All objects stored in database SLD is delivered with the J2EE Engine UME for user management

JRFC replaces JCo for J2EE to ABAP connectivity

ABAP stack
Integration Engine is part of BASIS (and corresponding support packages)

SAP AG 2004, Title of Presentation, Speaker Name 3

Integration Engine - new administration features


Time-controlled message processing Switch procedure for message deletion Better tuning capabilities for queues:

queue for large messages between parallel queues


SAP AG 2004, Title of Presentation, Speaker Name 4

J2EE Engine Administration overview

J2EE Engine Administrator Configuration tool

Offline configuration editor

SAP AG 2004, Title of Presentation, Speaker Name 5

Integration Builder Administration page

System information Administration of locks Migration tool

SAP AG 2004, Title of Presentation, Speaker Name 6

Tracing and logging

J2EE-based components of XI use standard logging of J2EE Engine Setup via Log Configurator Service in Visual Administrator tool

SAP AG 2004, Title of Presentation, Speaker Name 7

Standalone Log Viewer UI

Connect to any number of WebAS servers (ABAP/J2EE)

SAP AG 2004, Title of Presentation, Speaker Name 8

Integrated Log Viewer UI

Accessible via J2EE Visual Administrator tool

SAP AG 2004, Title of Presentation, Speaker Name 9

Trace and Log Files for the XI J2EE components

Under <J2EE_dir>/cluster/server0/log/applications/

repository.log directory.log mapruntime.log rwb.log xi.log

repository.trc directory.trc mapruntime.trc rwb.trc xi.trc

Default trace file for entire J2EE Engine: <J2EE_dir>/cluster/server0/log/defaultTrace.trc

SAP AG 2004, Title of Presentation, Speaker Name 10

Trace and Log Files in the ABAP Part

RUNTIME-LOGGING parameter under SXMB_ADM > Integration Engine Configuration > Specific Configuration.

SAP AG 2004, Title of Presentation, Speaker Name 11

Trace and Log Files in the ABAP Part

Usage of logging parameter: You set this parameter when you want to analyze message processing as it enables you to document either individual steps, or all steps in a pipeline.

The parameter TRACE_LEVEL enables you to locally set the trace level for all pipelines in an Integration Engine.
SAP AG 2004, Title of Presentation, Speaker Name 12

Defining Conditions and Actions for Troubleshooting

In the Integration Engine, you can specify conditions for troubleshooting in inbound messages that trigger particular actions (Example: Writing trace and log information to a file).
The procedure for creating a conditioned action is divided into the creation of one or more conditions and one or more actions.

SAP AG 2004, Title of Presentation, Speaker Name 13

BPE trace

In case of any problems or error situations it is recommended to turn on tracing by using transaction SWELS

SAP AG 2004, Title of Presentation, Speaker Name 14

Additional performance considerations

JRFC reduces J2EE memory overhead for mapping step (from 9-10x down to 3x message size) Simple transformations (ST) reduce the overhead for conversion between DDIC structures and XML in proxy framework Large messages go to a special queue no impact on performance of average-sized messages

SAP AG 2004, Title of Presentation, Speaker Name 15

Significant changes in SAP Web AS architecture In particular, improved J2EE Engine architecture allows better system administration and monitoring Better performance tuning capabilities for Integration Engine

SAP AG 2004, Title of Presentation, Speaker Name 16

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