ERDMP MR KishoreDawande TotalOilFILEminimizer

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Safety Culture Value to be shared

Best Practices in Planning and Stages of ERDMP in Total Oil

ERDMP workshop on 28th Feb - 1st March 2011- Kishor M Dawande

ERDMP workshop on 28th Feb - 1st March 2011- Kishor M Dawande

Why do we need a Plan?

To be ready at any time with :
Adequate organization Adequate equipment Trained Staff

ERDMP workshop on 28th Feb - 1st March 2011- Kishor M Dawande

Golden Rules

If you dont have enough you have nothing If you are not ready it is too late There will be no notice, and you will not know where The faster you are ready the better

ERDMP workshop on 28th Feb - 1st March 2011- Kishor M Dawande

Emergency Planning

ERDMP workshop on 28th Feb - 1st March 2011- Kishor M Dawande

Step 1 - Administration
Who develops the plan What is in the plan Who review the adequacy How is communication established

Who coordinates the action

How is it tested How are lessons learned fed back into the system


ERDMP workshop on 28th Feb - 1st March 2011- Kishor M Dawande

Step-2 Identification of Possible Emergencies

Fire / explosion Bomb threats, sabotage, etc.

Chemical spill
Radiation leak Flood Major environmental damage Security

Natural Disaster
Other hazards
ERDMP workshop on 28th Feb - 1st March 2011- Kishor M Dawande


Step 3-Emergency Needs Analysis

Questions What could happen?

How likely is it to happen?

How severe could it be? How frequently could it occur? What should we do about it?

ERDMP workshop on 28th Feb - 1st March 2011- Kishor M Dawande

Step 4-Emergency Plans writing

Procedures for reporting an emergency

Procedures to notify all personnel and define their participation

Designation of a central control area Evacuation of personnel Control of visitors and contractors

ERDMP workshop on 28th Feb - 1st March 2011- Kishor M Dawande

Step 5 -Emergency Plans Should Include:

A detailed search and rescue plan Detailed instructions for shutdown procedures

Hazardous material controls and information

The protection of vital equipment and materials Re-entry and all-clear procedures


ERDMP workshop on 28th Feb - 1st March 2011- Kishor M Dawande

Step 6-Standards

11 - Reference ERDMP workshop on 28th Feb - 1st March 2011- Kishor M Dawande 11 area

Foam? Water? Protection : WATER

Extinction : FOAM = Emulsifier + Water + Air
Concentration :
3% (proportion of emulsifier required in the water to generate the foam)

Foam reserve : should be diversified and well located

Containers of 1000 litres (difficult to move without forklift!!!) Drum of 200 litres (will not last long!!!) Tanks (may be a trap!!! If the system broke down) All our eggs cannot be in the same basket Should be accessible at any time


ERDMP workshop on 28th Feb - 1st March 2011- Kishor M Dawande

Liquefied product-LPG :
Main target is the cooling of the installation on fire and the protection of the other installations
On fire : 10.2 l/min/m2 during 180 minutes
Use for the calculation the surface of the bullet, the sphere or other installations (gantry, pump house) Sprinklers or mobile equipments

Protection : anything within 25m during 180 minutes

Sprinklers or mobile equipments


ERDMP workshop on 28th Feb - 1st March 2011- Kishor M Dawande

Water Pump
Pumping rate at least > 120% of the theoretical needs Between 10 to 12 bars at the pump house to get 7 to8 bar at the fire point

Water Storage and underground Pipeline

Redundancy : pumping capacity needs always available If electrical pump, the power supply should be from 2 independent source : power grid network and generator set Diesel pump preferred Test : The pumps have to be tested on load at least during once a week 30 minutes

Need to have adequate support from mobile equipment

ERDMP workshop on 28th Feb - 1st March 2011- Kishor M Dawande

Step 7 - Lessons Learned.

Communicate information to Managers

Remainder of the organization Neighbors Local community


ERDMP workshop on 28th Feb - 1st March 2011- Kishor M Dawande

Step 8 Training
Training Fire fighting Training

All Plant personal to be covered

First aid Training Level 1 -80 % of staff covered Level 2 20% of staff covered Crisis Drill Training

Monthly Mock drill at Plant

Yearly Crisis Drill involving all concerned
ERDMP workshop on 28th Feb - 1st March 2011- Kishor M Dawande

Definition of a Crisis:
A serious development, characterized by a sudden and generally decisive change

Difference with emergency :

Emergency Destabilization Crisis Manage & Mitigate dangers OUTSIDE impact Respond & Control INSIDE impact

All Emergency plans must be part of the crisis plan


ERDMP workshop on 28th Feb - 1st March 2011- Kishor M Dawande

Common Emergency Plan Architecture:

Actual Situation:
Description of mains activities/ situation of the company Location of the sites Logkeepers form


General infos

Phone list


Description of the team Organization chart Alert process Roles description

Operational part

Crisis management Team contacts Mains contact in the head Quarter/ or Paris. Head office main contacts Sites main contacts Local contact for the site Country main contact ( administrativ/ Medical/ medias/ Legal / Advisors
ERDMP workshop on 28th Feb - 1st March 2011- Kishor M Dawande

Definitions / Level of crisis for the Plan Specifics information for the Plan: _layouts _ Equipment inventory _Scenarios Detailed Specific roles and actions dedicated to the Plan.

CMC Architecture
1) Integration of Emergency Plans in CMC Document
CMC PLAN POB BCP BRP Flu Pandemic Plan Natural Disaster MOSCP (PUM) Fire Emergency Plan

Road Truck accident plan

Organization General Infos

Phone list Forms

Security/ Medical Evacuation

General Infos CMC Organization

Common Part

Operational Part

Phone list



Road Truck Fire accident Emergency MOSCP (PUM) plan Plan

Security/ Flu Natural Pandemic Disaster Medical Evacuation Plan

CMC procedure


ERDMP workshop on 28th Feb - 1st March 2011- Kishor M Dawande

New Organisation- CMC Table of content

Head Office
Common Part
CMT (crisis management team)
CMT members Preliminary accident report forms Proforma for communication CMT members Singapore/ Paris Local administration and consultants Evacuation contacts Staff Expatriates Guide BCP per departments

Operational plans
Security contingency plan
General points Crisis procedures (4 level) Bomb threat guidelines Civil disturbance guidelines Levels Action plan checklist Pandemic action team Appendices

Phone list

Pandemic contingency plan


Security Evacuation

BCP (Business Continuity Plan) BRP (Business Recovery Plan)


ERDMP workshop on 28th Feb - 1st March 2011- Kishor M Dawande

New Organisation - CMC Table of content

Common Part
ERT (Emergency Response Team)
ERT members Preliminary accident report forms Proforma for communication ERT members Affiliate-Head office Local external institutions External help

Operational plans
Fire Emergency Response Plan
I (Layouts, Scenarios) Localization of the Depot Risk assessment


Phone list

Oil Spill Plan Road truck accident plan Natural disasters guidelines
Cyclones/Floods, Earthquake, Tsunamis

POB BCP (Business Continuity Plan)

Guide BCP

BRP (Business Recovery Plan)


ERDMP workshop on 28th Feb - 1st March 2011- Kishor M Dawande

Step 9 -Exercice

22 AP-PREP ERDMP workshop on 28th Feb - 1st March 2011- Kishor M Dawande 22 Seminar 2009

Exercises frequency : MANDATORY

Frequency CMC Oil Spill 1 /year 2 /year Details On site Every 2 years with OSRL On site with local authorities On site


1 /year

Fire fighting

1 /month


ERDMP workshop on 28th Feb - 1st March 2011- Kishor M Dawande

Step 10 - BCP - Business Continuity Plan

Goal? For all kind of crisis: Continue the business Ensuring the safety and Health on people and sites Preparing the return to a normal activity Basic points: List the functions and rank them by priority Identify the Manpower for each function Identify the functions who require to come on site Identify the equipments required to work at home. List Staff who takes Public transports. Identify 2 replacements for each Staff.


ERDMP workshop on 28th Feb - 1st March 2011- Kishor M Dawande

Step 11 - BRP - Business Recovery Plan

IT Datas recovery Backup office HR Skeleton Manpower BCP (Phase C) Work at home Timing : How can your business survive before you set up the solution Part of supply to receive Where to transfer the supply?


Destruction of office or site

Site Datas recovery Backup installations Skeleton Manpower Manage the supply Manage customers

Part of customers to deliver Solution for customers


ERDMP workshop on 28th Feb - 1st March 2011- Kishor M Dawande

Training- Snap Shot Of Completed Training

Live Practical Fire Fighting

Table Top Exercises


ERDMP workshop on 28th Feb - 1st March 2011- Kishor M Dawande

Exercised a CMC drill with scenario of road Truck accident Drill was coordinated exercise between RMAP /TPIPL / TLPG head Office /L PGPlant


ERDMP workshop on 28th Feb - 1st March 2011- Kishor M Dawande

Never forget the Golden Rules

We never know when, we never know what, we never know where If you are not ready , it is too late

There will be no notice.

That is why PREP

is a top priority


ERDMP workshop on 28th Feb - 1st March 2011- Kishor M Dawande

Safety Culture Value to be shared

Lets Shift Culture From We Care to We Do Care

ERDMP workshop on 28th Feb - 1st March 2011- Kishor M Dawande

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