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Sigalovada Sutta

North South East West Samadhi Vihara

15th Sept 2013 Bugs Tan

Thus have I heard

Conversation btw The Buddha and Sigala

The Buddha was walking towards Bamboo Groove near Rajagaha

Worshiped East, South, West, North, Nadir and Zenith

Young mans father taught him to pray in 6 directions.

Which the Buddha said was only correct if it is done in discipline of a noble person
3 Sigalovada Sutta at Samdhi Vihara

These six quarters one should salute The Buddha

The ascetics and Brahmans are the Zenith ZENITH The friends and associates are the North. NORTH The mother and father are the East, EAST WEST Wife and Children are the West,

The Teachers are the South,


Sigalovada Sutta at Samdhi Vihara

Servants and employees are the Nadir,

How then, Lord, should the six quarters be worshipped with discipline of a noble person?
Well, listen and bear it well in mind; I shall speak.

When these 6 quarters are observed by a discipline noble person it will bring him benefits. He enjoys:1 2 3 Eradication of the 4 vices commit no evil in 4 ways do not spent foolishly in 6 channels, which avoid 14 evil things

Covers the six quarters leads to victory in both worlds. Ie. this world and the world beyond in happy realms- The Buddha
Sigalovada Sutta at Samdhi Vihara

My Lord, what are the 4 vices to eradicate?

If you disobeyed, your glory fades away

These 4 vices you should up root. They are:-





These 4 the wise will never praise

Sigalovada Sutta at Samdhi Vihara

My Lord, what are the 6 channels that we should not indulged in?
If you obey, your glory will increase

1 2 3 4 5 6

Getting drunk Strolling in street during late hours Watching too much movies Gambling Associating with evil friends Wasting time doing unproductive things

Sigalovada Sutta at Samdhi Vihara

Sir, what so bad about drinking?

1 2 3 4 5 6
Sigalovada Sutta at Samdhi Vihara

Waste money Tend to quarrel Prone to disease Bad for your reputation Shameless exposing body Weakening your intellect

What so bad about strolling in the street during late hours?

1 2 3

You are not protected Your family is not protected Your property is not protected


You are suspected as a bad guy

You are subject to false rumours

Trouble come to see you always

9 Sigalovada Sutta at Samdhi Vihara

Sir, what so bad about gambling?

1 2 3 4 5 6

If you win, people hate you You feel lousy when you lose You lose your hard earned money You lose your credibility Your friend will avoid you Hard to get a wife if you are a gambler

Sigalovada Sutta at Samdhi Vihara

Sir, what do you mean by evil friend I should not make?

1 2 3 4 5 6

People who gamblers People without morals People who drinks too much Crooked minded people People who cheats People who are rude

Sigalovada Sutta at Samdhi Vihara

My Lord, what so bad about doing nothing?

Dont be lazy The Buddha

Dont give excuse like:1 The place is too hot


The place is too cold

Its too late to work


Its too early to work

That you are too hungry to work

Sigalovada Sutta at Samdhi Vihara

That you are too full to work

(Sigala was listening to the Buddha)

The Buddha explained further.

These are the 6 problems that ruin a mans career

Lazy person. Sleep till late morning


He commit adultery
Prone to outbursts of temper; easily angered


Malicious behaviour
Has evil companions

Sigalovada Sutta at Samdhi Vihara


(Sigala was listening to the Buddha)

The Buddha explained further.

There are another 9 problems that ruin a mans career

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

He likes to gamble He is a womaniser He likes to drink He likes to dance Has likes to sing He likes to sleep during working hours He like to waste time strolling around Has like evil companions He is materialistic

Sigalovada Sutta at Samdhi Vihara

(Sigala was listening to the Buddha)

The Buddha advised Sigala.

"Who plays with dice and drinks intoxicants, goes to women who are dear unto others as their own lives, associates with the mean and not with elders he declines just as the moon during the waning half.

Sigalovada Sutta at Samdhi Vihara

(Sigala was listening to the Buddha)

The Buddha advised Sigala.

"Who is drunk, poor, destitute, still thirsty whilst drinking, frequents the bars, sinks in debt as a stone in water, swiftly brings disrepute to his family. "Who by habit sleeps by day, and keeps late hours, is ever intoxicated, and is immoral, is not fit to lead a household life. "Who says it is too hot, too cold, too late, and leaves things undone, the opportunities for good go past such men.

Sigalovada Sutta at Samdhi Vihara

(Sigala was listening to the Buddha)

The Buddha spoke about types of friends

"These are the 4 characteristics found in a person who pretends to be your dear friend. You better watch out. They are:-


he takes a friend's possessions,

he gives lip-service,


he always gives you compliments,

he brings problems

Sigalovada Sutta at Samdhi Vihara

(Sigala was listening to the Buddha)

The Buddha explained another 4 characteristic of a pretender who make you think he is a good buddy.

The pretender :1 2 3 4
Sigalovada Sutta at Samdhi Vihara

takes his friend's wealth, he gives little but ask a lot, he does his duty out of fear, he associates with you for his own benefit.

Sir, how would I know if someone is giving me lip service?

Simple. He :-

1 he say he can do the job because he has the experience, 2 he can do the job for you,

3 he gives you empty promises,

4 he failed to deliver the job.

Sigalovada Sutta at Samdhi Vihara

Sir, how do I know which friend I can trust and which one is fake?
The Buddha explains

Its very simple to tell if a friend is a pretender. He is one who will :1 approves of his friend's evil deeds, 2 disapproves his friend's good deeds, 3 praises that person in his presence, 4 speaks ill of that person in his absence.

Sigalovada Sutta at Samdhi Vihara

Sir, how do I know if a friend is not trust worthy?

The Buddha explains

Its very simple to identify a fake friend. He who :1 is your drinking partner

2 is the friend you have for wasting time together

3 goes to movie with you 4 goes to gamble with you

Sigalovada Sutta at Samdhi Vihara

Sir, how do I recognize a real friend?

The Buddha explains

Its very simple to tell who is your real buddy.

He is one who will :1 2 help you is there to help you in happiness and sadness give you advise sympathises with you when you are in sadness

3 4

Sigalovada Sutta at Samdhi Vihara

Sir, what do you mean by help me?

The Buddha explains Its very simple to know who are the ones who will eventually help you when you are in trouble. He, 1 2 3 4 guards those who are not careful, protects the wealth of those who are not careful, offers help when you are in danger, take care of your needs when you need one

Sigalovada Sutta at Samdhi Vihara

Sir, how would I know if he will be there when I happy or when I am sad?
The Buddha explains Its very simple to know if he will be there in good time and bad times. He is a person who will :-

2 3 4

reveals his secrets,

conceals other peoples secrets, Lend you his shoulder during bad times, Willing to make scarify for you during bad times.

Sigalovada Sutta at Samdhi Vihara

Sir, how do I know if he is a genuine real friend who will give me advice when I need one?
The Buddha explains Its very simple to know if he is a trusted friend who give you advise. He is one who will :1 2 3 4 Tell you not to do evil things, Tell you to do good deeds, Tell you what you do not know Show you the direction to heaven.

Sigalovada Sutta at Samdhi Vihara

Sir, how do I know if a friend would sympathises with me during bad times?
The Buddha explains Its very simple to know if he gives you due consideration when you are going through a bad time, 1 2 he does not rejoice in one's misfortune, he rejoices in one's prosperity,

he restrains others from speaking ill of other people,

he praises those who speak well of other people

Sigalovada Sutta at Samdhi Vihara

(Sigala was listening to the Buddha)

The Buddha gave some advices

The friend who is a helpmate, the friend in happiness and woe, the friend who gives good counsel, the friend who sympathises too these four as friends the wise behold and cherish them devotedly as does a mother her own child.

Sigalovada Sutta at Samdhi Vihara

(Sigala was listening to the Buddha)

The Buddha gave some advices

The wise and virtuous shine like a blazing fire. He who acquires his wealth in harmless ways like to a bee that honey gathers, riches mount up for him like ant hill's rapid growth.
Sikit sikit. Lama lama jadi bukit En Semut

Sigalovada Sutta at Samdhi Vihara

(Sigala was listening to the Buddha)

The Buddha gave some advices

With wealth acquired this way,

a layman fit for household life, in portions four divides his wealth:

thus will he friendship win.

One portion for his wants he uses,

two portions on his business spends,

the fourth for times of need he keeps.
Sigalovada Sutta at Samdhi Vihara

How to manage your money

One portion for his wants he uses, two portions on his business spends, the fourth for times of need he keeps.
Pay for your needs Keep in the bank
Reinvest into your business


Reinvest into your business




Sir, how do I give my respect to my Parents as the East?

The Buddha explains

These are the 5 things you need to do. Keep in mind:1 2 3 4 5 Having supported me I shall support them, I shall do their duties, I shall keep the family tradition, I shall make myself worthy of my inheritance, furthermore I shall offer alms in honor of my departed relatives

Sigalovada Sutta at Samdhi Vihara

Sir, how do parents handle their children?

The Buddha explains

These are the 5 things a parent do for their kids.

1 tell the children to stay away from evil things,

2 Parents encourage their kids to do good, 3 Give them an education, 4 arrange a suitable marriage, 5 hand over their inheritance at a right time.

Sigalovada Sutta at Samdhi Vihara

Sir, how do I give my respect to my Teacher as the South?

The Buddha explains

These are the 5 things you, as a pupil must do to respect your teacher as the South

1 Give your respect at all time,

2 by attending on him, 3 eager to learn from him, 4 by personal service, 5 by giving your attention in class
Sigalovada Sutta at Samdhi Vihara

Sir, then how does a Teacher as the South reciprocate to her students?
The Buddha explains These are the 5 things a teacher as the South should do for her students. 1 teacher train student to be disciplined, 2 teacher make sure children are taught well 3 teacher teaches arts and sciences, 4 teacher introduce students to their friends and associates, 5 teacher provide safety for students at all time
Sigalovada Sutta at Samdhi Vihara


Sir, what do husband do for his wife as the West?

The Buddha explains

These are the 5 things a husband should for his wife as the West:-

1 by being courteous to her,

2 do not look down on her, 3 by being faithful to her, 4 by handing over authority to her, 5 by providing her with gifts.

Sigalovada Sutta at Samdhi Vihara

Sir, what are wives responsibilities as the West to their husband?

The Buddha explains

These are the 5 things a wife should do for her husband as the West:1 she performs her duties well, 2 she is nice to relatives and friends 3 she is faithful, 4 she protects what he brings, 5 she is skilled and industrious in discharging her duties.
Sigalovada Sutta at Samdhi Vihara

Sir, how do I give my respect to my friends and colleagues as the North?

The Buddha explains

These are the 5 things you need to do for your friends. You should be:1 tolerate one another, 2 watch what you say to them, 3 help them when they needed you 4 be fair to them, 5 be sincere to them.

Sigalovada Sutta at Samdhi Vihara

Sir, how do my friends as the North return my friendship?

The Buddha explains

These are the 5 things your friends as the North will do for you:-

1 they protect you when you are not careful,

2 they protect your property when you are not careful, 3 they provide you safety when you are in danger,

4 they will not disappear when you are in his troubles,

5 they are also concerned for your family.

Sigalovada Sutta at Samdhi Vihara

Sir, how does a boss treat his employees as the Nadir?

The Buddha explains These are the 5 things a boss do for his employee as the Nadir:1 by giving work to them in accordance to their ability, 2 by supplying them with food and with wages, 3 by taking care of them when they are sick, 4 by sharing with them any delicacies, 5 by granting them leave when necessary.

Sigalovada Sutta at Samdhi Vihara

Sir, what does the employees as the Nadir do for their boss?
The Buddha explains These are the 5 things an employee as the Nadir would do for his boss:1 they work hard for him. Go to work early, 2 make sure the finish their work. Go home late, 3 they take only what is given, 4 they perform their duties well, 5 they uphold the good name of their business.

Sigalovada Sutta at Samdhi Vihara

Sir, how do I give my respect to ascetics and Brahmans as the Zenith?

The Buddha explains

These are the 5 things you should do to ascetics and Brahmans as the Zenith:
1 by lovable deeds, 2 by lovable words, 3 by lovable thoughts, 4 by keeping open house to them, 5 by supplying their material needs.

Sigalovada Sutta at Samdhi Vihara

Sir, how does an ascetics and Brahmans as the Zenith return our deeds?
The Buddha explains

These are the 6 things an ascetics and Brahmans as the Zenith will do in return: 1 they restrain you from evil, 2 they persuade you to do good,

3 they love you with a kind heart,

4 they make you hear what you have not heard, 5 they clarify what you have already heard, 6 they point out the path to a heavenly state.

Sigalovada Sutta at Samdhi Vihara

"Excellent, Lord, excellent! It is as if, Lord, a man were to set upright that which was overturned, or were to reveal that which was hidden, or were to point out the way to one who had gone astray, or were to hold a lamp amidst the darkness, so that those who have eyes may see. Even so, has the doctrine been explained in various ways by the Exalted One.




May you be well and happy

Uncle Bugs

Bugs Tan

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