Learning and The Learner

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Learning and Learner




or Congklak is a mancala game of Malay origin played in Malaysia, Singapore, What is Congkak? Brunei, Southern Thailand, and some parts of Sumatra and Borneo. Congkak, which is often considered a game for girls, has simple rules that allow the boards to have different numbers of holes. Congkak boards are often made of teak or mahogany wood are often elaborately carved into various shapes such as naga or birds.
* Mancala

is a family of board games played around the world, sometimes called "sowing" games, or "count-and-capture" games, which describes the gameplay.


word congkak is believed to originate from old Malay "congak", meaning "mental calculation which is mainly practiced in this game. It is regarded that an efficient player who mentally calculates a few steps in advance will have an advantage in collecting points to win the game. The word congkak or congklak also means cowrie shells, used in the game.


oldest mancala game boards were found in a ruined fort of Roman Egypt and date back to the 4th century AD. The game was likely introduced to Southeast Asia by Indian or Arab traders in the 15th century. It is believed to have spread throughout Malay world through merchants via Malacca, an important trading post at that time. In the early days, it was thought that this game was for the king and family and palace residents, however later it spread to the general population of the kingdom. Beside the Malays, the Indian Peranakan also enjoy playing Congkak.

The current Malaysian Ringgit 10 sen coin has a Congkak board on the reverse in recognition of the long history of congkak

How to play congkak?


THE SHELL DROPS INTO THE PLAYER'S OWN 'STOREHOUSE': The player scoops up the shells from any of his 'houses' and distributes them in the cups ('houses') round the board but not in his opponent's 'storehouse'. IF THE SHELL DROPS INTO A 'HOUSE' (on either side of the board) CONTAINING SHELLS: The player scoops up all the shells in that 'house' and continues distributing them as described above.


THE SHELL DROPS INTO THE PLAYER'S 'HOUSE' WHICH IS WITHOUT SHELLS: The player is entitled to collect the shells in his opponent's 'house' directly opposite his own. These shells collected from his opponent's house together with his last shell are deposited in his own 'storehouse'. If the opponent's 'house' opposite his own is empty, he deposits only his last shell in his own 'storehouse'. He forfeits his turn and stops playing. It is the opponent's turn now to distribute the shells. IF THE SHELL DROPS INTO AN EMPTY 'HOUSE' BELONGING TO THE OPPONENT: The player forfeits his turn and stops playing. He also forfeits his shell and leaves it in the opponent's 'house'. It is the opponent's turn now to distribute the shells.

How does congkak affects the childrens intelligence?

Physical Development

Playing congkak can improve ones fine motor skills

What is fine motor skills? Fine motor skills are tasks that utilize the small muscles of the body like those in the fingers. Toddlers around a year of age are usually able to perform fine motor skills like holding a cup, grasping a spoon, picking up chunks of food and putting small objects into a larger container. Usually at this age, there is not that much involvement of the thumb. As a child gets closer to 2 years of age, fine motor skill increases to include tasks like drawing with a crayon, using a fork or spoon with more precision and stacking small objects like blocks. Closer to 3 and 4 years of age, children begin to master fine motor skills like zipping, snapping and buttoning clothing and drawing and writing skills show marked improvements.


playing congkak, it helps students to improve hand movement and also it makes students to focus deeply into the games. It also helps to improve manipulation of hands and fingers to be more accurate. Helps to interpret information by hand to the brain

Congkak to the childrens socio-emotional development

It helps children to socialise and show respect to other people. Children taking turn to play shows respect. Children learn to deal with their emotions. The children know that at the end of the game there will be only one winner. So, they have to learn to accept this result. Children learn how to support their friends and foster team spirit among themselves.

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