Topic 10

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Language teaching as specified in KBSR and KBSM syllabuses contextualized through selected topics. Range for immediate and familiar to less familiar eg. Objects, food, people, events, processes. In classroom teacher can select a literary text and use with any of the topics.

Can use materials to teach the 4 language skills or any micro skills of grammar and vocabulary. Activities should foster development of thinking, research and information skills and values. Or, use any of the genres and organize lit. based activities. Can organize lessons around themes or topics or literary texts.

Can be staged according to the following phases: Preparing for the text pre-reading - before encounter with text. Working with the text while-reading activities focus on language and content. Working out from the text post-reading text used as springboard for extension activities.

Preparing for text

Pre-reading activities are used to:
Draw students into the text. Activate any personal knowledge related to the text. Relate the text to their personal lives. Create interest or curiosity in what is to come. Introduce any key features of text which facilitate comprehension, theme, mood, setting or characters.

Preparing for text strategies

Using visuals Spark interest. From cover design, paintings, photographs, cartoons etc. Important to elicit students response Can use questions

Exploiting theme Develop stories based on the theme of text Eg. Survival Robinson Crusoe, Swiss Family Robinson simulation type exercise, You are stranded on an island with no food, shelter. Describe what you will do . Advantage students background knowledge and vocabulary are activated preparing for reading of text.

Using language of the text Title of text predict. Headings of chapters (book) construct plot. Key words from text construct own version of storyline.

Using drama and role-play Imagine and act out certain actions or events. Dramatize events according to their perception.

Working with text

Initial encounter read silently or aloud, or listen to it being read or told to them. Once started reading activities to interact with the text. If extended piece (novels, plays) decide which to be read at home and dealt with in classroom.

May get students to:

Recognize information provided in the text. Eg Answering questions such Who, What, Why, How, Where, When. Think about main ideas and supporting details, make comparison, see cause and effect and anticipate outcomes. Respond emotionally to characters, plot, theme and language of text. Relate the content to personal experience. Reformulate information from text and present in a variety of forms.

Encounter with text i) Reading aloud

Reading aloud group/ shared brings alive the text. Hearing sounds of words, rhythms of language, stresses and pauses, tones need to develop for students to hear them in their minds ear. Teacher should serve as model read aloud.

When conducting reading aloud activities, consider the following elements:

Phrasing mark text in sense group and read each chunk. Emphasis stress key words. Intonation rising and falling tone of voice. Volume loudly or softly Pitch deep, low voice, (sad, mysterious) medium or normal pitch or high pitch (happy, exciting). Rhythm to highlight meaning of text. Pause where to pause to convey meaning effectively.

Numerous types of reading aloud activities: Chain reading Readers theatre Choral reading Jazz chants

ii) Silent reading Individual activity students own pace Can be done out of classroom assign to be read at home longer text. Involves: Recognizing structures, words, etc. Predicting outcomes, guessing word meanings using contextual clues. Applying reading strategies Making connections within the text

iii)Story telling Enjoyable way of learning language Effective because story teller and audience are in direct contact voice, facial expression and gestures are effectively used. Choose clear, simple story line and something you will enjoy telling. Must know story well, sit close to audience, use voice in interesting manner, use facial expressions and look at every student.

Exploring text
Need to interact with text to be meaningful. Ways to interact: a) Working with content Explore through: Plot
Prediction Story map Graph

Character Events
Diary entries Oral retellings Newspaper articles


Working with language Word webs Cloze exercises

Working out from text

Art projects Oral activities Writing activities


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