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Prepared by: Jalene E.

Obrador BBTE-4-1N

Meaning of Flora
Flora --Latin word referring to the

goddess of flowers. --refer to a group of plants or to bacteria. Flora is the root of the word floral, which means pertaining to flowers.

Meaning of Fauna
Fauna --can refer to the animal life or

classification of animals of a certain region, time period, or environment. The term is also of Latin origin, and in Roman mythology, Fauna was the sister of Faunus, a good spirit of the forest and plains.

Flora and fauna refers to plant and

wildlife, respectively. It is often used to refer to the indigenous plant and wildlife of a geographical region. referring to groups of plant or wildlife specific to a region or a time period.

Flora(Plankton Organisms)
These organisms are small, mostly microscopic and

have little or no power of locomotion, being distributed by water movements.


Phytoplanktonincludes all of the following plants, such as the small algae, fungi and sarsagum weeds. The most important in the economy of the sea are the algae, diatoms, and dinoflagellates.

Diatoms are microscopic, unicellular plants, some of which form chains. They possess characteristic shell composed of translucent silica, and have a great variety of form and sculture. Diatoms occur as fossil, siliceous shell deposits, called diatomaceous earth, and as living producers in practically all habitats of the broad marine ecosystem.

Dinoflagellates possess whip-like flagella that provide a slight degree of locomotion.

Phytoplankton organisms are more abundant in naturalrich coastal waters than in offshore oceanic waters. The primary determinant of phytoplankton productivity is the suns radiant energy.

2. Zooplankton
Organisms that are floating or weakly swimming

animals, which include the eggs and larval stages as well as adult forms

3. Nekton Community
These are actively swimming animals of the marine

ecosystems. They comprise adult stages of such familiar forms as crabs, squids, fish and whales. Some of these undergo long horizontal migration over hundreds of miles; some migrate periodically to great depths; and a few live mostly in deep waters, for which habitat they possess marked adaptations.

Reptiles are air breathing animals that live both on

land and the sea. The reptiles which are included in the nekton community are: The water snakes which have keeled bodies and tails flattened like these of fish to aid them in swimming and turtles which are aquatic tortoises with the limbs flattened to form swimming paddles. Reptiles associated with marine, estuarine and mangrove areas of the country are snakes, turtles, crocodiles and lizards.

4. Benthos Organisms
These inhabit the bottom and range from high-tide

level on the shore to deep-sea bottom. There are relatively few kinds and numbers of animals on the deep-sea floor. They are mainly mud dwellers, possessing characteristic structures permitting life in a quiet, dark, muddy environment where food is scarce

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