Crafting The Brand Positioning

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What is BRAND?
A name, term , sign ,symbol or design used to identify

the products of one firm and to differentiate them from competitive offerings.
Something used to show customers that one product is

different than the products of another manufacturer.

Why Brand Positioning?

No Company can win if its products and services resembles every other product and offering as part of the strategic brand management process, each offering must represent a compelling, distinctive big idea in the mind of the target market.

What a brand means to common person?

In blind taste tests, people prefer the taste of pepsi

over the taste of Coke. However , if the test is not blind and the tasters know which beverage is which, the prefer the taste of Coke over Pepsi! That is the emotional power of a brand.
The first shape that was registered is the coca cola


Marketing Strategy

Targeting Positioning

What is positioning?
Positioning is the act of designing the companys

offering and image to occupy a distinctive place in the minds of the target market. The goal is to locate the brand in the minds of the consumers to maximize the potential benefit to the firm. Good brand positioning helps, guides marketing strategy by clarifying the brands essence what goals it helps the consumer achieve and how it does so in unique way.

What is positioning
Positioning starts with a product. A piece of merchandise, a service, a company, an institution or even a person. But positioning is not what you do to a product. Positioning is what you do to the mind of the prospect. That is, you position the product in the mind of the prospect

Brand Positioning-Caf Coffee Day

Was the first to pioneer the concept of out of home

premium coffee consumption in India by opening a chain of coffee retail outlets in 1996. Targeted the young generation and opened their outlets near colleges and software companies. Ambience was one of the spirited music and bright lighting to reinforce the concept of chill-out zone.

Positioned itself as a hangout place for youngsters

Brand Positioning-Barista
Opened their own chain of coffee bars in the year 2000

targeting the executive class of coffee-loving customers. Positioned itself on the lines of traditional European cafs. With its stylish and sober ambience and with facilities like Internet connectivity emerged as favourite destination where executives met with business associates and conducted business while savoring the coffee aroma.

Positioned itself as an outlet for upwardly mobile


Brand Differentiation
The promise of delivering pizza within 30 minutes plays a key differentiating role for the brand.

Positioning results in
The creation of a

A persuasive REASON WHY the target market should buy the product.

Examples Of Value Propositioning

Brand, Product, and company Target Customers Benefits Value Proposition

Scorpio, SUV, Mahindra and Mahindra

LifeStyle oriented Consumers

Ruggedness luxury ,and comfort

A vehicle that provides the luxury and comfort of a car, and the adventure and thrill of an SUV
A spacious, small car without extra costs A good, hot pizza delivered to your door within 30 mins

Indica,Car, Tata Motors

Small-car consumers who wants a more spacious vehicle


Dominos Pizza

ConvenienceDelivery, speed , minded pizza lovers and good quality

How do I begin to Position my Brand?

Communicate Category Membership
This is the frame of reference-the product or sets

of products with which a brand competes and which function as close substitutes.
To determine proper competitive frame of reference-Understand the consumer behavior , customer target market and nature of competition.

Paras Pharmaceuticals- Moov

Paras Pharmaceuticals ltd

launched their brand MOOV as a bam for relieving joint pains that troubled old people.
Repositioned the brand as

backache specialist that address a problem that housewives frequently encounter.

Points Of Difference(PODs)

Points Of difference(PODs)
Attributes or benefits consumers strongly associate with a

brand, positively evaluate, and believe they could not find to the same extent with a competitive brand Apple (design) Nike (performance) Lexus(quality) Volkswagen (engineering)

Points-of-parity (POPs)
Associations that are not necessarily unique to the brand

but may be shared with other brands Category points of parity: consumers view it as essential for a legitimate and credible product offered. Necessary but not sufficient conditions for the choice of a brand Competitive points of parity: Negates competitors points of difference.


DETTOL AttributesStrong Smell, Liquid did not turn cloudy in water

SAVLON AttributesNo-Sting Property


Establishing Category Membership

Categories serve as the foundation for the

competition-based approach to positioning because they imply the goal that a consumer achieves by using a brand. If consumers know the category, linking the brand to it quickly brings to mind the goal that is achieved by brand use; in other words, asking someone to have a glass of wine is an invitation to visit and to socialize.

Straddle Positioning-BMW
Positioned itself as an automobile that offered both

luxury and performance. BMW was able to simultaneously achieve A point-of-difference on luxury and point-of-parity on performance with respect to performance cars and A point-of-difference on performance and point-ofparity on luxury with respect to luxury cars.


Judging the desirability for points of difference




Examples of negatively correlated attributes and benefits

Low price Vs High quality Taste Vs Low Calories Nutritious Vs Good Tasting Efficacious Vs Mild Powerful Vs Safe Strong Vs Refined Ubiquitous Vs Exclusive Varied Vs Simple

Judging the deliverability for points of difference




Desirability Criteria

Target Consumers must find the POD personally relevant and important.
Eg-The Westin Stanford Hotel in Singapore advertised

that it was the worlds tallest hotel, but a hotels height is not important to many tourists.

Desirability Criteria

Target co

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