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William Butler Yeats

By Brad H.

William was born in Dublin Ireland in June 1865 Mr. Yeats died in France in January 1939

His father, John B. Yeats, was a Lawyer and an artist. His mother was Susan Pollexfen. He had an older sister Lily Yeats who moved to New York at a young age. He also had a Brother Jack who was 6 years younger that worked on ships.

Godolphin Elementry School in Hammersmith, London Erasmus Smith High School, Dublin, Ireland Metropolitan School of Art, Dublin, Ireland

List of Poems
Aedh Wishes For The Clothes Of Heaven Against Unworthy Praise Baile And Aillinn Broken Dreams Easter, 1916 He Wishes For The Cloths Of Heaven Her Praise In the Seven Woods King And No King Lapis Lazuli Leda And The Swan No Second Troy O Do Not Love Too Long Politics Sailing to Byzantium Swift's Epitaph The Arrow The Black Tower The Crucifixion Of The Outcast The Dolls The Everlasting Voices The Fish The Harp of Aengus The Host Of The Air The Hosting Of The Sidhe The Lake Isle Of Innisfree The Lover Tells Of The Rose In His Heart The Mask The Moods The Old Age Of Queen Maeve The Rose Tree The Second Coming The Secret Rose The Seven Sages The Shadowy Waters The Song of the Happy Shepherd The Stolen Child The Three Beggars The Tower The Two Trees The Wheel The Wild Swans At Coole The Wisdom Of The King To A Young Beauty To A Young Girl To The Rose Upon The Rood Of Time Towards Break Of Day What Was Lost When You Are Old

Chronology of William Yeats

1865 (June) W. B. Yeats born in Sandymount Ave., Dublin. (Father, John B. Yeats; Mother, Susan Pollexfen Yeats) 1867 (July) Yeats family moves to 23 Fitzroy Road, London 1877 (Spring) W.B. enrolls at Godolphin School, Hammersmith, London 1881 (Summer) Yeats family settles at Balscadden Cottage, Howth, near Dublin 1881 (Fall) W.B. attends Erasmus Smith High School, Dublin 1884 (May) WBY enrolls at Metropolitan School of Art, Dublin 1885 (Apr.) First poems published in the Dublin University Review 1885 (June) Founds Dublin Hermetic Society with AE and Charles Johnston. Meets Katharine Tynan 1886 (Oct.) Mosada published privately 1889 (Jan.) The Wanderings of Oisin and Other Poems published. Meets Maud Gonne 1890 (Jan.) Founds Rhymers' Club with Ernest Rhys. 1892 (May) Irish Literary Society founded in London 1892 (Aug.) The Countess Kathleen (sic) published 1893 (Dec.) The Celtic Twilight published 1895 (Aug.) Poems published

1896 (Feb.) Takes rooms at Woburn Buildings. Begins affair with Olivia Shakespear 1899 (Feb.) Visits her in Paris and proposes marriage 1899 (Apr.) The Wind Among the Reeds published 1900 (Jan.) Death of mother, Susan Yeats. 1901 (Oct.) Diarmuid and Grania produced in Dublin. 1902 The Pot of Broth produced by Irish National Theatre Society 1903 (Nov.) Leaves for first U.S. Lecture Tour 1907 (Jan.) J. M. Synge's Playboy of the Western World opens at Abbey 1908 (Sept.) First volumes of W. B. Yeats's Collected Works published 1911 (Sept.) W. B.accompanies Abbey Theatre on tour of U.S. 1911 (Oct.) Meets his future wife, Georgie Hyde-Lees

1915 (May) Hugh Lane, Lady Gregory's nephew, drowned on S.S. Lusitania 1916 (Mar.) First volume of autibiography, Reveries over Childhood and Youth, published 1916 (Apr.) At the Hawk's Well, modeled on the Japanese Noh, produced in London 1916 (May) Execution of leaders of Easter Rising, among them John MacBride 1917 (Aug.) Proposes marriage to Maud Gonne's daughter Iseult and is refused 1917 (Oct.) Marries Georgie Hyde-Lees 1917 (Nov.) The Wild Swans at Coole published 1919 (Feb.) Birth of daughter Anne in Dublin 1920 (Jan.) Leaves with his wife for U.S. Lecture Tour

1921 Birth of Michael Yeats in Oxfordshire 1921 (Oct.) Four Plays for Dancers published 1922 (Jan.) Civil War in Ireland 1922 (Feb.) John B. Yeats dies in New York 1922 (July) W. B. receives Honorary degree from Trinity College, Dublin 1922 (Oct.) The Trembling of the Veil, second volume of autobiography, published 1922 (Dec.) W. B. elected to the Irish Senate 1923 (Dec.) Awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature 1926 (Jan.) First version of A Vision published 1926 (Feb.) Sean O'Casey's The Plough and the Stars opens at Abbey Theatre. W. B. challenges rioters from Abbey stage 1928 The Tower published 1928 (June) O'Casey's The Silver Tassie rejected by Abbey Theatre 1928 (Sept.) W. B. resigns from Irish Senate 1930 (Jan.) reads Jonathan Swift while recuperating from Malta fever in Italy 1939 {Jan.} W.B. Yeats dies


Bibliography (chronology copied)

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