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A link between people; An instrument of decision making

Business Letters
Business letters- important channel of communication

used to send information outside an organization Reinforce personal and business relations Positive instrument of professional exchange of ideas, opinions, and information Personal Letter- an informal letter in the form of a private dialogue Business Letter- formal written message in a conversational form for a specific audience to meet a specific need

Structure of Business Letter

Senders Address- address without name Dateline- May 4, 2004 Reference- Reference: AVS/SP/04 Inside Address- Mr John Parker Managing Director XYZ Pvt Ltd New Delhi SubjectSubject: Purchase of Sixty Scanners SalutationDear Mr. Parker Body- contains the message of the letter Complimentary Close- Yours sincerely/truly/Best regards Signature Enclosures

AVY Trading Corporation 205 Nehru Place New Delhi-110011 May 4, 2008 Reference:AVS/SP/04 Mr. John Parker Managing Director XYZ Pvt Ltd, Pitampura New Delhi

Subject: Purchase of Sixty Scanners Dear Mr. Parker

. Yours truly
Ravi Kapoor Enclosures:

Styles of Presentation
Indented style- each new element is indented two

to four spaces, complimentary close on the right, closed punctuation used Block style- dateline, complimentary close on right margin, heading in the center, everything else on left, each new element starts from left margin, open punctuation used Complete-block style- everything on the left side, no indentation, open punctuation

Semi-block- Like block except that the

paragraphs are indented Hanging-Indented- like block except that the first line of each paragraph is aligned with the left margin whereas all other lines in each paragraph are indented four or five spaces.


for everyday business transaction; request information or seek clarification; mention and explain the request clearly Open with a clear statement mentioning the purpose

of the letter; explain the details in the body; close with a goodwill expression seeking an action-oriented response

letters giving information asked for, and letters of

regret Positive response: explain the purpose of the letter, give requested information and other details, close with a goodwill expression
Negative response: start with a buffer statement- an

expression of appreciation/ a compliment/understanding to prepare the reader to receive the message without ill feeling

Letters placing Orders

A straight forward written message that orders

supplies, services or merchandise

Clearly mention items/services, quantity/number,

price, insurance instructions, payment method, and delivery schedule

Letter should begin clearly mentioning that it is a

purchase order
Time-period for the delivery, mode of payment should

be included in the closing; end with an expression of appreciation and goodwill

Complaint Letters
An expression of dissatisfaction Writer complains about a defective product/bad

service/misbehavior/mistaken billing/ guarantee/warrantee problems

Should not vent anger to avoid spoiling of relations Should be logical and persuasive based on solid facts and not

based on personal opinions or emotions

Open with a clear problem statement, support the complaint with

data, and close with an expression of goodwill

Mention the purpose, explain what happened, convince the

reader, motivate the reader to act

Adjustment Letters
An attempt to satisfy an aggrieved customer who can

damage the goodwill of the company in the market

Express clear understanding of problem conveyed by

customer & offer reasonable solution

Open with an appreciation of problem, explain

situation, promise positive action, close with a statement of goodwill

Elements: appreciation & understanding, apology &

explanation, investigation & action, expression of goodwill

Sales Letter
Sales promotion instruments used by business

houses to boost their sales

Persuasive messages that convince the readers to

believe what the sender wants them to believe

Intended to make new customers, promote a

business idea, introduce new products in the market, generate new demand for an old product, promote goodwill, increase & expand customer network, launch a sophisticated marketing campaign aimed at a target audience

Opens with an attention catching statement, builds the

interest of the reader, shows the worth of the productive/service, focuses on reader benefits, & motivates action- AIDA PLAN
Special offers Product feature Startling Statements: Keep an eye on your money.

HDFC is waiting to guide you and give qualified advice so that you fulfill your investment needs.

Facts Special Appeals: A great Gold & Diamond collection

Promises: Now look up to global education standards

& turn your vision into reality



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