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RUN Test

A RUN is a consecutive increase or decrease in the observations plotted on the X - Control Chart. It indicates statistically non-random behaviour of the process.

Long Run-UP or Long Run-DOWN (ie increasing or decreasing

_ X

continuously for more than 5 consecutive observations) shows that the process is OUT OF CONTROL the observations are within UCL , though UCL the _
control limits.


Long Run-up (8)


Long Run-down (7)


N (Sample No.)

N (Sample No.)

Runs Test is to test whether the process is out of control, using the data from control chart. Here, the first case is out of control due to Long Run-up and the second case is out of control due to Long Run-down. # When the process is out of control, identify the Assignable Causes behind it and immediately remove (rectify) them.


_ It is the tool applied on X-Chart to judge how far the process is under Control. _ _ X Rule 1: Even if only one Point (X) = falls beyond Zone-3, the process is X+3 1 UNTL Said to be out of control. (+ 3) Zone 2

Rule 2 : If two consecutive Points

fall in same side Zone-3, the process is said to be out of control.

(+ 2) Zone (+ 1) Zone ( 1) Zone ( 2) Zone ( 3 Zone)

4 8

Rule 3 : If four consecutive Points

fall in same side Zone-2, the process is said to be out of control.

= X

Rule 4 : If eight consecutive points

fall in same side Zone-1, The process is said to be out of control.

= X-3


# When the process is out of control, identify the Assignable Causes behind it and immediately remove (rectify) them.

RUN - SUM Test _

It is the tool applied on X-Chart to judge how far the process is under Control.

1) Divide the Control Chart into 6 zones, each with width of one ie Standard Deviation of population, in both Upper & Lower direction of the _ Centre Line of the X-chart _ 2) Successive Observations (X) are plotted. 3) Assign each Observation a SCORE according to the ZONE in which it falls. On Centre Line score= 0 In +1 Zone score= + 1 In - 1 Zone score= 1 In +2 Zone score= + 2 In - 3 Zone score= 3 4) Sum-up the individual scores (ki) earned by all the observations. K = ki

_ X
= X+3 (+ 3) Zone (+ 2) Zone (+ 1) Zone ( 1) Zone ( 2) Zone ( 3 Zone)


+3 +2 +1 = X

= X-3


5) If the Sum-up Score, I K I > 4 , the Process is not under Control.

# When the process is not under control, identify the Assignable Causes behind it and immediately remove (rectify) them.

Process Control Limits :

(example : 250 +3 4 )

USL = Upper specified Limit (here 253) LSL = Lower specified Limit (here 246)
(USL LSL) = SPECIFIED SPREAD or simply SPREAD (S) (here 253 246 = 7) CENTER LINE of Specified Spread = (USL + LSL) / 2 (here 249.5)

Process Central Line = Upper Natural Tolerance Limit =

= =X

UNTL = + 3

Lower Natural Tolerance Limit =

LNTL = 3




= Specified Spread. Process Spread

PCR = Cp = Specified spread = (USL LSL) = Spread (S) = S Process Spread (UNTL LNTL) Band (B) 6

Quality-Control based on SPREAD and Process BAND

1) If 6 < S The process can be easily be kept under control by adjusting = the position of X very near to Centre Line (SC) of the Spread. Position 2 is shifted and kept

1 6


( SC) SC

at position 1. 2) If 6 = S Strict Centering care to be taken = to keep the Control (Centre) Line X perfectly at the Centre Line of Spread. It is also better to relax the Specified Tolerance to make S> 6 . Position 2 is shifted and kept at position 1. 3) If 6 > S




SC 6

LSL LNTL Even with Extreme care & control and Perfect Centering, the process is not under LNTL Control. The Process is said to be Out of Control. Quality non-conformance will be there and there by Quality Rejection Will take place. Care to be taken : (1) Fundamental change in process, (2) Revision of Specified Tolerance, (3) Perfect Centering, (4) 100% inspection


PROCESS CAPABILITY RATIO = Specified Spread Process Spread PCR or Cp = (USL LSL) = S . (UNTL LNTL) 6 (i) PCR should be considerably greater than 1, ie Specified Spread (USL LSL) >> Natural Spread 6 . and (ii) USL should be greater than UNTL ie ( + 3 ), and LSL should be lesser than LNTL ie ( 3 ). Even though, (USL LSL) >> 6 , if upper Natural Tolerance Limit (UNTL), UNTL > USL or LNTL < LSL, there will be quality rejections. Thus, PCR ie Cp can not truly indicate the process capability, ie whether there will be no quality-rejections (defects).

Cp is corrected to


which truly indicates the Process Capability.

Cpupper = USL UNTL = USL

Cplower = LSL = LSL , LNTL 3

Cpk = Min [ Cplower , Cpupper]

Cpk = (1 K) Cp

Where K is

Correction Factor

= Process CL. K = I ( SC) I SC = Specified CL. When sc= Cpk = Cp. S/2
Cpk can never be > Cp).


PROCESS CAPABILITY (Cp & Cpk) is less due to two reasons,

If Process Capability Ratio (PCR or Cp) is low, Improvement is needed) then Process

ii) If Cpk is low (then Process Improvement as well as setting of Process Center line close to Specified Center line are needed), [because, Process Center line ie Design Center line ( ) has moved away from the specified Center line (SC), increasing the value of Correction Factor K].

Recommendations on Cpk
Minimum Recommended Cpk Ideal Cpk : :

Cases with different Cpk & Cp

Case 1 When Cpk = Cp < 1 =0, Case 2 = 0, matches Process is : Process mean is centrally located, K but the Process is not CAPABLE, Quality rejection is inevitable. : Process mean is centrally located, K and Specified spread exactly with Process Spread, so the marginally capable, any slight variation will cause rejection.

When Cpk = Cp = 1

Cases with different Cpk & Cp

Case 3 When Cpk = Cp >> 1 : Process mean is centrally located, K = 0, Process is capable and safe, less chance of rejections/defectives. Case 4 When Cpk < 1,but Cp > 1 : Process mean is not centrally located, though Process is Capable, the process is not under control to prevent quality rejection. Case 5 When Cpk = 1, but Cp > 1 : Process mean is not centrally located, though Process is Capable, Process is marginally under control & any slight variation will cause quality rejection. Case 6 comes Case 7 () When Cpk = 0 When Cpk < 0 : Process Mean (Centerline) on USL or LSL : The Process Mean ie Process CL comes either above USL or below LSL.

Explanation of Case-6 and Case-7 Case 6 (X)

Cases with different Cpk & Cp = : The Process Mean ie Process CL comes either on USL or on LSL.
or USL 3 =0

When Cpk = 0

[ Cpk = Min [ Cplower , Cpupper], so either LSL = 0 3 ie =USL or LSL ]

[ then ( sc) = S/2 , 0] Case 7


I ( sc) I =1 S /2

then Cpk = (1 K) Cp =

When Cpk < 0

= : The Process Mean ie Process CL (X) comes either above USL or below LSL.
or (USL ) < 0

[ Cpk = Min [ Cplower , Cpupper], so either ( LSL) < 0 ie Process Center-line is beyond USL or LSL ]

[when ( sc) > S/2 , 0]


I ( sc) I >1 then Cpk = (1 K) Cp < S /2

Relationship between Cp and Cpk

Cpk < 0 Cpk < 0
LSL S/2 Nominal (SC) S/2 USL

1.5 1.5

-1.0 - 0.5 0

Defective PPM


Cpk = 0 Cpk > 0, <<Cp





Cpk > 0, <Cp

Cpk = Cp







Control Chart

Problem-1 Page - 1 For the quality measurement under Inspection process, if the sub-group Sample size is 14, no. of sub-group is 20, sum of measurements of the sample is 357.50 and Sum of the sample-ranges is 9.90, (i) Indicate Center Line, UCL & LCL for X-chart & R- Chart, (ii) Comment on the Process Capability and Whether the process is under control, if specified dimension is 17.5 0.5. (iii) Suggest possible ways for improving the Situation, (iv) Test the Process Capability with Cpk . [Given A2 = 0.18, d2 = 3.735, D3 = 0.41, D4 = 1.59] Solution : Process Mean of measurements, X = X N = 357.50 / 20 = 17.875 _ Mean Range, R = R N = 9.90 / 20 = 0.495 (i) For X-chart, Central Line =

=17.875 , UCL = X + A2R = 17.875 + 0.18 x0.495 = 17.9641

LCL = 17.875 0.18 x0.495 = 17.7859

For R-chart _ Central Line = R =0.495 ,

_ UCL = D4 x R = 1.59 x 0.495 = 0.78705 _ LCL = D3 x R = 0.41 x 0.495 = 0.20295 _ = R / d2 = 0.495 / 3.735 = 0.13253

(ii) Standard Deviation of Universe,

Natural Spread (Band) = 6 = 6 x 0.13253 = 0.79518 and 3 = 0.39759

Solution -1(contd.)

(Control Chart) Page-2

Upper Natural Tolerance Limit, UNTL = X + 3 = 17.875 + 0.39759 = 18.2726 Lower Natural Tolerance Limit, LNTL = X - 3 = 17.875 - 0.39759 = 17.4774 PROCESS CENTER LINE (Center Line of natural Spread) , =

= 17.875,

Specified dimension = 17.5 0.5 Upper Specified Limit, USL = 17.5 + 0.5 = 18.00 Lower Specified Limit, LSL = 17.5 - 0.5 = 17.00 Specified Spread , S = USL LSL = 18 17 = 1.0 Center line of Specified Spread , SC = (USL + LSL )/2 = (18 + 17)/2 = 17.5

Shifting of Process Center Line (from Specified Center Line) = SC = 17.875 17.5 = 0.375
Process Capability Ratio, Cp = 6 S =

1.0 . = 1.257577 > 1 but < 2 0.79518

so the process is marginally capable.

But there is 0.375 shifting of the Process Center Line from the Specified Center Line.

Solution -1(contd.)

(Control Chart) Page-3

Now, UNTL > USL , UNTL is not within the specified limit, so considerable rejections are expected which indicates that the process is not under control. LNTL > LSL , LNTL is within the specified limit, so no rejections are expected which indicates that the process is under control.

(iii) Suggestion : 1) Process is marginally capable, so process improvement is recommended 2) Designed Process Center-line must be set very close Center Line of the specified spread to

3) Specified Spread is also to be relaxed to some extent, if possible, as Cp value is very low (close to 1).

Solution -1(contd.)

(Control Chart) Page-4

(iv) Testing of Process Capability with CpK

CpK Testing : CpK = (1 K) Cp

= (1 K) .

where K = SC = 0.375 = 0.75 S/2 1.0 / 2 CpK = (1 0.75) x 1.257577 = 0.314394 < < 1.0 , so the process is not under control.

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