Lecture On Sexual Abnormalities

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Sexual Abnormalities

SCL 10
By Prof. Potnciana Castro
College of Science
Dept. of Social Science and Languages
 Abnormalities in human sexuality have
reached an alarming proportions that
they affect almost every aspect of
society - from schools, the
entertainment world to the gov’t and
amazingly even the military.
 Crimes and harassment brought about
by sexual abnormalities are the
contents of today’s newspapers.
Sexual deviations affect the morality
of the people and so do his activities
 To analyze the physical,
physiological and psychological
aspects of sexual abnormalities.
 to enumerate the diff. types of
sexual abnormalities.
 to identify the diff. causes and
effect of sexual abnormalities.
 to find solutions to these
Types of Sexual
 Sexual dysfunction
– psychosomatic disorder which
made it impossible for the individual
to have or enjoy coitus.
 Sexual Deviation
– characterized by good and
pleasurable sexual functioning.
However, the sexual aim or object
deviates from the union.
I. Types of Sexual

 Sexual Desire Disorder

– these disorder involves dysfunctions in
sexual desires, interests in which the
person experiences a lock of sexual desire
to genital social contact.
 Sexual Arousal Disorder
– in men, sexual disorders involve recurrent
sufficiently on achieving or sustaining
erections sufficient to successfully engage
in sexual intercourse. In women, they
typically involve failure to become
sufficiently lubricated.
Types of Sexual
 Orgasm Disorder
– women are more likely to have
premature ejaculation.
 Sexual Pain Disorder
– These disorder include dypareunia
and vaginisnus.
II. Types of Sexual
The Sexual object chosen

– Hemo eroticism
 tendency to have strong
sexual or libidinal
attachment to members
of his own sex.
– Homosexuality
– Lesbianism
The Sexual object chosen
– Buggery
 a person obtains sexual
gratification with animals or
by means of the anus of
human beings.
– Bestiality – sex with
– Pedriastia – form of
buggery wherein the
passive role is played by a
The Sexual object chosen
– Pedophilia
 erotic love of children.
– Fetishism
 reliance on inanimate objects or on
other body part for sexual gratification
and pleasure.
– Partialism
 Special affinity to a certain part of the
female anatomy. Usually, sexual
intercourse is merely secondary to
satisfy his sexual desire.
The Sexual object chosen

– Necrophilia
 erotic desire or actual intercourse with a
corpse. This is regarded as the most
deviant sexual behavior.
– Pygmalionism
 sexual desire with a statue or object.
– Narcissism
 sexual gratification is attained by
looking at the mirror.
The mode or method of

– Sodomy
 sexual gratification is obtained by having
sexual intercourse through the anus of
another human being.
– Transvestism
 perversion of males who find sexual pleasure
in wearing female apparel. This condition is
sometimes found in females who desire to
dress themselves in male attire.
The mode or method of
– Algolagnia
 sexual impulse towards the opposite sex with
pain as the source of sexual stimulus and/or
– Sadism – (active algolania). Inflection of pain on
another is necessary and sometimes the sole
factor in sexual enjoyment. It is called
heciosadism or lust murder if the victim dies.
– Masochism – (passive algolognia). Enjoyment is
obtained only when pain or humiliation has been
received in the sex act.
 * if the sexual deviation is associated with the
bet of whipping or being whipped, it is
specifically called Flagellation.
The mode or method of
– Fellatio or Inumation
 the female receives the penis of the man into
her mouth. It is claimed that fellatio is
compatible with a normal individual and may
not be regarded as a sexual abnormality.

– Cunnilingus
 gratiafication is attained bylicking or sucking
the external female genitals. Like fellatio,
cunnilingualism is not considered a sexual
The mode or method of
– Anilingus
 a person derives sexual excitement by
licking the anus of another person of
either sex.

– Frottage
 compulsive desire to rub against some
part of the body of another, generally
the opposite sex.
The mode or method of
– Voyeurism
 Compulsion to peep for the purpose of
seeing persons undress or engage in
sexual relations.
– Mixoscopia
 sexual pleasure is attained by watching
couples in the act of sexual intercourse.
– Coprolalia
 characterized by the need to use
scatological language to obtain sexual
The mode or method of
– Urocognia
 sexual excitement is associated with
the act of urination.
– Coprophilia
 sexual excitement is associated with
the act of defecation.
The Identity of the Drive and
the Frequency of its
– Satyriasis
 Excessive sexual desire of intercourse
in males.

– Nymphomania
 excessive sexual desires or
intercourse n females.
The Context by which the
Drive is aroused or
– Masturbation
 self sex. Atimulation and gratification by
stroking, fonding or playing with one’s own
sex organ.
– Exhibitionism
 willful exposure in public places of one’s
genitals in the presence of another person,
usually of the opposite sex.
– Troilism
 a form of sexual derication within three
persons participation in the sexual orgies.
The Context by which the
Drive is aroused or
– Pluralism
 a group of people participate in sexual orgies in
– Don Juanism
 characterized by sexual promiscuity, andmake
the seduction of women as a “career”.
– Incest
 Sexual relations between members of the
immediate family.
– Rape
 a forced sexual intercourse with a non
consenting partner.
III. Origin and Causes of
Sexual Abnormalities
Biological Determinants

– defective genes
– Imbalance in the levels
of sex hormones.

– deprivation of normal sexuality

– Isolation or specific episodes in
– Castration anxiety, fixation,
regression fear of the opposite
– Inappropriate sex typing and
IV. Effects of Sexual

 on the individual
 on the society
– crime, child infestation.
– Break up of families, adversity and
poor sex life
V. Treatment
A. Therapy

Naked Yoga as a Sexual Therapy

Online materials and books or

instructions On Sex therapy for Men
who suffers Sexual Dysfunction.
B. Biological treatment

Treatment Centers,
Prevention or treatment
Meds, Books, and hospital
Treatments Against
Sexual abnormalities.
C. Government control

Women's Incontinence and Sexual

Health Program
VI. Suggestions
Sex Education

Jewish Awareness Program against Sexual abnormalities.

Good moral
Background/ upbringing
The presence and godly guidance of
Both parents are important factors
In a healthy environment.

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