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*Professional Fees
a) The skill and knowledge required for the type of professional services involved b) The level of training and experience of the persons necessarily engaged in performing the professional services; c) The time necessarily occupied by each person engaged in performing the professional services; and d) The degree of responsibility that performing those services entails.

Appropriate safeguards which may be adopted include:

Making the client aware of the terms of the engagement and, in particular, the basis on which fess are charged and which services are covered by the quoted fee. Assigning appropriate time and qualified staff to the task.

*Contingent Fees

The nature of the engagement. The range of possible fee amounts. The basis for determining the fee. Whether the outcome or result of the transaction is to be reviewed by an independent third party

Appropriate safeguards may include

An advance written agreement with the client as to the basis of remuneration. Disclosure to intended users of work performed by the professional accountant in public practice and the basis of remuneration. Quality control policies and procedures Review by an objective third party of the work performed by the professional accountant in public practice.

*Referral Fee or Commission

- A professional accountant in public practice should not pay or receive a referral fee or commission, unless the professional accountant in public practice has established safeguards to eliminate the threats or reduce them to an acceptable level. Disclosing to the client any arrangements to pay a referral fee to another professional accountant for the work referred. Disclosing to the client any arrangements to receive a referral fee for referring the client to another professional accountant in public practice. Obtaining advance agreement from the client for commission arrangements in connection with the sale by a third party of goods or services to the client.


*The professional accountant in public practice should not be honest and truthful and should not: Make exaggerated claims for services offers, qualifications possessed or experience gained; or Make disparaging references to unsubstantiated comparisons to the work of another.


*When the threats cannot be eliminated or reduced to an acceptable level through the application of safeguards, a professional accountant in public practice should not accept such an offer.


*To safeguard against such threats, a professional accountant in public practice entrusted with money (or other assets) belonging to others should: Keep such assets separately from personal or firm assets; Use such assets only for the purpose for which they are intended; At all times, be ready to account for those assets, and any income, dividends or gains generate, to any persons entitled to such accounting; and Make appropriate inquiries of the source of such assets comply with all relevant laws and regulations relevant to the holding of and accounting for such assets.


Withdrawing from the engagement team. Supervisory procedures. Terminating the financial or business relationship giving rise to the threat. Discussing the issue with higher levels of management within the firm. Discussing the issue with those charged with governance of the client.


- means taking an unbiased viewpoint in the performance of the examination and in the preparation of the report .

2 Phases of Independence

Independence of mind the auditors perception of his own independence Independence in appearance refers to the publics perception of the professional accountants independence

Engagement Period

o The period of the engagement starts when the assurance team begins to perform assurance services and ends when the assurance report is issued, except when the assurance engagement is of recurring nature. o In the case of a financial statement audit engagement, the engagement period includes the period covered by the financial statements reported on by the firm.

Independent Requirement
Members of assurance team Audit Non-audit (not restricted) Non-audit (restricted) Yes Firm Yes Network Firm Yes




Independence Interpretations and Rulings

Financial Interest - When control exists, the financial interest should be considered direct. Conversely, when the individual has no control over the financial interest, the financial interest should be considered Loans and Guarantees Immaterial to both the firm and assurance client; or Made under normal lending procedures, terms and requirements of the financial institution.

Close Business Relationships Having a material financial interest in a joint venture with the assurance client Arrangements to combine one or more services or products of the firm with one or more services or products of the assurance client Distribution or marketing arrangements under which the firm acts as a distributor or marketer of the assurance clients products or services, or the assurance client acts as the distributor or marketer of the products or services of the firm. Family and personal relationships Past employment with an assurance client Serving as an officer or director on the Board of Assurance Clients Long Association with assurance clients

Provision of accounting and bookkeeping services to assurance clients The client accepts responsibility for the results of the work; The firm does not assume or make any managerial decisions; and Personnel providing the services are not members of the assurance team Provision of taxation services to assurance clients Provision of legal services to assurance clients Recruiting Senior Management Fees-overdue Contingent fees *Fees are not regarded as contingent if these are Fixed by a court or other public authority Determined based on the results judicial or government agency proceedings.

Gifts and Hospitality

Actual or threatened litigation

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