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Section 1 of Rule VIII of the Omnibus Rules Implementing Book V of Executive Order No.22 and Other Pertinent Civil Service Laws provides:
Every official and employee of the government is an asset or resource to be valued, developed and retention of a highly competent and professional workforce in the public service shall be the main concern of every department or agency.

Its Section 2 states:

Each department or agency shall prepare a career and personnel development plan which shall be integrated into a national plan by the Commission which shall serve as the basis for all career and personnel development activities in the government.

Moreover, the basic requirements for the establishment of the training program cover the following terms:
Formulation, maintenance and

continued expansion of the systematic plan of action for the development and training of personnel at all levels.

Provision for specific development and training opportunities to help employees at all levels to perform their work in the best known manner and to adapt themselves to changing program needs, as well as to prepare for greater responsibilities. Stimulation and encouragement of employee development and training not only through officially organized inservice seminar activities conducted during working hours but also through individual self improvement.

Making full use of training facilities and the technical assistance of different professional or technical

organization. The Civil Service Commission likewise meets the objective by providing consultation and assistance to departments and agencies in the planning and organizing of career and employee development activities.

Memorandum Circular No. 43, s. 1993

It provides that: Pursuant to CSC Resolution No. 93-4575, heads of agencies, in coordination with the agency Personnel Development Committee(PDC), shall have the primary responsibility to formulate and establish their respective training and development programs.

The head of agency shall perform the following:

Determine training fees, amount of

honorarium for resource person services, and other training related expenses. Authorize the attendance of agency personnel in conferences, symposia, and a for a sponsored by the NGOs or private institution.

Authorize the availment of

services of other training institutions and agencies. Select, nominate, authorize employees, whether permanent or nonpermanent for training and scholarship grants, both local and foreign.

It added:
All the expenditure for the purpose above mentioned shall be subjected to the usual accounting and auditing rules and regulation. In the selection of participants in training and scholarship programs, the PDC shall undertake the screening of the candidates.

The general rules and guidelines contained in the Omnibus Rules Implementing Book V of the administrative Code of 1987 and other Pertinent Civil Service Laws for the establishment of a continuing program for career and personnel development of agency personnel at all levels shall be observed.

CSC MC 43, s. 1993 repealed the provisions of CSC MC No. 10, s.1992 and CSC MC No. 29, s. 1963. The CSC promotes and coordinates the career and employee development by securing and going over training activities from the various departments, agencies, provinces or cities.

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