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In many of the questions in the CPE exam, youll have to argue a case or express an opinion.

Observe the following example:

In what ways do you think reading engages the imagination? In a paragraph of around 100 words, justify your opinion.

For me, a book is actually a place where we still have the chance to engage in active imagining, translating word to image, connecting these images to memories, dreams, and larger ideas. Stories that turn into films may be great, but they have already been imagined for us. Only books help us enter worlds wholly created in our minds and make connections between what is real and what is imagined. I firmly believe that reading is the sole means by which we slip, often helplessly, into another's skin, another's voice, another's soul. (92 words)

Topic Sentence

Supporting Sentence 1

Supporting Sentence 2

Concluding Sentence

A topic sentence usually comes at the beginning of a paragraph; that is, it is usually the first sentence in a formal academic paragraph. More importantly, it is the most general sentence in a paragraph, without many details. It simply introduces an overall idea you want to discuss later in the paragraph.

Topic Sentence

When a reader reads a topic sentence, a question should usually appear in the reader's mind. You will need two or three sentences to answer this question. These are called supporting sentences because they explain the idea expressed in the topic sentence.

Supporting Sentences

The Concluding Sentence

It is a sentence at the end of the paragraph which summarizes the information that has been presented. Notice how it is similar to, but not exactly the same as, the topic sentence.

After writing, read the paragraph again and check if everything makes sense. Also, check for eventual spelling and grammar mistakes and summarise your text if it is too long.

Editing the Paragraph

Observe the following paragraphs and answer the questions.

Telling the truth may be a virtue,

but is it more important to know how to tell lies? Obviously, modern civilised

1. Underline the topic sentence. 2. What writing technique has been used here? 3. Which linkers were used to connect the sentences? 4. What writing technique has been used in the concluding sentence?

society couldnt exist if everybody lied

all the time. But at the same time, would it not be equally disastrous if

everybody always told the truth? So it

seems to me that lying is an essential skill, and that schools are quite right to

teach children how to do it. (72 words)

What seems to be wrong with this paragraph?

I don't like tests. Every time I took a test, I feel nervous.

When I study for a test, I don't know if I must to be able to

get a good grade. Often I worry about taking a test and

can't sleep. Sometimes I daydream or draw pictures in class. After the test is over, I worry with my grade. When my teacher gives the test back to me with a grade, I still can't relax because I know I will take another test soon. Tests give me a lot of stress. That is why I preferred to be watching TV or play football. (106 words)

Write a topic sentence for this paragraph. What linkers have been used?

Students often wonder whether its worth going to

England or the USA to study English. I would say it depends on how much money you have, and whether or not you

have a taste for adventure. Some students make very good

progress when studying abroad, while others, however, acquire near-perfect English without ever visiting an English-

speaking country. As for me, I am quite sure I would enjoy

myself enormously if I were given the chance.

Complete this paragraph with supporting sentences. Use the linkers already provided.

Many young actors and actresses dream of becoming

stars, but in reality stardom has its drawbacks as well as its
attractions. On the one hand, stars can earn a lot of money and they can also travel a lot and have an exciting social

life. On the other hand, stars become public property and

lose a lot of their privacy. Ultimately, the young actor who dreams of stardom is in danger of becoming someone who

dreams of being anonymous again.

Write a concluding sentence for this paragraph. What linkers can you use?

It was such a creature as no nightmare had ever brought

to my imagination. There was something bear-like in his whole pose and attitude, in his rugged skin, in its red gaping

mouth, fringed with monstrous fangs. At that moment, a

shudder of horror took over me as I observed its eyes which glistened in the glow. My theory may seem to be wildly

improbable, but at least no one can venture to say that it is


Final Task
What do you think is the most influential book of your generation? What about that book makes it so special? In a paragraph of around 100 words, justify your opinion.

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