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Information Technology for Management (6th Edition)

Transforming Organizations in the Digital Economy

Turban * Leidner * McLean * Wetherbe 2008

Information Technology for Management

The book is divided into six major parts, composed of 17 regular chapters supplementary by six Technology Guides. Features of this Text

Chapter Outline. Learning Objectives. Opening Cases. IT at Work Boxes. A Closer Look Boxes. Managerial Issues Minicases Online Chapter Resources ( Exercises, Projects, and Internet Exercises Group Assignments References Appendix Glossary

Organization of the Book

Part I : IT in the Organization. Part I gives an overview of IT in the organization. Chapter 1 introduces the drivers of the use of information technology in the digital economy and gives an overview of information systems and IT trends. Chapter 2 presents the foundations of the information systems and strategic use.
1. Organizational Performance: IT Support and Applications 2. IT Support Systems: Concepts and Management

Organization of the Book


II : IT Infrastructure. This part

introduces to the two majors building blocks of IT : data and networks (the other building blocks are covered in the Online Technology Guides). Both parts include basic infrastructure and most common applications.
3. Managing Data: Databases and Warehousing 4. Network Computing for Collaboration

Organization of the Book


III : The Web Revolution. The

two chapters in the Part III introduce the Web-based technologies and applications, starting with the topics of e-commerce and ebusiness (Chapter 5), and is followed by mobile and wireless computing in Chapter 6.
5. E-Commerce and E-Business 6. Wireless Devices and their Applications

Organization of the Book

Part IV : Organizational Applications. Part IV begins with the basics: IT applications in transaction processing, functional applications, and integration of functional systems (Chapter 7). We then cover supply chain management, Web-based enterprise systems, customer relationship management (CRM), and business process management (BPM) (Chapter 8). Chapter 9 focuses on interorganizational and global systems.
7. 8. 9. IT Compliance: Functional Applications and Transaction Processing Understanding Enterprise Systems : Supply Chains Global and Interoranizational Information Systems

Organization of the Book Part V : Managerial and Decision Support Systems. Part V discusses the many ways
information systems can be used to support the day-today operations of a company, with a strong emphasis on the use of IT in managerial decision making. The three chapters in this part address some of the ways businesses are using IT to solve specific problems and to build strategic, innovative systems that enhance quality and productivity. Special attention is given to innovative applications of knowledge management, business intelligence and predictive analysis.
10. Managing Knowledge 11. Corporate Performance Management and Business Intelligence 12. Managerial Decision Making and IT Support Systems

Organization of the Book

Part VI : Implementing and Managing IT. Part

VI explores several topics related to the implementation, evaluation, construction, and maintenance of information systems. First we cover use of IT organizations and for strategic advantage including the topic of IT planning. Then we consider several issues ranging from economics of IT, to acquiring (building or outsourcing) information systems, to the management of IT resources and IT security. Finally, Chapter 17 assesses the impact of IT on individuals, organizations, and society.
13. 14. 15. 16. 17. IT: Strategic Objectives and Planning Economics of IT IT Application Acquisitions and Options Establishing and Managing IT Security Impacts of IT an Individuals, Organizations, and Society

Technology Guides
Online at

Hardware Software Data and Databases Telecommunications The Internet and the Web A Technical View of System Analysis and Design

Chapter 17 and the Techguides are available online @ And the CD on the back cover

CD on the back cover of this book

CD from John Wiley Sons (Asia) Pte Ltd

Example: Appendix 1A

Michael E. Porter s Five Competitive Forces

. ..


Business intelligence (BI)

Category of applications for gathering, storing, analyzing, and providing access to data to help enterprise users make better decisions.

.... ..
Radio frequency identification (RFID) Generic term for
technologies that use radio waves to automatically identify individual items.

Example: Minicase

Dartmouth College Goes Wireless

Student body: About 5,700 undergraduate and graduate students. Faculty and staff: About 1,900. Access points: 1,400 Wireless network users: About 7,000 connections a day; the busiest time is late afternoon.

To transform a wired campus to a wireless..Dartmouth has made many innovative usages of the systems.

Example: IT at Work 6.3

Nextbus : A superb Customer Service

How NextBus Works (Online). Available: [2007, November 13].

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