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Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation to accompany

Becoming a Master Student

Tenth Edition

Dave Ellis
Viewing recommendations for Windows: Use the Arial TrueType font and set your screen area to at least 800 by 600 pixels with Colors set to Hi Color (16 bit). Viewing recommendations for Macintosh: Use the Arial TrueType font and set your monitor resolution to at least 800 by 600 pixels with Color Depth set to thousands of colors

Chapter 5 Notes

In This Chapter
The note-taking process Mind maps Improving your handwriting Create your instructor

Becoming a Master Student Copyright Houghton Mifflin Company


In This Chapter
Concept maps Taking notes while reading Journal writing Power process: I create it all

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Quotation for Discussion

I write to understand as much as to be understood.
Elie Wiesel

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The Note-Taking Process Flows




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Set the stage
Complete outside assignments Bring the right materials Sit front and center Conduct a short pre-class review Clarify your intentions

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Be here now in class
Accept your wandering mind Notice your writing Be with the instructor Notice your environment Postpone debate

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Be here now in class
Let go of judgments about lecture styles Participate in class activities Relate the class to your goals Think critically about what you hear

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Watch for clues
Be alert to repetition Listen for introductory, concluding, and transition words and phrases Watch the board or overhead projector

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Watch for clues
Watch the instructors eyes Highlight the obvious clues Notice the instructors interest level

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Create mind maps
Mind maps are visual patterns that provide a framework for recall They work on both verbal and nonverbal levels Creating a mind map helps you think from general to specific

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Create mind maps
Set the stage

Be here now

Note taking

Watch for clues

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Create mind maps
Give yourself plenty of room Determine the main concept of the lecture Use key words only Jazz it up Create links Combine formats
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Write notes in outline form Write notes in paragraphs Use keywords

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Use pictures and diagrams


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Copy material from the board Use a three-ring binder Use only one side of the paper Use 3by 5 cards Keep your own thoughts separate

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Use an Im lost signal Label, number, and date all notes Use standard abbreviations Leave blank space

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Use tape recorders effectively Use complete sentences when material is important Take notes in different colors Use graphic signals Record effectively when learning online
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Review within 24 hours Edit notes Fill in key words in left-hand column Use your key words as cues to recite

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Conduct short weekly review periods Consider typing up your notes Create mind map summaries

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Improving Your Handwriting

Use the First Step technique Use creative visualizations Keep your eye on the ballpoint Demonstrate your excellence Revise sloppy writing immediately Practice with the best materials Take a calligraphy course

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Improving Your Handwriting

Dot all is and cross all ts Ensure that holes exist Notice problem letters When understanding is critical, print Be willing to slow downsome Appreciate the value of legible writing

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Create Your Instructor

Research the instructor Show interest in class Take responsibility for your attitude Get to know the instructor better Open up to diversity

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Create Your Instructor

Separate liking from learning Form your own opinion about each instructor Seek alternatives Avoid excuses Submit professional work

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Create Your Instructor

Arrive early for class Accept criticism Use conference time effectively Use course evaluations Take further steps, if appropriate

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Concept Maps
A visual device to help you discover how a text is organized

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Concept Maps
Concept Concept Concept Concept Concept Concept Concept
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1. List the key concepts in the text

Try to express each concept in three words or less Most concept words are nouns List the concepts in any order

Concept Maps
2. Rank the concepts so that they flow from general to specific
Topic of Lesson Major Point Major Point Major Point

Supporting Detail Supporting Detail

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Supporting Detail Supporting Detail


Supporting Detail Supporting Detail

Concept Maps
3. Draw lines that connect the concepts
Add words on the lines to describe the relationship between the concepts Linking words are often verbs, verb phrases, or prepositions

Topic of Lesson Major Point Supporting Detail Supporting Detail

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Major Point Supporting Detail Supporting Detail


Major Point Supporting Detail Supporting Detail

Concept Maps
4. Finally, review your map and make additions if needed
Topic of Lesson

Major Point
Supporting Detail
Minor Detail Minor Detail

Major Point
Supporting Detail Supporting Detail Supporting Detail

Major Point
Supporting Detail Supporting Detail

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Taking Notes While Reading

Review notes Research notes

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Review Notes
Review notes look like the notes you take in class Use left column for key words and questions Mind map summaries are useful for textbook reading You can also outline textbook material or take paragraph-style notes
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Research Notes
Use 3by 5 cards Create two kinds of cards: source cards and information cards Give each source card a code, write it on the corresponding information card Source cards become your bibliography
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Notes on Reading
Use your own words If you quote word for word, put that material in quotation marks For fiction, read first and then summarize Copy important scientific formulas and data that might appear on exams
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Use a Journal
For critical thinking To play with learning styles To get in touch with yourself To manage stress To increase your writing skills For personal growth

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Power Process: I Create It All

Move from victim to victor Dont practice resignation: Take response-ability Ask: How did I contribute to this outcome?

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I Create It All Means

Choosing your responses Choosing your thoughts Choosing your behaviors

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Power Process: I Create It All

Some cautions
Dont blame (yourself or others) Dont apply it to other people Dont feel guilty Its not a religion Its not always about disasters: credit yourself for your success

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Master Student Oprah Winfrey

There is one irrefutable law of the universe: We are each responsible for our own lifeno other person is or even can be. If youre holding someone else accountable for your happiness, youre wasting time.
Becoming a Master Student Copyright Houghton Mifflin Company


The note-taking process Mind maps Improving your handwriting Create your instructor

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Concept maps Taking notes while reading Journal writing Power process: I create it all

Becoming a Master Student Copyright Houghton Mifflin Company


Chapter 5 Notes
Remember, the note-taking process flows to success!

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