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Neumans Systems Model

Presented By
Prof. Dr. Nefissa A. Kader
Vice Dean of Education and Student Affairs & Professor of Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing

By the end of this presentation, each candidate will be able to:

Identify origin of the conceptual model (Historical evolution of the model, author motivation, influences of author thinking, philosophical claims, assumptions, strategies for knowledge world view). Be acquainted with the unique focus of the conceptual model. Be acquainted with the four concepts of nursing metaparadigm and their relationships.

History of model development

Betty Neuman was born in 1924 ,Ohio. Her model originally developed in 1970 at the University of California, Los Angeles as teaching aid. It is developed as a way to teach an introductory nursing course to graduate nursing students a model for teaching total person approach to patient problems. The goal of the model was to provide a wholistic overview of the physiological, psychological, Sociocultual, and developmental aspects of human beings.

History of model development


After a two-year evaluation of the model, it was published in Nursing Research (Neuman & Young, 1972). Neuman has since published three editions of the Neuman Systems Model. The Neuman Systems Model Trustees Group was established in 1988. This group was established for the perpetuation, preservation, and protection of the integrity of the model and any future changes in model must have the consent of the trustees (George, 1996).

Betty Neuman Biographical Information

1924 1947

near Lowell, Ohio. RN Diploma from Peoples Hospital School of Nursing, Akron, Ohio.


Moved to California and gained experience as a hospital staff, and head nurse; school nurse and industrial nurse; and as a clinical instructor in medical-surgical, critical care and communicable disease nursing.


Attended University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) with double major in psychology and public health. Received BS in nursing from UCLA. Received Masters degree in Mental Health, Public Health Consultation from UCLA. as pioneer in the field of nursing involvement in community mental health.


Recognized Began

developing her model while lecturing in community mental health at UCLA.

Betty Neuman Biographical Information contd.


model was first published as a model for teaching total person approach to patient problems in nursing research. Received doctorate degree in clinical pathology from Pacific Western University.



Received second honorary doctorate from Grand Valley State University.

Neumans model was influenced by a variety of sources, but most particularly:

The philosophy of writers such as: Pierre Dechardin Bernard Marx Gestalt theory General Adaptation Syndrome General systems theory

Influences contd.
Pierre Dechardin

Was a Catholic priest and scientist who is credited with first proposing the idea of spiritual evolution. He believed that spiritually, humans are evolving toward an ultimate perfection that he called the Omega Point.

He is most often associated with the idea of a mind, the interconnectedness of human spirit and mind.

Influences contd.
Bernard Marx

Marxist philosophy suggests that the properties of parts are determined partly by the larger wholes within dynamically organized systems. Human activities is the product of a particular social and economic environment. Societies should be reorganized in a more equitable way to eliminate poverty.

Influences contd.
Gestalt Theory

Is a theory of German origin. It centers around the concept of the Gestalt or the whole.

It emphasizes that the human world of experience is the only immediately given reality.
The dynamic interaction of the individual and the situation determines experience and behavior (meaning that no two interactions will ever be the same and we should not simplistically over generalize).

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