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Survey Study of the

Requirements Of a Teller
Machine Within the
University Premises For the
Public Usage.
What is Regression.
Linear Regression Methods.
Logistic Regression.
Survey Study of the Requirements Of a
Teller Machine.
Analysis results by using mathematical
Regression Analysis
v Regression analysis is a statistical
technique used to describe relationships
among variables.
vSimple linear regression
vMultiple linear regression
vLogistic regression
The General Linear Model
v If the relationship between y and x is believed linear, then the
equation expressing this relationship is the equation for a line ,

v represent the yintercept, the point where the line

crosses the vertical (y) axis, and represent the slope of
the line.
v The simplest case to examine is one in which a variable y,
referred to as the dependent variable, may be related to
another variable x, called an independent or explanatory
Ø Example:
For accounting,
total cost = fixed cost + Variable cost
Example of population Regression
v The equation of this line is written as ,

v Where,

- is the conditional mean of y given a value of x,

- is the y intercept for the population regression line,

- is the slope of the population regression line.

v For example:
Suppose that we are developing a model to
describe the temperature of the water off the
continental shelf. Science the temperature
depends in part on the depth of the water, two
variables are involved. These are,
x-The water depth (independent variable)
y-The water temperature (dependent

we want to describe the behavior of the water

temperatureunder the assumption that the depth
of the water is known precisely in advance.
v Even if the depth of the water is fixed at some
v For example , if several temperature measurements
are taken at various places each at a depth of
x=1000 feet, these measurements will vary in value.
For this reason, we must admit that for a given x,
we are really really dealing with a “Conditional ”
random variable, which denoted by Y|x (Y given
that X=x).

v - The conditional mean of y given a value of x

v We present our x values at = 1000, =2000
=3000...... =5000 feet.
v Regardless of how the X values for our study are
selected, Our random sample is properly viewed as
taking form,
Multiple Linear Regression
v The General Linear Model:

v - denote the known real numbers

v - denote the unknown real numbers

Polynomial Model of Degree p
v The general polynomial regression model of degree
pexpresses the mean of the response variable Y as
a polynomial function of one predictor variable X,

v Where p is a positive integer If we let ,

v Quadratic model:

v Cubic model:
Why use Logistic Regression Rather
Than Ordinary Linear Regression
In early satiations use ordinary linear regression
for there data analysis. Statistic develop day by day,
however, are now most satiations & psychologists use
logistic regression.
v The outcome variable is binary or dichotomous.
v One of the assumptions of regression is that the variance
of Y is constant be the case with a binary variable ,
become the variance is PQ.

Ex: When the 50 percent of the people are, then variance is

0.25. It’s maximum value as we move more extreme value, the
variance decreases, when P=0.1, the variance is
0.1*0.9=0.09, so as P approaches 1 or zero, the variance
approaches zero.
The General Linear Model
v If the relationship between y and x is believed linear, then
the equation expressing this relationship is the equation for a
line ,

v represent the y intercept,

v the point where the line crosses the vertical (y)
v - represent the slope of the line.
v - represent error term

so y & x also distributed

v If y distributed another distribution (Binomial, Poison). so
we wont to go to another method.
Scatter Plot of CHD by AGE for 100
The Percentage of subject with CHD
Plot of The Percentage of subject
with CHD in Each Age Group
The Simple Logistic Model

v Logistic regression is a mathematical molding approach

that can be use to describe the relationship of several
variable X to a dichotomous dependent variable Y.
v where Y is typically called as 1 or 0 for its two possible
v The logistic model describes the expected value of Y (i.e.
E(Y ) ) in terms of following “logistic formula”.

v For (0, 1) random variable such as Y . It follows from basic
statistical principals about expected values that E(Y ) is
equivalent to probability
Pr(Y = 1) for a (0, 1) random variable Y ,

E(Y |x) = 0*Pr(Y=0)+1*Pr(Y=1)= Pr(Y = 1) -----(2)

Pr(Y = 1) = ------(3)

v In order to simplify notation, we use the quantity,


By equation (3) & (4)

v A transformation of that is central to my study
of logistic regression is the logistic transformation.
v This transformation is defined, in terms of

------ (6)

By equation (5) & (6)

Multiple Logistic Regression Model
v Consider a collection of p independent variables denoted by
the vector X=(x1, x2, x3...., xp).
v The logit of the multiple logistic regression model is,


v Then logistic model is,

v In general, if a nominal scaled variable has k possible
values, then k-1 design variables will be needed.
v since, unless stated other wise, all of our models have
constant term.
v The design variables will be denoted as and
the coefficients for these design variable will be
denoted as
v Thus, the logit for a model will p variables and
variable being discrete would be,
v one of the independent variable is race.
v Which has been coded as White, Black, and Others.

v One possible coding strategy is that when the

respondent is White, The two design variables, D1
and D2, would both be set equal to zero.
v when represent is Black , D1and D2, would both be
v (1) White

v (2) Black
v (3)Other
Model-Building Strategies And
Methods For Logistic Regression
v The goal of any method is to select those
variables that result in a best model within
the scientific context of the problem. In
order to achieve this goal we must have:

(1) A basic plan for selecting the variables for

the model
(2) A set of methods for assessing the
adequacy of the model both in terms of its
individual variables and its overall fit.
Variable selection
v There are several steps one can be follow
to aid in the selection of variables.
v The process of model building is quite
similar to the one used in linear regression.
vCheek the variables are continuous ,categorical
or dummy variable.
vSelect only dummy variables.
vCheek P-values. (0.25 level)
vUse stepwise methods for select variables.

v Cheek p-values. ( p-value > 0.25.)

v Once the variable have been identified, we begin
with a model containing all of the selected
v Our recommendation that selection is based on
the work by Bendel and Afifi (1977) on linear
regression and on the work by Mickey and
Greenland (1989) on logistic regression.
v Thus we can show that use of more traditional
level (such as 0.05 level) often fails to identify
variables known to be important.
stepwise procedure.
v There are two main versions of the step
wise procedure.

(a) Forward selection with a test for

backward estimation
(b) Backward elimination followed by a test
for forward selection
Survey Study of the
Requirements Of a Teller
Machine Within the
University Premises For
v The goal of this study to survey study of the
requirement of a teller machine with in
the university premises for the public usage.

v We prepared to questionnaires for collect data

and interview more than 500 people around the
university area in wellamadama.

v premises comprising
vnon academic staff,
vinternal & external student and
University Population

v Academic staff
v Non Academic staff
v Internal student
v External student
Size of The University Population

Size of the population


5109 Temp
5000 &Demo

4000 Non

1000 704 Internal

185 399 student
110 45
Academic Temp Non Security Internal External External
&Demo Academic student student student
Academic Staff of The University

v Lecturers
v Temporary & Demonstrate staff
Lecturers Staff of The University

Academic staff


36% 44% Management


Demonstrate Staff

Temparary & Demostrete staff

80 H&SS
20 17
10 5
H&SS ManagementScinance Fisheries Fisheries
Non Academic Staff

v Administrative officers
v Clerical staff
v Technical officers
v Minor and other staff members
Non Academic Staff

Non academic staff

5% 1% 11% 1% Administrate
33% Scinance

49% Fisheries
Owns a Savings Account

No.of saving accounts for the sample taken

out of university premises



Analysis of Having Accounts For
the Sample Taken Out
Living Places in the Sample Who
Haven’t Serving’s Accounts.
University Staff & Student Maintain
Their Accounts With
Analysis of University Staff &
Number of Accounts Obtains in
University Banks.
How the Money of Payments
Divided Each of the
Number of Accounts Obtains in
University Banks .
How the of Payments Divided Each
v academics belong to the highest salary scale
writhing the university community.
v The Bank Of Ceylon is experiencing a great loss of
income due to the fact that academic accounts.
v Therefore, the bank of Ceylon can increase their
profit if they recover the academics trust on their
Sample Members Have Obtain
Teller Facility.
Analysis of Members Teller
Where They Have There Teller
v Students mostly use the teller machine during
v attacked by the village boys.
v Also some robberies for withdrawn money

v Close to the Matara - Kataragama road, many

outsiders also Used it.

v students who have come from north and eastern

areas are suspicious of leaving the university
premises to the external teller machine in
evenings because they may be questioned by
either villagers or security persons.

v I suggest to establish teller machine within the

Number of Teller Machine to be
Within or
New Teller Machine to be Within
or Outside in
According to the above graphs, it is clear
that most of them need the installation of
a teller machine within the university
premises, and lots of reasons are behind
v It is very convenient to retrieve money.
v It saves time.
v High security.
The Number of Customers Who Are Interested
to New Teller Machine.
v The goal of the analysis was to identify,

vwho were interested for ATM facility for

university premises,
vwhy were they interest for this facilities.
v The variable PLACE was treated as a categorical variable in
the regression analysis,

v so three dummy variable had to distinguish the four places

they are living.
v Place of Inside the Matara area (PLMA)
v Hostel in side University (PLOM)
v living Outside the Matara area (PLIUH)
v Hostel out side University (PLOUH)

v Also The variable ID was treated as a categorical variable.

v So dummy variable had to distinguish the four sections
where the members are working.
v ID-Student (IDS)
v ID-Non academic (IDNA)
v ID-Academic (IDA)
v ID-Temporary Academic (IDTA)
Logit Form Of The Model
v The logit from of the model being fit given as,

logit[Pr(Y = 1)] =

v Where, Y denotes the depend variable INTEREST.

v The results of fitting the univariable logistic
regression models to these data are given in result
v Using the given table, we now focus on the information provided
under the heading Analysis of Maximum likelihood estimators
from this information, we can see that the ML coefficients
obtained for the fitted model are,

v So that fitted model is given (in logit form) by,

v Based on this fitted model and computer output,
we can compute the estimated
vp- value
vodds ratio
for finding factors of interesting the ATM
machine within the university premises for the
public usage.

v We do this using the Forward selection with a test

for backward estimation.

v With the exception of GENDER there is evidence

New Reduced Model
v The results in Table 2, when compared to Table 1,
indicate weaker associations for some covariates
when controlling for other variables.
v The new reduced model is written in logit from
logit[Pr(Y = 1)] =

v By using the computer output we can see that the ML

coefficients obtained for the new fitted model are,
v So that fitted model is given (in logit form) by,

v Then we can define logistic function,


v The logit transformation is given by,

v By using the previous results, we can substituted

the values for logistic transformation,
v one of the independent variable is identification
v Which has been coded as Academic, Nonacademic,
Demonstrate staff and Students.
v Student is a base group.
v Students

v Nonacademic Staff

v Academic Staff

v Demonstrate Staff
v Students

v Nonacademic Staff

v Academic Staff

v Demonstrate Staff
Differences of Interesting from
identification code.

1-Demostrate staff
4-Non academic
v Compared with the other subjects, the non academic
staff (IDNA) were interested in more than three
times to the requirement of a Teller machine facility.
(OR= 2.52 & C.I= 1.21 to 5.24)

v Also the current account owners in Bank Of Ceylon

were interested more than 5 times. (OR= 4.61 & C.I
2.46 to 8.63)

v Academic staff & Students are also interested.

v Temporary and Demonstrate staff were interested

more than three times less for the requirement of
this BOC teller machine (OR=0.33 & CI=0.17 to
v I suggest to establish a teller machine at the
Thank You.

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