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Introduction to Business Communication

By Deepak Lalchandani Asst. Prof. BIMT

Objective of the Course

Understanding the importance and the difference of Business Communication

To Increase Listening Speaking Writing effectiveness in business communication.

To become an effective Presentator To improve Interpersonal Relationship Skills Building Self-image and Self-Efficacy

Accept your STRENGTH Work Hard on your SHORTCOMING Only constant in Life is

More will be your


The word communicate comes from the Latin verb communicare that means to impart, to participate, to share or to make common. By virtue of its Latin origin it is also the source of the English word common. Whatever is common is shared by all. Sense of sharing is inherent in the very origin and nature of communication. In communication we share information, i.e. something to tell, in whatever way we like, or as the situation demand.

Communication is a dynamic process through this process we convey a thought or feeling to someone else.

how it is received depends on a set of events, stimuli, that person is exposed to.
how you say; what you say.. plays an important role in communication.

Why Communication is Important

In business, a good communication skill is always required especially on advertisements for job seekers.

Usually promotions come to those who can communicate well.

Without good communications skills, a person may find it impossible to climb up the corporate ladder. Communication is a good way to maintain good relationships with our friends, family, etc. Good communication skills help the relationships to develop in a nice way.

A good communication skill is essential in a relationship because you are free to talk about what you feel.

In sharing your happiness what you do is communicate when you talk One needs to be equipped with habits for good communication skills, as this is what will make them a happy and successful social being.

Today, effective communication skills has become a predominant factor even while recruiting employees.

While interviewing candidates, most interviewers judge them on the basis of the way they communicate. They believe that skills can be improvised on the job; but ability to communicate well is important, as every employee becomes the representing face of the company.

Do You have an aspiration to


in your professional career ?


An Active Listener,
An Effective Presenter, A Quick Thinker.

A Win-Win Negotiator.


Make a group of Four. Sequentially assign a number to every individual. 1 representative Pick up on chit from the lot. Memorize the sentence and return the chit. Go back and utter the sentence to the 2nd person. No one else should hear the sentence. Then the 2nd person should utter it to the 3rd person and so on. The last person should announce the sentence to all. And 1st person reads the chit.


Verbal communication can create chaos while it reaches the last person. Every persons thought process influences the individual understanding. So be an active listener......


Make a group of 6. Once groups are divided, the leader has to instruct the groups to line-up in order of height. When the group has lined-up in a particular order, they are then supposed to clap to let the leader know that they are done. The first group to clap wins that round.


Communication process sometimes require a Leader subordinate relationship Mutual understanding between Leader and subordinate is very vital So mutual understanding can come only through good communication......

Learning plays an important role. Active Learning provide opportunities to build

better FUTURE

What distinguishes human beings from animals?

What distinguishes one human being from another?

If it is the FIRST time

If it is the

nth time




Can you name the 3 most important Steps for having a good communication? Number 1 is Number 2 is Number 3 is

Preparation is everything!!

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