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Oracle Center of Excellence

Unix For DBA’s

Oracle CoE
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Variables we need in .profile

PATH Variable :
• set in .profile
• Sequence of directories that the shell will search to look for a command
• The ORACLE_HOME must be added to PATH

ORACLE_SID variable : Must be set in the shell, can be set in .profile or at

command prompt.Identifies the oracle instance you are currently working on.

This variable will identify the Oracle instance you are currently working in.
Oracle Center of Excellence
Perform Searches in Unix:

grep : Searches for a pattern in a file

• grep -i ‘pattern’ filename

find : to search for files on the filesystem

find / -name <filename> -print

Monitoring Background Processes running on Unix

ps : Displays the processes on the system

• ps -ef
• ps -ef | grep ora : Shows the oracle background processes running. Can be used
to determine whether an instance is running or not.
Oracle Center of Excellence
Scheduling jobs in Unix

at : run a particular job/command at a particular time

at 14:08
at -l --> shows the list of jobs submitted by current user

cron : It is a daemon running continuously and after every minute checks

into /usr/spool/cron/crontabs for submitted jobs
A user can also place a file named as his user-id in this directory.
Each crontab file has a list of commands along with the schedule of

00-10 17 * 3,6,9,12 1 find / -n .last_time -print > backuplist

The five fields separated by blanks represent date and time.

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Cron (Contd.)

• First Field specifies the no. of minutes after the hour when the command is to be
executed (legal values 00 to 59)
• Second filed specifies the hour in 24 hour format (1 to 24)
• Third field is day of the month (1 to 31) .The * on this field means it is to be
executed daily
• Fourth field specifies the month (1-12)
• Fifth field is the day of the week (0-6 Sunday being 0)

A user can add a command to his file by

crontab <commands>
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Running a process in the background

sort -o emp.lst emp.lst & - runs the sort as a background process

nohup : will continue running the background process even if the user logs
nohup sort emp.lst &
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Monitoring Disk usage

df : reports free space available on disk

df -k : will show all the mount points and their sizes in Kilo Bytes

du : reports the disk usage

compress : compresses file and generates the filename.Z

compress filename : give a compressed file as filename.Z

Oracle Center of Excellence
Backing up operating system files:

dd : Used mainly for copying media like floppy and tape

dd if=/dev/rdsk/f0q18t of=temp bs=147456
if=(input filename)
of=(output filename)

cpio : used to copy files to and from a backup device

ls | cpio -ov >/dev/rmt/0m
ls generates the list of files (find too can be used for this)
-o creates an archive which is to be redirected to the backup device
cpio -iv < /dev/rmt/0m restores the files from backup device
Oracle Center of Excellence
Backing up operating system files (contd.):

tar : creates archives on tapes and floppies. Older cousin of cpio

tar cvf /dev/rmt/0m /Oracle/dbs/initTest.ora
tar cvfkb /dev/rmt/0m 1440 18 index.sql : multi-volume backup
tar xvf /dev/rmt/0m
tar uvf /dev/rmt/0m index.sql
Oracle Center of Excellence
What is Mounting ?

Mounting is the process of attaching a filesystem to the root filesystem. The point at
which a directory/filesystem is attached is called the mount point.

Mount /dev/charlie /oracle :mounts the ‘/dev/charlie’ at mount point ‘/oracle’.

Mount -f HS, lower /dev/cd0 /cdrom
-f is used to specify the type of filesystem to be mounted
HS is the type of CD-ROM format
lower keyword ensures lowercase files are displayed in lowercase only
-r option if used will mount the filesystem in read-only mode

Umount can be used to dismounting the file system, either the filesystem or the
mount point is the argument. Dismounting/unmounting makes the filesystem
umount /oracle : mount point
umount /dev/charlie : device name of filesystem
Oracle Center of Excellence
How do I change the access rights to a file?

Chmod is used to set the permissions for all three categories of users (owner,
group, others)

chmod u+x initTEST.ora : adds(+) executable(x) permission on initTEST.ora to

chmod category operation permission filename(s)
category : u(owner), g(group), o(others), a(all, is the default)
permission : r(read), w(write), x(executable)

chmod 764 initTEST.ora : gives rwx(7) to owner, rw(6) to group, r(4) to others
r(read) = 4, w(write) = 2, x(executable) = 1
Oracle Center of Excellence
How do I change the access rights to a file? (contd.)

Chown is used to change the ownership of a file.

Chown oracle initTEST.ora : now oracle is the owner of the file

Chgrp changes the group ownership of the file

chgrp dba initTEST.ora : the group dba has the group ownership of the file, which
means all the users belonging to the group dba will have same rights to the file as
the group permissions.
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Can I log in as a different user without disconnecting the current

su -u oracle : will attempt to log you in as user oracle

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rlogin: Unlike telnet does not prompt for username. Logs into remote
machine as the user of the current machine.So entry for this user must
be in /etc/passwd in remote m/c.

lpstat : status of the printer

lpstat -p pr1 : status of print job on printer pr1

.exrc file : All sets, maps and abbreviations for vi can be stored. At startup
vi looks for the commands in this file.
Set ignorecase

/etc/passwd file : Has all the users in the system with their passwords
Oracle Center of Excellence
Miscellaneous (contd.)

Umask : The value of this variable decides the default permissions which a file will
have when created by a user. Is normally declared in .profile.

Umask 000 : will create files with 777 permissions.

ln is used to give files several filenames. Its like a shortcut in Windows.

ln emp.sql employee : now emp.sql can also be accessed as employee.

Oracle Center of Excellence

Shell Programming
Oracle Center of Excellence
Shell Programming

• when a group of UNIX command to be executed regularly ,then they are

stored in a file , such files are called Shell Script, Shell Programs or Shell
• no restriction on the extension but it is a common practice to use “.sh”
extension for shell script program.
Oracle Center of Excellence
Example of Simple Shell Script

• $cat
# This is a comment line
date # command
cal `date “+%m 20%y” ` # command
echo ‘Calendar for the current month shown above’ # command
• “vi” editor is use to create file and have to make executable by using:
chmod +x filename (or) chmod 755 filename

• to execute the shell program just have to type the name of the file at the
command prompt.
Oracle Center of Excellence
read : Making Shell Interactive
The “read” statement is shell’s internal tool for taking input from the user.

• $ cat
# Script: – Interactive version
# The pattern and filename is to be supplied by the user
echo “\n Enter the pattern to be searched : \c “
read pname
echo “ Enter the file to be used: \c”
read flname
echo “\n Searching for $pname for file $filename\n”
grep “$pname” $flname
echo “\n Selected record shown above\n”(contd…)
Oracle Center of Excellence
Example of Simple Shell Script

• $cat
# This is a comment line
date # command
cal `date “+%m 20%y” ` # command
echo ‘Calendar for the current month shown above’ # command
• “vi” editor is use to create file and have to make executable by using:
chmod +x filename (or) chmod 755 filename

• to execute the shell program just have to type the name of the file at the
command prompt.
Oracle Center of Excellence
read : Making Shell Interactive
The “read” statement is shell’s internal tool for taking input from the user.

• $ cat
# Script: – Interactive version
# The pattern and filename is to be supplied by the user
echo “\n Enter the pattern to be searched : \c “
read pname
echo “ Enter the file to be used: \c”
read flname
echo “\n Searching for $pname for file $filename\n”
grep “$pname” $flname
echo “\n Selected record shown above\n”(contd…)
Oracle Center of Excellence
read : Making Shell Interactive (Contd…)

• The script pauses at two points –

• First ask for pattern to be entered . Inputing the string for ‘pname’
• And assign its value to ‘pname’.
• Next it ask for filename ,entry the string assigns the value for it.
Oracle Center of Excellence
Command Line Arguments:
Positional Parameters

• Shell program accepts arguments in another situation too – when

specified in the command line itself.
• This non-interactive method of specifying arguments is quite useful for
script requiring few inputs.
• When arguments are specified with shell procedure, they are assigned
to certain “special variables” or rather “positional-parameters”
• First argument to $1, second to $2 ,third to $3 and so on….
Oracle Center of Excellence

$ cat
echo “Program: $0
The number of argument specified is $#
The arguments are $* ”
grep “$1” $2
echo “\n job is over”
where $* : stores the complete set of positional parameter
$# : numbers of arguments
$0 : program name.
$ director emp2.lst
Maximum upto 9 arguments can be passed.
Oracle Center of Excellence
Exit Status of a Command

$? - gives the status of the latest command

If the output is :
- 0 , if the command is successful
- non-zero if it fails ,
- 2 if the file is unreadable (in dealing with files)

Example :
$ grep director emp.lst > /dev/null ; echo $?
Output: $ 0

$ grep manager emp.lst > /dev/null ; echo $?

Output: $ 1 .
Oracle Center of Excellence
The Logical Operators $$ and ||
Conditional Execution

&& operator is used in the same sense as C.

Example :
$ grep ‘director’ emp1.lst && echo “pattern found in file “

Output :
$ 1006|chanchal singhvi| director|sales|7/09/73|6700
pattern found in file

The ‘||’ operator is used to execute the command following only if when the
previous command fails.

Example :
$ grep ‘manager’ emp2.lst || echo “pattern not found”
Oracle Center of Excellence
exit : Script Termination

• The exit statement is used to permanently terminates the program.

• When this statement is encountered in a script, execution is halted and control is
returned to the calling program in most cases the shell.
• Need not to be included , shell understand the end of the program.
• Quite often used with a command when it fails.
• Example :
$ grep “$1” $2 || exit 2
echo “pattern found – job over”

• The default argument is zero which implies success

• Non-zero values are used to indicates varies errors.
Oracle Center of Excellence
The “if” Condition

• In the shell, the statement uses the following forms, much like the one used in
other languages
if (condition) is true
Execute command
Execute command
• Example :
$ if grep “director” emp.lst
then echo “Pattern found – Job Over”
else echo “Pattern not found”
( contd..)
Oracle Center of Excellence
The “if” Condition ( Contd.. . )

$ 9876 | jai sharma | director | production | 12/03/80|7000

Pattern found – Job Over

• Relational operator used by “if” :

Operator Meaning
-eq Equal to
-ne Not equal to
-gt Greater than
-ge Greater than or equal to
-lt Less than
-le Less than or equal to
Oracle Center of Excellence
The “if” Condition ( Contd.. . )

$ 9876 | jai sharma | director | production | 12/03/80|7000

Pattern found – Job Over

• Relational operator used by “if” :

Operator Meaning
-eq Equal to
-ne Not equal to
-gt Greater than
-ge Greater than or equal to
-lt Less than
-le Less than or equal to
Oracle Center of Excellence
The “Case” Condition

• Syntax :
case expression in
pattern1) execute commands ;;
pattern2) execute commands ;;
pattern3) execute commands ;;
Oracle Center of Excellence
The “Case” Condition

$ cat

echo “ MENU\n
1.List of files\n 2.Process of user\n 3. Today’s Date 4.Uses of the system\n
5. Quit to Unix\n Enter your option: \c”
read choice
case “$choice” in
1)ls –l ;;
2)ps –f ;;
3)date ;;
4)who ;;
5)exit ;;
Oracle Center of Excellence
expr : Computation

It perform arithmetic operation on integer, and also manipulate strings to a limited


For $ x=3 y=5

$ expr 3+5
Output: $8
$ expr $x - $y
Output: $-2
$ expr 3 \* 5
Output: $15
$ expr $y / $x
Output: $1
$ expr 13 % 5
Output: $3
Oracle Center of Excellence
Sleep And Wait

• Is used in order to introduce some delay in a shell script

For example: If the user needs to see some messages on screen before the
script starts doing something else.

• You may like to make a check regularly (say, once a min) for an event to occur
(say ,for a file to spring into existence)

• Sleep is a UNIX command that introduces this delay.

• Example : sleep 100 ; echo “ 100 seconds have been elapsed”

• O/P 100 seconds have been elapsed

Oracle Center of Excellence
Wait: Command

• wait is a shell built-in command that checks whether all background process
have been completed

• Useful when you have to run a job in the background, and to make sure the
command is completed so that you can run yet another program.

• Example :
• $ wait # waits for all background command
• $ wait 138 # waits for completion of process PID 138
Oracle Center of Excellence
While : Looping

• Syntax :

while condition is true

Oracle Center of Excellence
$ cat
# Program : - - shows the use of while loop
while [‘$answer” = “y” ] # Must it to y first to enter the loop
echo “Enter the code and description: \c”
read code description # Read both together
echo “$code | $description” >> newlist #Append a line to file
echo “Enter any more (y/n)? \c”
read anymore
case $anymore in
y*|Y*) answer=y ;; #Also accept yes, YES etc.
n*| N*)answer=n ;; #Also accept no, NO etc.
*) answer=y ;; #Any other reply means y
Oracle Center of Excellence
Setting up an Infinite loop

Example :
while true ; do
df –t
sleep 300
done &

• This is useful if you want to see the free space available on your disc every five
Oracle Center of Excellence
for : Looping with a List

• The for loop is different in structure from other one used in other programming
• No next , no step but it uses ‘list’ instead

• Syntax :
for variable in list
execute commands
• Additional parameters are variable and list.
• Executes as many times as the items in the list.
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Example 1:
$ for x in 1234
echo “The value of x is $x”

Output :
The value of x is 1
The value of x is 2
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Example 2

$ cat

#Checking for particular changes in files

set -x
rm test_result_240.log
echo "Checking pattern in files replaced in code control"
for tmpl in `cat ksagar/0004/data/tmpl_lis_240.tpl`
echo $tmpl >> test_result_240.log
grep"ABI 02008, CAB 03242, C/C 10280-00" $R_DATA/$tmpl >>
echo "Process completed..."

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