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Our lives have been filled with mysteries about the unexplained events that happened in the environment.

Questions like Why does this happen?", "How does it happen and other questions that will certainly left your mind wondering. Our scientists have observed these natural phenomena and explained these events to enlighten the society and to be aware of our surroundings. Phenomena such as the electrical phenomena, magnetic phenomena, and electromagnetic phenomena which have greatly affected our lives.

Electrical Phenomena: Coulombs Law Magnetic Phenomena: Experiment of Oersted and Ampere Electromagnetic Phenomena: Faradays Law of Induction

Basic Principles Governing Electrostatics

-Electric Charge -Charge Distribution -Charge Conservation -Charge Quantization -Coulomb Force -Coulombs Law -Electric Field -Electric Lines of Force


define simple terms such as charge, electron, proton etc. Differentiating a positive charge from a negative charge and Laws Know common errors in viewing the history of electricity. Understand the distribution of electricity. State basic laws of the electric phenomena. Give recognition to the scientists who contributed to the development of electricity. Have the ability to relate it with life

2 Kinds of Electric Charge 1) Positive- the kind carried by proton. 2) Negative- the kind carried by negative.

Elementary Charge qe= 1.60 10-19 C

Charge Magnitude Coulomb

Birth: January 17, 1706 Death: August 23, 1806

American Inventor Statesman and scientist Popular in the Kite Flying Experiment Introduced the terms positive charge and negative charge Believed that electric charge is a fluid going in and coming out. Rubbing two different kinds of substances together may cause the transfer of electrons from one material to the other.


what you have learned, Benjamin Franklin did not invent electricity. In fact, electricity did not begin when Benjamin Franklin at when he flew his kite during a thunderstorm. The first discoveries of electricity were made back in ancient Greece. Greek philosophers discovered that when amber is rubbed against cloth, lightweight objects will stick to it. This is the basis of static electricity.

Triboelectric Series


Is a series of substances arranged in order based from the electron affinity of the TRIBO ELECTRIC SERIES substance. Celluloid Copper with Silk Sulfur
Rubber Copper,Brass Amber Wood Cotton Skin Silk Fur Glass Rabbit Fur Asbestos


Glass with Silk

Methods of Charging Charging by Friction Charging by Conduction Charging by Induction Grounding

Law of Electrostatic - Unlike charges attract, Like charges repel

Law of Conservation of Charge Charge is neither created nor destroyed. Electric charge is merely transferred from one place to another or from one system to another.

Law of Quantization of Charge - Electric charge can only exist as integral multiples charge in nature, the charge of an electron.

q=+/- nqe
q= electric charge in C n= number of electrons(+/-) qe= 1.60 x 10^-19 C


in the experiments performed by Robert Millikan and other scientists. The unit of charge is Coulomb in honor of Charles Agustin de Coulomb. 1.60 x 10^-19 C

An experiment performed by Robert Millikan and Harvey Fletcher in 1909. Its objective is to measure the elementary charge of an electron The experiment entailed balancing the downward gravitational force with the upward buoyant and electric forces on tiny charged droplets of oil suspended between two metal electrodes. Since the density of the oil was known, the droplets' masses, and therefore their gravitational and buoyant forces, could be determined from their observed radii. Using a known electric field, Millikan and Fletcher could determine the charge on oil droplets in mechanical equilibrium. By repeating the experiment for many droplets, they confirmed that the charges were all multiples of some fundamental value, and calculated it to be 1.59241019 C, within one percent of the currently accepted value of 1.6021764871019 C. They proposed that this was the charge of a single electron.

Born: June 14, 1736 Died: August 23, 1806


French physicist. He was best known for developing Coulomb's law, the definition of the electrostatic force of attraction and repulsion. The SI unit of electric charge, the coulomb, was named after him. Lived in France

6.2415 1018 electrons = 1 Coulomb One coulomb is the amount of charge in an electric current of one Ampere/second-the Ampere being the current required to obtain an amount of magnetic force between a pair of current carrying wires. The Millikan oil drop experiment, which measures the charge on a single electron, provides the answer to how many electrons per second are in one Ampere.


of the strongest fundamental forces in nature second only to electromagnetic force. Electric force- a manifestation of this force which involves the interaction of electric charges that are stationary. 2 Kinds of Electric Force 1) Attractive Force- -Fe, opposite charges. 2) Repulsive Forces- +Fe, like charges.

F1 q1 q2 on q1


q1 on q2


known as Coulombs inverse square

law. a law of physics describing the electrostatic interaction between electrically charged particles. first published in 1785

magnitude of the Electrostatics force of interaction between two point charges is directly proportional to the scalar multiplication of the magnitudes of charges and inversely proportional to the square of the distances between them.

2 Conditions for Validity The charges considered must be point charges. They should be stationary with respect to each other.

Fe = k q1 q2 d2
q1 and q2= magnitudes of 2 point charges Fe= electrical force d= distance separating the charges K= 9.0 x 109Nm2/C2




Force Fe = k q1 q2 d2 k = 9.0 x 109Nm2/C2

Fe = G m1 m2 d2 G = 6.67 x 10-11Nm2/kg2

Fe > Fg by 1039

Electric Field acts when both are charged. Depends on this formula. Has a property that any charge will experience when placed at this field

Gravitational Field Acts between 2 masses Depends on the Universal Law of Gravitation Has a g= 9.8 m/s2

E= F/q
E= electric field F= force Q= unit charge N/C= Unit of Electric Field

E= k Qq d2
E= electric field K= Coulombs Constant Q= source charge q= test charge d= distances N/C= Unit of Electric Field

Electric Field Intensity- the force experienced at a certain point by a test charge when placed in a region.



Fe 1

Fe 2




are two kinds of charge, positive and negative like charges repel, unlike charges attract positive charge comes from having more protons than electrons; negative charge comes from having more electrons than protons charge is quantized, meaning that charge comes in integer multiples of the elementary charge e charge is conserved

Studying the Electric Phenomena is very significant in our lives especially when we deal with natural events that basically happen in the environment. It is truly helpful to us when we understand the basic principles of the electric phenomena because it helps us develop a clearer view of the subatomic world in the field of electrons and protons which are subatomic particles. It is somehow coincidental to say that some formulas or laws are similar in terms of the format and the only difference is the variable representation. Once we understand the electric phenomena on a subatomic level, we can explore a new level of knowledge and technology like how we develop machineries that run in electricity. When we study these principles, we give recognition to the great works of the different scientists who worked hard to prove something or maybe spent their whole life deciphering these unexplained events.


a proportionality factor also called the electric force constant or electrostatic constant. The exact value of Coulomb's constant is:

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