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PRESENTED BY Shikhar Saxena Batch-18 PGDM

An old company but has a Profile high enough to forget that. A Combination of Power of Processors and Beauty of Poetry. Most Tech firms focus on one or two sectors.
Own Hardware(i-Books, i-MACs) Own Operating System(MAC OS)
Own Programs(iTunes, Safari, i-Movies) Consumer Electronics(iPod Family) Online Service(iTunes Music Store)

Clubbing together Dell Microsoft Sony into one company-Apple Technological Biosphere Following conventional wisdom, apple is doing it all wrong
Trying to do everything at once you wont do anything well

Under the traditional Adam Smithian Model, new and better products arise out of competition. But apple works in its own closed Techno-Biosphere And yet, they gave us 3 of the best technological innovations of past 30 years (The Apple II, Macintosh and iPod) Revolutionized 6 industries: PCs, animated movies, music, phones, tablet computing and digital publishing.


Apple was founded on 1st April 1976 and incorporated on 3rd January 1977. The Apple I , its first offering was better then other machines because: It was priced lower than other computers available at the time. Had fewer parts, & Was marketed to only individuals with an interest in computers and electronic.

In its opening year the sale revenue was about USD 774,000 an impressive start.



1977 MOStek 6502 processor. TV as display unit. Big Hit APPLE II MOStek 6502 processor. Color Graphics. 1977 Audio cassette drive for (Upgraded in storage with 4 KB RAM 1978) Later upgraded with floppy disk drive & 48 KB RAM in 1978. Text & Graphics 128 KB RAM Updated System Software

Raked in about US $ 139 million within first 3 yrs. of its launch.


LISA Type: Businesses Machines Launched: 1983 MACINTOSH

Innovative features like: Hand held mouse GUI

Primarily owing to high cost. Personal Users


128 KB Memory 32-bit processor Mac OS that could run on all apple computers. Internet MAC Designed primarily for new users. Low Cost. 10 GB storage 1.8 Hard Drive iPOD shuffle had flash memory.

Big Corporations



-1998 -2004

iMAC Mini -2005 iPOD & iTUNES 2001 followed by iTunes in 2003 & iPOD shuffle in 2005


Apple store

Apples Brand Identity Prism

Cool Simplicity Innovative

Logo Easy Access GUI Micro Computer



Believe in bringing Change Power to the people through technology

Emotional Touch
Friendliness Heartfelt connection Younger Brand Fun Making Customer Feel Special Free thinking


Self Image


Self Enhancement Connected

Apples Brand Identity Prism

Culture Apples culture is as distinct as its products are groundbreaking. Empower employees to make a difference. Love and cherish the innovators. Dont make people do things, make them better at doing things. Think different.

Apples Brand Identity Prism

Apple brand personality is about lifestyle, imagination, innovation, Passion, hopes, dreams and aspirations. Its personality is also about simplicity and removal of complexity from peoples lives. People driven product design.

Apples Brand Identity Prism

Self Image Younger Brand popular among youngsters as most of them are gadget freaks. Fun - Apple involves the fun element as its product supports a lot of applications and its fun working on some of those applications. Making Customer feel special - Apple as a brand has such a fascinating image that for some people it has become as the status symbol. It gives a special feeling to the customers having Apple products.

Apples Brand Identity Prism

PHYSIQUE Logo- Capture the brand essence and increases the brand equity .It is the vital brand element. Apple got a brand value of $185 billion.

Easy Access Graphical User Interface (GUI) Program interface that takes advantage of the computer's graphics capabilities to make any program easier to use. Apple Macintosh first introduced this feature.
Micro Computer-Microcomputers became popular in the 1970s and 80s. Apple II series , set of 8-bit home computers is the first highly successful mass produced microcomputer products.

Apples Brand Identity Prism

RELATIONSHIP Friendliness- Apples main vision is to provide customer satisfaction with innovation. Apple's customer service is perennially ranked high and therefore, takes care of every complaint they get from customers. Heartfelt connection- The products are meant only for the customers and to give them the innovative experience of the technology. Thus there is an emotional attachment with the customers.

Apples Brand Identity Prism

REFLECTION Self Enhancement- The brand motivates people to maintain self esteem. On the other hand it helps Apple to serve better by latest innovations. Connected- The customers are more loyal towards the brand, thus making them connected with the brand every time they buy Apple products.

Apple Inc. Competitors

PC manufacturers are rivals to Apple, like Dell, Alien ware, Gateway etc. We can also factor in Microsoft as a rival to their Operating System (OS X/XP). In recent years Apple have branched out considerably, into online media (iTunes, Mobile Me, iPhone) so we can factor in Napster and other legal music download sites, Hotmail and Gmail, and Nokia, Samsung, Blackberry and alike. They rival in the server markets with HP, Sun, SGI and IBM with regards to High Performance Computing, Webserving, Centralized storage (which also brings further rivals like Brocade and Sanrad).

Apple Vs. Samsung

The beginning: According to an Australian affidavit from Apple's global legal counsel Richard Lutton , chief executive Steve Jobs warned Samsung about potential litigation in June 2010, shortly after the release of the first Galaxy phones.

The First Law suit : In April 2011, Apple filed a suit in a US court against Samsung ,claiming the South Korean manufacturer's lavishly copied "Apple's design for its Galaxy phones .
It found that Samsung had willfully infringed on Apple's design and utility patents and had also diluted Apple's trade dresses related to the iPhone.

The jury awarded Apple $1.049 billion in damages and Samsung zero damages in its counter suit.

Infringement of Trade Dress :Apple claimed that Samsungs Galaxy phones embodies a combination of several elements of the Apple Product Configuration Trade Dress.

Apples Current scenario

The iPhone created the smartphone market and became Apples flagship product, making $18bn in revenue in the past quarter. Yet despite tens of millions of iPhones sold, Apple continues to lose market share to Googles Android. Apple will unveil two new phones: the iPhone 5S, an upgraded iPhone 5, and another, which the rumor mill has dubbed the iPhone 5C. Apple has recognized that a cheaper device is necessary to unlock the next wave of customers around the world, hence the iPhone 5C will be introduced at a cheaper price than previous versions of iPhone. iPhone 5C will be its Technicolor moment, with red, yellow or blue plastic casings.

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