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Davidson, C.L. (2006). Solving the mystery of reading. USA: Pearson Education, Inc.
Definition: Where the Definition: AFFIXES Definition: AFFIXES
word takes its basic that are attached to the that are attached to the
meaning; Core around BEGINNING of a END of a root; Letters
which the word is built root; Letters that are that are added AFTER
added BEFORE the the root word
root word
(AFFIXES are word
parts that are attached
to a root).
Example: decoder
Example: code Example: decoder ( the -er at the end
(de- means “to remove means a person)
Thus, in the sentence,

“Even the best decoder could not decipher

Egyptian hieroglyphs before the Rosetta
stone was found.”

what does a decoder mean? ______________

You are right!!!

A decoder is

“a person (-er) who removes (de-) (or breaks)

Exercise 1.
Write down the root in the each of the words

1. reality 9. attendant
2. collection 10. confession
3. inactive 11. recycle
4. buyer 12. touchable
5. illegal 13. sadly
6. childhood 14. impossible
7. posttest 15. preview
8. employer 16. crusty
Common Roots – Set 1
Root Meaning Sample Word
aud hear, listen auditorium, audio-visual

dict speak, words dictation, dictionary

gen create generator, Genesis

meter to measure thermometer, metric

mit, miss send missile, transmit
nom, non, nym name synonym, anonymous
phon sound homophone, telephone

port carry import, transport

script, scribe to write prescription, transcribe

vid, vis see video, vision

Exercise 2.
The root in each word in the left column (1-10) is
underlined, as well as the definition in the right column. Use
this information to match the word with its definition. Write
letters only.
• antonym • a person sent to another place to teach
• dictator religion
• auditory • something written on paper, leather, or
• stone
• the book of Creation in the Bible
• visor
• a word that has the opposite meaning
• inscription (name)
• Genesis • the sounds of a language
• barometer • a protective covering for the eyes
• phonics • having to do with the ears or hearing
• missionary • a ruler whose “words” (speech) are law
• an instrument to measure air pressure
• to carry products out of the country
Common Roots – Set 2
Root Meaning Sample Word
auto self automatic, automobile

capt, capit head captain, decapitate

cide to kill pesticide, homicide

crat, cracy to rule bureaucrat, democracy

graph to write, draw telegraph, phonograph

log, ology study of geology, psychology

matri mother matriarch, maternal

patri father patriarch, paternal

phobia fear claustrophobia,
tract to pull traction, tractor, attract
Common Roots – Set 3
Root Meaning Sample Word
bio life biology, antibiotic

chron time chronology, chronicle

micro very small microscope, microbe

ped, pod foot pedal, tripod

photo light photograph,

scope to look at telescope, microscope

tele distance television, telephone

terri/a land, earth territory, terrier

therm heat thermometer, thermos

trans across transport,

Exercise 3.
(Write the letter of the word that would correctly complete
each of the sentences on the right.)

a. people • If you have a portable radio, you are able

b. to pull __________ it with you wherever you go.
c. sounds • Egyptian priests wrote in hieroglyphs.
The common __________ wrote in a
d. to carry
form called demotic.
e. eyes
• You might lose your vision if your
f. sent __________ are injured.
• The farmer used the tractor __________
the plow.
• The spy had been __________ on a secret
• Hieroglyphs are based on pictures and
phonics, which are the __________ of
Assignment No. 2 – Due Next Meeting
1. Form groups with five members each.
2. Choose five roots from Sets 2 and 3 of the Common
Roots lists (from the handouts).
3. Write five questions (with their corresponding answers)
for each of the root you’ve chosen asking for the
definition of five Sample Words that are not yet included
in the two Sets.
(e.g., “What _____ology is the study of animals.”
Answer: Zoology is the study of animals)
(But try to think of more difficult words!!!)
4. Then, write a new sentence using the same word.
(e.g. I don’t like my zoology subject because I am
allergic to animals.)
5. Type your answers on short bond paper, with the
nicknames and last names of all group members.
Answers to Exercise 1.
(Write down the root in the each of the words

1. real 9. attend
2. collect 10. confess
3. active 11. cycle
4. buy 12. touch
5. legal 13. sad
6. child 14. possible
7. test 15. view
8. employ 16. crust
Answers to Exercise 2.
(The root in each word in the left column (1-10) is
underlined, as well as the definition in the right column. Use
this information to match the word with its definition. Write
letters only.)
• D - antonym • a person sent to another place to teach
• H - dictator religion
• G - auditory • something written on paper, leather, or
• stone
J - export
• the book of Creation in the Bible
• F - visor
• a word that has the opposite meaning
• B- (name)
• the sounds of a language
• C - Genesis
• a protective covering for the eyes
• I-
barometer • having to do with the ears or hearing
• E - phonics • a ruler whose “words” (speech) are law
• A • an instrument to measure air pressure
-missionary • to carry products out of the country
Answers to Exercise 3.
Write the letter of the word that would correctly complete
each of the sentences on the right.

a. people • D - If you have a portable radio, you are able

b. to pull __________ it with you wherever you go.
c. sounds • A - Egyptian priests wrote in hieroglyphs. The
common __________ wrote in a form called
d. to carry
e. eyes
• E -You might lose your vision if your
f. sent __________ are injured.
• B - The farmer used the tractor __________ the
• F - The spy had been __________ on a secret
• C - Hieroglyphs are based on pictures and
phonics, which are the __________ of language.

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