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Manuela Senz

La liberadora del liberador The Liberator of the Liberator

One of several bio-pics for this semester

What is a bio-pic? Can you name any? What decisions have to be made in the writing and filming? What problems might arise:
for the writer for the audience

Some basic info

Born 1795 in Quito, Ecuador Her father was a Spaniard, her mother of Spanish background (criolla/creole). They were not married. Quito at this point still a part of Spain
was more French in customs and lack of strict class distinctions (French Revolution 1787-99 increasing prosperity of bourgeoisie, abolition of feudalism, weakened power of Church and Crown, lower classes more involved in sociopolitical life)

Wars between classes/ideologies

Spaniards/espaoles-peninsulares vs. Creoles/criollos

royalists / realistas

nationalists / nacionalistas (rebels)

Manuela Caizares
A probable source of inspiration: 1769-1814 Quito In 1809 she hosted a secret meeting of 38 patriots who later staged a coup d'tat in an attempt to gain independence from Spain. She went into hiding, during which time there was a trial during which she was sentenced to death. She was also deemed to be a prostitute, the usual insult levied at any woman who didnt follow the dictates of society. MS would have known of her actions.

She and her mother took refuge here. During this time she learned both the skills required of a society woman (pleasant conversation, music, embroidery, etc.) and those of a peasant (outdoor survival skills). Accompanied by her slave Jonats, she rode horses, made wooden swords and played with the slaves children.

Convento de Santa Catalina

When her mother died she was sent here. The nuns attempted to reign in her but they didnt succeed. She learned to read and write, in English and French.

MS was too rebellious and too interested in the social and political life in Quito to become a nun, so she left the convent.

She established a correspondence with a young military official and ran off with him. She was brought back and saved in the style of the day.

James Thorne
When she was 18 her parents arranged for her to marry Thorne, a British merchant 30 years older than she. They moved to Lima. Thorne was ill-humored, cold, jealous, and not appreciative of MSs independent spirit.

He introduced her to the Virrey, which gave her access to Limas high society.

She also became acquainted with the nationalists who were conspiring against the Virrey and Spain.

She began to live a double life.

Other famous female political rebels:


How Simn met Manuela

16 June 1822 following the liberation of Peru from Spain.

Gran Colombia

La maja vestida / desnuda clothed/nude

The Clothed Maja is a painting by the Spanish painter Francisco de Goya between 1798 and 1805. It is a clothed version of La maja desnuda and is exhibited next to it in the same room at the Prado Museum in Madrid.

Paita, Peru

After the death of Bolvar in 1830 she attempted suicide, then published an essay protesting the actions of those who had turned against Bolvar. In 1834 his/her enemies decided that she was too dangerous and she was given 2 weeks to leave the country. She was jailed and then sent to Jamaica. She returned to Ecuador in 1835 and the president sent her into exile in Paita. She was in poor health but remained popular. She baptized children (as long as they were named Simn or Simona). Bolvar regained a favorable reputation; she received visits from many famous people like Giuseppe Garibaldi and Herman Melville.

As a port city, Paita inundated with foreign visitors. One of them brought diphtheria....

What to watch for tonight:

El uso de los colores. La voz narrativa. Soy la sombra de MS. The use of colors. The narrative voice I am her (MSs) shadow.

Las diferentes clases sociales

The different social classes FSU

Following the movie join either the English or espaol speaking group to discuss whats on the next slide.

Discussion / Para discutir

The film ends with the following quote. What does it mean and how was this idea represented throughout the film. Do you agree with the statement? Explain. There was no Gran Colombia and no union for Latin America. We ourselves destroyed the best dream this land ever conceived. But, among so many men, a woman, Manuela Senz, reminded us that dreams are inherited. And dreams like to be eternal. La pelcula termina con la siguiente cita. Qu significa y cmo se ve representada por la pelcula? Ests de acuerdo con la cita? Explica. No ocurri la Gran Colombia. No hubo Latinoamrica unida. Nosotros mismos nos encargamos de destruir el mejor sueo que ha parido esta tierra. Pero entr tantos hombres, una mujer, Manuela Senz, nos record que los sueos se heredan y a los sueos les gustan ser eternos.

For next week

a 150 word/palabra summary of Manuela Senz written for a general audience. COUNT! If its too long, you will get an F and have to re-do it. Read the articles in the handouts. Write and answer 5 questions each about them. presentations:
1. Mara Luisa Bemberg 2.Ana Perichn, La Perichona

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