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Consumer e-Health Program

Author: Lygeia Riccardi

May 16, 2012

Engaging Patients
Patients share the responsibility for their own health care.
--AMAs Code of Medical Ethics (current)

Patients can help. We can be a second set of eyes on our medical records. I corrected the mistakes in my health record, but many patients don't understand how important it will be to have correct medical information, until the crisis hits. Better to clean it up now, not when theres time pressure. Dave deBronkart (ePatient Dave)2

ONCs Consumer e-Health Program

Action Attitude

Give consumers secure, timely access to their personal health information.

Support the development of tools and services that help consumers to take action using their electronic health information.

Support the evolution in expectations regarding access to and use of health information to engage more fully in health.

ONCs Consumer e-Health Strategy and Partnerships

Access Action


Consumer eHealth Campaign

ONC Consumer Pledge Program

Join ONCs Pledge Program!
ONCs Consumer Pledge Program is designed to support organizations that are working to empower individuals to be partners in their own health and health care.

There are two types of pledges:

1. Data holders -- Make it easier for individuals to get secure electronic access their health info (through Blue Button or Direct) and encourage them to do it. 2. Non-data holders Spread the word about the importance of getting access information, and develop tools to make that information actionable. 6

Consumer eHealth Pledge Program

250+ organizations have Pledged to provide access to personal health information for 100 million (1/3) of Americans

The Pledge Program

More than 250 organizations have taken the Pledge. Collectively, Data Holders will provide access to electronic personal health information to 100 million Americansabout a third of the population.

Pledge Program
More than 250 organizations have taken the Pledge. Collectively, they will provide access to personal health information to 100 million (1/3 of) Americans

Benefits of Pledge Program

Public recognition of consumer access to/use of information efforts Opportunities to network and partner with other organizations who share a similar goal of greater consumer engagement in health A forum to elevate issues and provide input on policy barriers/challenges for the federal government to address Input into the development of and access to materials/tools to spread the word Opportunities to exchange best practices and learn from leaders in consumer engagement

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