Visual Arts To Developt Communicative Teaching Resources

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Visual arts to develop communicative teaching resources.

Diego Lpez Tassara

In this workshop we will

promote the use of visual art in communicative tasks. integrate skills while using visual arts. provide examples of how visual arts can be used communicatively.


What should we keep in mind when preparing material ?

Teaching children and teenagers

What should we keep in mind when preparing material ? Children and teenagers are very enthusiastic and eager to learn. That is our main Teaching resource Visual arts can lead to great communicative resources It is important to develop communicative competence

There is a need to integrate skills while teaching learning

children and teenagers

What teaching resources do we normally use? Why do you use them?

. . . v=sKlAG6BxSO8

What are their powers?

Magneto once again tried to conquer the world, but the X-men defeated him

He planned to use his sentinels to destroy the city and then take over the world.

m e i c h n o ed en eat m ef X d e n h i T ga a

What did each one of them do?

Created a thunderstorm

Used his claws Used her mental powers Threw energy cards
Fired X- rays

Now, the newspaper where you work has asked you to write a report about what happened.

Last Friday afternoon .

Who are the two superheroes on the photo? What are their abilities?


What can they do?

Spider man

Who has more chances of winning a battle?

Use comparat ives

Hulk is bigger than Spiderman, but Spiderman is faster

What are they saying? v=GYXBzE-Cpec

Now, Pinky and Brain have to come up with a plan to conquer the world. Help them out First, Then, After that Finally,

How would you describe someone who owns a car like this?

How would you describe yourself? How would you not describe yourself? How do you think your personality helps you deal with

Personality types What's stressful to one person may be all in a day's work for another. The difference
appears to lie in our perceptions of various events. Mental health professionals believe personality plays a significant role in how we perceive stress. People with "Type A" personalities, for example, are rushed, ambitious, time-conscious and driven. Studies suggest these traits, if not properly managed, can create stressrelated illnesses. In contrast, the "Type B" personality is a much more relaxed, less time-conscious and driven person. Type B personalities are able to view things more adaptively. They are better able to put things into perspective, and think through how they are going to deal with situations. Consequently they tend to be less stress-prone. The Development of Personality Type But where do these differences in personality come from? A variety of social, biological, psychological and behavioral factors influence the development of our character. Scientists agree that a largely genetic personal chemistry, or in-born temperament, influences an infant to react to its environment in ways that can be assertive or shy. Such tendencies are further influenced by experiences. The combination of inheritance and experience form an individual's characteristic way of behaving, feeling and thinking his personality. Studies also show that men and women handle stress differently a difference that some scientists attribute, in part, to estrogen. This hormonal difference may also account for the fact that women are three times more likely to develop depression in response to the stress in their lives than are men. Women, unlike men, also tend to TAKEN FROM: have stronger social support networks to which they turn during times of stress. These social supports may help explain why women, in general, seem to be better able to cope with stress than men.

Now, in pairs answer the following questions

Now, think about the following characters, what are they like? How do they deal with stress?

Teaching adjectives alternative for younger learners

What kind of teaching adjective task can you think of? In pairs try to come up with a task!!!!

noisy Cute little chubby beautif ul happy loving funny fast

Jhon and Garfield

t s a p t e n e th e s e e r s l p a Us tens n o he s e i t it e d n s n U te o c e Us

Today will be a perfect day. Nothing could ruin it

Come on Garfield, today we will clean up the house, do the laundry and take Odie to the vet

Today will be a horrible day

fu e h t e e s s U ten

e r tu

What will Garfield do today? Will he have fun?

r e h t e og up t k e r o m W d co ther o n an a e l h t p wi xam e

Fernando Torres El nio

Who do you think he was inspired by to become a soccer player?

What does it take to be a good soccer player?

What I think

What I get from the video

Olivers team is playing against a tough rival next week. At concentration he and his teammates talk about what they have to do

Shoul d


Migh t

What could the tournament be about?

What is your favorite sport? Do you practise sports often? What are the benefits of practising sports?

a short video about a Olympic games Opening act

What was the theme? What resources were used? Do you think lots of people enjoyed it?

You and you partners are in charge of organizing the opening act for 2016 s Olympic games. What would you come up with? What artist would you hire to be in it? What theme would it have?

Write a short article summarizing all your ideas.

Planning Use conditionals

If we were in charge of organizing the 2016s Olympic games, we would decorate the stadium with flags from all the countries of the world. On top of that we would invite children from all countries involved and teach them a dance number with a coreography. There would be a lot of firework, too. Many actors and singers from different parts of the world would rehearse a little number in which the importance of being united is highlighted. Finally, we would have a famous singer sing a song in different languages. We think itwill be awesome.

Now, you have to present your ideas to the commitee in charge. You and your partners will have to get ready for a short presentation. Be ready to answer any questions. At the end, the whole group will choose one proposal.

Choose a superheroe and write a description of his face.

Draw the superheroes features on their faces bases on your classmate descriptions. .

Using social networks to create meaningful teaching situations Which of these do you use? Which can be used for educational purposes?

Making your own comics Comix/

Now it is your turn

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