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Trinidad Medical Aid

Delivering to your doorstep

Arundranath Mahase Kerry Wilson Nigel Garcia

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Problem Statement
A notable problem faced by morbid persons in Trinidad is the acquisition of medication on a timely manner.
Medication prescribed by public health-care institutions are not always readily available Customers are always on the hunt for medication. Long wait in lines for medication at hospitals

Inconvience in travelling to aquire medication

Solution Statement
Trinidad Medical Aid is an alternative means for aquiring medication through a delivery service straight to their doorstep in a fast and convient manner.

Trinidad Medical Aid

Persons dependent on medication can now receive a reminder when prescriptions need to be renewed. Delivery costs for persons receiving grants can be subsidized by the government. Convenience in reciving medication in a reliable and timely manner to facilitate your schedule .

Great News! Electronic Health Card system announced in the budget, to be implemented in the new fiscal year. This ensures a registry of patients accessing health services e.g. CDAP.

Comparative Advantage
Most common use
Travelling/Access Time Fees Convenient Long hours to and from location High No

Trinidad Medical Aid

Quick Moderate Yes

Trinidad Medical Aid

The Business Model Canvas Design for : Trinidad Medical Aid

Key Partners
Ministry of Health (Hospitals) Ministry of Social Development (CDAP) Pharmacies Public Health care Facilities Private Medical Institutions Group Members

Key Activities
Prompt/Efficient Delivery of Medications to customers

Value Proposition
Convenience Reliability

Customer Relationships
Loyalty Social Media

Customer Segments
Elderly Sick/Bedridden persons without transport Busy persons

Saves time and money Personal interaction Greater productivity

Key Resources
Staff/Labor Location Transportation/Vehicle Stationary cost

Delivery by car Mailboxes Internet

Cost Structure
Rent Wages Transport maintenance

Delivery charge Fuel charge

Stage 1

Registration of the key links will be completed and a database created Prototype Hospitals, Financial Institutions etc.

Stage 2
Requests are received via..

Trinidad Medical Aid

Stage 3

Trinidad Medical Aid

Problem/Solution Fit

Oral interviews were carried out by our group members at various pharmacies, medical institutions and members of our communities. From the information gathered, it was evident that a vast majority of persons welcomed the idea of a medical delivery service. Of the 40 persons interviewed, 35 said that they welcomed the idea once the fees attached were reasonable.

Trinidad Medical Aid


Trinidad Medical Aid

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